GlassFish, NetBeans, and Project Kenai at Rails Conf 2009

Did you know that ...

  • GlassFish Gem is already used in production
  • GlassFish Gem can be used to run Rails, Merb, Sinatra, and any other Rack-based framework
  • Capistrano recipes are available for starting/stopping/bouncing the server
  • With GlassFish, standard Java monitoring techniques like JMX can be used for monitoring Rails apps
  • NetBeans provide a complete development environment for Rails applications

There are many other similar nuggets that I'll be covering in my Rails Conf 2009 session. Details are given below:

Develop with pleasure, Deploy with Fun: GlassFish and NetBeans for a better Rails experience
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009, 1:50pm
Pavilion 1

Register Today and avail a 15% discount using the code: RC09FOS.

I plan to attend these sessions, lets see how many I can make And of course, you'll see me in the Exhibit Hall.

And you'll get to meet Project Kenai team, they form the foundation for Sun's connected developer experience. Read about their participation here and meet them to learn about NetBeans and Kenai integration.

And if you are interested in running with fellow attendees, follow @railsConfRunner.

And it's Vegas baby!

JRuby and GlassFish is already used in production. Do you have a success story to share ? I'll be happy to promote at RailsConf.

Technorati: conf glassfish netbeans rubyonrails kenai railsconf lasvegas jruby


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