Miles to go …

September 21, 2005

No more runs for next few weeks

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 11:42 am

No more runs for next few weeks. I got my appendicitis surgery done over the weekend and doctor recommended me for a 6-8 weeks rest before resuming my running. My family (my wife mainly) is pushing that 12-16 weeks. Such an irony, I decided last week to start preparing for an upcoming marathon and here I need to completely kill my runs :(


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September 15, 2005

Survivor Guatemala premieres tonight

Filed under: Sports — arungupta @ 10:33 am

Survivor Guatemala premieres tonight at 8pm, CBS Channel 5.

Here is an article where Jeff Probst shared some detail about the surprises on the premiere episode.

Ooooh, I love the back-stabbing, secret devious alliances and last but not the least immunity challenges. It really brings out a human being’s basic instincts of survival.

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September 14, 2005

Overhydation in Marathon training

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:47 pm

Too much fluid intake during a marathon may not be good as it may lead to hyponatremia. 1 and 2 are some simple definitions of this condition. Read this article for more details. As a runner, I always want to reach the finish line. So if you are interested in summary of the article (it’s a long article), just go to the end of the article.

USA Track & Field (national governing body for track and field, long-distance running and race walking in the United States) hydration guidelines also recommend (on the similar lines) to be "guided by your thirst" instead of "stay ahead of your thirst". Another useful article on this condition.

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September 11, 2005

The Flight That Fought Back

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:36 pm

I just finished watching "The Flight That Fought Back", a documentary by Discovery that recreates the events of the doomed Flight 93, 4 years ago. It was heart wrenching to listen to the horror stories again after 4 years and the terrible time the mothers, fathers, spouses, sisters, brothers, friends and all other family and friends must have gone through in the post 9/11 days. God bless them all.

A complete timeline of the flight is available here. The different theories behind how flight 93 crashed are explored here. This site was created 9 days after 9/11/2001 and has some really thought provoking questions. I’ve thought about a few of them myself as well. Flight 93 memorial page and United’s tribute to the heroes are some related pages. Having just watched the movie, I was able to correlate with these heroes in a more personal manner. Some caring Americans have also hosted this page to pay a tribute.

And BTW, if you missed the documentary then you can purchase the DVD here (will start shipping Oct 7th).

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10-miler yesterday

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 5:16 pm

With a 10-miler yesterday, I ran a total of 37 miles this week. I hope to run 100 miles each month for the next 6 months. But with the rainy season arriving in next couple of months, I’m slightly skeptical of reaching that target during those months. All it may mean I may not be able to run in the mornings every time or I may have to take slightly longer runs.

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September 7, 2005

Article on tempo runs

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 6:58 pm

Found a great article on tempo runs. I particularly liked the automobile analogy.

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Running Log ?

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:15 pm

I’ve decided to start logging my runs. A Google search on "running log" shows several results (that’s Google anyway). Here are a few that I glimpsed through:

  1. Fitness Journal ($$)
  2. Running-Log (free)
  3. Cool Running Log (free)
  4. RunLog by Pegasus Software ($$)
  5. Marathon Guide Log (free)
  6. Progress Log (free)

As with any concept, there are numerous realizations. I’m leaning towards #3 (Cool Running Log) for now by the sheer number of features. Here are a few questions that comes to mind:

  • Any experience with any of these logs or happen to know a better tool ?
  • Is there any catch with any of these loggers (for instance, allow to log only X number of miles) ?
  • Which one of these is feature rich ?

I’ll be researching this over next couple of weeks and post my findings later. Since there are so many logs available for free, I’m less inclined to pay any money now :)

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September 4, 2005

Gargantuan Zucchini from my backyard

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 5:07 pm

In my backyard vegetable garden (which contains tomato, watermelon, english and japanese cucumber, squash, green bell pepper, mint, zucchini, etc) there is an unusually large zucchini. Here are some photos with my son admiring a fresh one we picked yesterday.

I missed the zucchini festival in Hayward, California 2 weekends ago but will at least post my entry via email. A similar fest was also done in Vermont. There seems to be a largest Zucchini contest in Nashua (New Hampshire) on Sep 9th, 2005. There is one upcoming in Sierra Foothills, California (near Sacramento) on Sep 16th, lets if I can make that one. Although the zucchini displayed there (probably from a previous contest) seems to be bigger than mine :(

It was amazing to see the number of zucchini related festivals in this country. Of all the kids I’ve known, they would prefer to eat something else but zucchini (at least I never used to like it as a kid).

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September 3, 2005

Dilbert on Micro managers

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:58 pm

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Labor Day Run

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:53 pm

I ran 10.2 miles in 1 hr, 28 minutes, 25 seconds (8.6 min pace, kinda slow :-/) taking 16233 steps this morning.

And as I was taking my last 50 steps, I saw a familiar face on the sidewalk with his family. As I stopped on the sidewalk, I was delighted to find out that person is Joshua Bloch. I’ve seen him in the neighborhood couple of times earlier but it was great knowing that he actually lives pretty close by and then talking to him face-to-face after a long time.

I remember JavaOne 2003, when Programming Puzzlers session (TS-3738 in JavaOne 2005) was introduced (and was a super hit) and was replayed at The Argent. I was the only one attending the session and got up at the end and clapped for quite a while. IIRC through out the session I was really laughing a lot at Joshua’s Click and Hack paradigm. When I turned back to go out, Joshua was sitting two rows behind me and thanked me for watching the replay and we continued our chatting. And of course, I’ve seen him around the campus otherwise quite a few times.

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