Miles to go …

March 31, 2006

Microsoft joins JCP

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 4:48 pm

On the second anniversary of Microsoft and Sun entering into a broad technology collaboration, Microsoft exceeded expectations on this relationship when they decided to join the Java Community Process (JCP). JCP is an open and participative process to develop and revise the Java technology specifications, reference implementations and test suites. The exact details of their participation are still being worked out but they’ve already signed the Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA) and are now a member of the JCP.

Microsoft and Sun engineers have been working very closely in the recent months to ensure interoperability of enterprise features. This will ensure that Sun’s Project Tango, that will be released on and installable on Glassfish, will interoperate with Microsoft’s Windows Communication Foundation (aka Indigo) out-of-the-box. After achieving great interoperability results between the two companies in the recent plugfest (Nov ’05, Mar ’06) meets conducted at Microsoft campus, Microsoft expressed interest in participating in the JSRs relevant to their enterprise feature.

This is an extremely pleasant surprise to the entire developer community since Microsoft’s participation in the JCP will ensure that Microsoft can interoperate, not only with Sun, with the entire Java platform.

Interoperability between Microsoft and Sun products, as mentioned above, is a reality but every thing else said above is only wishful thinking since this blog is written to celebrate a special day of the year.

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Technorati: Microsoft Sun JCP Interoperability April Fool Tango Indigo Glassfish

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Project Tango @ Java One 2006

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 3:30 pm

JavaOne is 6 weeks away and I can see the momentum building up within Sun for the slideware, demoware, machines etc. As it gets closer, everything starts revolving around JavaOne. I’ve been involved with Project Tango since it’s inception and here is the list of related technical sessions and BoFs that will be presented:

Session # Title Speakers Location
TS – 5540 Making Java™ Technology-Based/.NET Web Services Interoperability Real Kirill Gavrylyuk (Microsoft)
Arun Gupta (Sun Microsystems)
Room: Esplanade 307-310
Date: 16-MAY-06
Start Time: 11:00 
TS – 4661 Composable Web Services Using Interoperable Technologies from Sun’s “Project Tango" Harold Carr, Nick Kassem (all Sun Microsystems) Room: Esplanade 307-310
Date: 16-MAY-06
Start Time: 02:00 PM 
TS – 1603 Reliable and Transacted Web Services between Java™ Technology-Based Project Tango and Microsoft Indigo Joe Fialli, Mike Grogan, Ryan Shoemaker (all Sun Microsystems) Room: North Mtg Rm 121/121/124/125
Date: 18-MAY-06
Start Time: 02:45 PM 
TS 3473 Web Services Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy, and WS-SecureConversation Using Java™ Web Services Developer Pack Venugopal K, Jayanthi Kumar, Jiandong Guo  (all Sun Microsystems) Room: North Mtg Rm
Date: 18-MAY-06
Start Time: 12:15 PM 
BOF 2477 Interoperating Using XML Web Services Security 3.0 Jiandong Guo, Janet Breur, Pat Patterson (all Sun Microsystems), Mike Jones (Microsoft) Room: Hall E 135
Date: 16-MAY-06
Start Time: 09:30 PM 
LAB 4335 Developing Interoperable Next Generation Web Services with Project GlassfishSM, Netbeans IDE & WSIT Martin Grebac, Ramesh Babu Mandava, Ana Lindstrom-Tamer (all Sun Microsystems) Wednesday, 17-MAY-06
7:20 PM
Hall E 130/131

Each of these sessions will use code samples and current products to demonstrate interoperability between Glassfish and Windows Communication Foundation. I will update the location for other bofs as I get them.

Technorati: Javaone Tango Glassfish Indigo WCF Web Services Interoperability presos  

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WS-Reliable Messaging explained

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 1:36 pm

Welcome Bhakti to blogosphere.

And quite an impressive way to start the blog by explaining the WS-Reliable Messaging protocol, defining stack and developer responsibilities in Project Tango, delivery vehicle and updates from the WCF Plugfest.

WS-Reliable Messaging source and binaries will be available on with support for Glassfish. 

Technorati: Web Services Interoperability Tango Glassfish

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March 29, 2006

WS-I Testing Tools Ant Tasks

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 6:53 pm

WS-I Testing Tools determine conformance with WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 (BP 1.1) and Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 (SSBP 1.0). The testing tools download bundle comes with two tools that facilitate the process, they are Monitor and Analyzer. The bundle comes with a command-line version of these tools but for easier integration with Ant build scripts, ant tasks for these tools is available here.

Java API for XML Web Services 2.0 (JAX-WS) is a BP 1.1 and SSBP 1.0 conformant implementation from Sun. JAX-WS 2.0 sources are available at and binaries in Glassfish.

Technorati: JAX-WS Web services Glassfish WS-I Ant

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March 21, 2006

WS-Addressing 1.0 Core and SOAP are Proposed Recommendation

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 5:24 pm

W3C WS-Addressing 1.0 Core and SOAP Binding are now Proposed Recommendation. A final stamp from W3C Advisory committee will convert this into a Recommendation.

This has been a great effort so far for me especially since I was responsible for Sun’s implementation in the CR interop testing. Marc Hadley and Pete Wenzel from Sun participated in the specification process.

Sun’s WS-Addressing implementation (Java API for XML Web Services Addressing, JAX-WSA) is available as a source on, binary in Java Web Services Developer Pack and will also be delivered in Glassfish.

Technorati: jwsdp jaxwsa Web Services WSAddressing w3c Tango glassfish interoperability

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March 20, 2006

JAX-WS 2.0 Provider-based endpoints explained!

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 8:53 am

Jitu implemented the support for Provider-based endpoints in JAX-WS RI. Without undermining the wonderful effort of JAX-WS esteemed spec leads, here is an attempt to capture a whiteboard discussion on Provider-based endpoints possible combinations that Jitu and I had last Friday afternoon.

JAX-WS 2.0 introduces interface that is an alternative to a Java service endpoint interface (SEI) based endpoint. It is used if the services need to work at the XML message level.

A Provider-based endpoint can receive data in javax.xml.transform.Source, javax.activation.DataSource or javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage formats. It can work in either payload or message mode. JAX-WS specification has a conformance requirement (Provider support required) that defines the combinations of the Provider type, the mode and SOAP/HTTP or XML/HTTP binding. Additionally, the message on the service endpoint may be received as SOAP message (does not matter 1.1 or 1.2) or a mime multipart message. The table below summarizes the requirement with all the possible combinations.



Payload Primary part or content as Source SOAP Body from the primary part or SOAP Body as Source
Message Primary part or content as Source SOAP Envelope from the primary part or SOAP Envelope as Source


Payload Not Valid [1] Not Valid [1]
Message DataSource as an object Not Valid [2]


Payload Not Valid [3] Not Valid [3]
Message Not Valid [4] SOAPMessage as an object

Provider<Source> may receive a mime multipart message or an XML message. If it is a mime multipart message, then the primary part for XML/HTTP and SOAP Envelope for SOAP/HTTP is extracted and converted to the Source for payload mode. The primary part, in the case of mime multipart message, must contain XML data for XML/HTTP binding. If it is an XML message then the content for XML/HTTP (irrespective of mode) is converted to the Source. The XML message is converted to SOAP message and SOAP Body or Envelope for SOAP/HTTP (depending upon the mode) is converted to the Source.

[1] Provider<DataSource> is used for sending attachments and thus payload mode is not valid.

[2] Provider<DataSource> in SOAP/HTTP is not valid since attachments in SOAP are sent using Provider<SOAPMessage>.

[3] Provider<SOAPMessage> in payload mode is not valid because the entire SOAPMessage is received, not just the payload which corresponds to the body of the SOAPMessage.

[4] Provider<SOAPMessage> in message mode using XML/HTTP binding is not valid since the client may have sent an XML message that may not be SOAP.

Provider<Source>-based endpoints using XML/HTTP binding allows you to develop and deploy RESTful Web services with JAX-WS 2.0. Read Marc Hadley‘s blog for more details.

I’ll provide a similar explanation on Dispatch-based clients, used to invoke RESTful Web service, in a subsequent blog.

Technorati: JAX-WS Rest Web services glassfish

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March 17, 2006

JAX-WS 2.0 Samples on Tomcat 5.5.x

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 9:14 am

Starting today’s nightly, the JAX-WS samples can be easily run on Tomcat 5.5.x. This blog tells you how to install a JAX-WS nightly build on Tomcat container and run the samples using that.

Installing JAX-WS 2.0 on Tomcat

  1. Download JAXWS_SI.jar from the nightly build and install it on your machine by giving the following command:

    java -jar JAXWS_SI.jar

    This will install JAX-WS binaries, samples, documentation and other files in jaxws-ri directory (JAXWS_HOME) in your current directory.

  2. Download and save this script (jaxwsontomcat.xml) in JAXWS_HOME directory.
  3. Please make sure CATALINA_HOME environment variable points to the directory where Tomcat is installed. Go to JAXWS_HOME directory and invoke:

    ant -f jaxwsontomcat.xml install

Running the Samples

To develop and deploy the samples on Tomcat, you need to give the following command:

ant server -Dtomcat=true

To develop and deploy the samples on Application server, you need to give the following command:

ant server

If you are familiar with the samples framework, then this is the same command as before. 

To invoke the deployed WAR file, follow the instructions from the samples documentation. All of your samples can now be deployed on Tomcat container, in addition to Sun’s Application Server.

Hope you find this useful.

Technorati: JAX-WS Tomcat jwsdp glassfish

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March 16, 2006

I am on!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:39 pm

If you’ve been reading my blogs ( and and would like to know more about me, read my front page interview at

Thanks a lot to the folks involved for giving me this space.

UPDATE: The interview is archived here.

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March 15, 2006

Handicraft paintings

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:39 pm

During my recent trip to India, I spent sometime with my sister to create handicraft paintings. It was quite an experience when we converted a raw wooden board into a beautiful piece of art. You can view them here. More importantly, I realized how computers can be so boring and creativity can be fun :)

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March 14, 2006

Sun participating in WS-Policy Interop Workshop

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 10:29 am

The authors of WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment  are hosting a 3-day interop workshop at SAP AG campus in Walldorf  on April 25-27, 2006. This is the first public notification of such a workshop around this set of specifications. We (Sun) will be participating in this workshop with our implementations of these specifications as part of Project Tango. The source code of these implementations will be available in Glassfish and binaries in the Java Web Services Developer Pack in the future.

Technorati: Web Services Interoperability Tango glassfish jwsdp wspolicy

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