Miles to go …

July 30, 2006

18.3 miles this morning

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 11:51 am

This morning’s statistics ..

Distance: 18.3 miles
Time: 2:42:17
Pace: 9:11:02
Start time: 6:55am

Personal longest distance.

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July 27, 2006

Marathon Pace Band

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:26 pm

Found Marathon Pace Band to help maintain my pace and also achieve marathon goal time.

Click on "Pace Band" link in the window and it will launch a pop-up window. Make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser or at least selectively enable them for this website. Enter marathon goal time (hours, minutes and seconds) in the left side and click on "Create Pace Band". This fills up an HTML table on the right with 27 rows (1 row each for 26 miles and last row for 0.2 mile) . The left column indicates the number of miles covered (static) and the right column indicates the time that should have elapsed to achieve your goal (populated based upon your goal). This table can be cut along the border, water proofed and wrapped around the wrist during the marathon.

I expect it to be a handy tool as it will provide feedback on whether I’m running ahead or behind the goal.

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July 26, 2006

Change of Blog Title

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 11:56 am

I changed the title of my blog from "Arun Gupta’s Weblog" to "Miles to go …" today mainly because of 536.3 miles I need to run in the next 3 months while getting ready for Silicon Valley Marathon.

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July 25, 2006

Vegetarian and Marathon Training

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 5:29 pm

An interesting read for vegetarian friends training for a marathon.

I’ve been on a completely vegetarian diet for the past few weeks and cant feel a difference.

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July 23, 2006

Uphill run this morning

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 7:52 pm

Today’s running target was 16 miles but Sawyer Camp Trail closure for today (probably due to high fire hazard) and high temperatures in the valley cut my run down to 10 miles. This particular trail has mile markers all through out and is almost 85% shaded. I thought it would be perfect for a long run and also trying out my new Nike Pegasus. But then after talking to some fellow runners, found another shaded trail in the Wunderlich Park. This park offers numerous trails and mostly shaded which was definitely required for the hot temperatures today.

I did a full loop of The Alambique Trail (5.1 mile one way) and it was fun. The more enjoying part was the fact that I could run all the way to the top at Skyline Boulevard and then of course came running down. Took me 2:03:41 (12:22/mile pace, aargh) and burned 1937 calories. The pace was definitely slow but I enjoyed running uphill.

Here is the detailed training calendar until today:

"0.043275462962963" SDNUM="1033;0;HH:MM:SS">01:02:19
Silicon Valley Marathon 2006 Running Schedule
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total

Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Pace Weight
1/May 29th 4.5 4.5 00:39:17 4.5 4.5 00:39:12 4.5 4.5 00:39:11 4.5 00:38:46 4.5 4.5 00:37:49 18 22.5 00:08:38 179
2/Jun 5th 4.5 00:37:43 4.5 7 01:00:13 4.5 4.5 00:36:43 4.5 00:45:00 4.5 7 01:01:46 9 01:25:34 7 25 32 00:08:49 178
3/Jun 12th 4.5 7 01:02:09 4.5 7 01:00:56 4.5 3.5 00:29:16 4.5 4.5 00:39:09 4.5 7 01:00:55 10 10.5 01:32:32 32.5 39.5 00:08:44 177
4/Jun 19th 3.5 3.5 00:31:19 7 7 01:01:26 4.5 4.5 7 00:59:07 7 7 00:58:45 10 36.5 24.5 00:08:36 176
5/Jun 26th 3.5 12 01:49:13 7 4.5 7 00:57:42 3.5 7 00:59:15 7 12.2 01:48:53 12 37.5 38.2 00:08:46 175
6/Jul 3rd 3.5 9 01:17:13 7 17.6 01:22:13 4.5 7 00:59:49 3.5 11.5 01:43:58 7 3.5 00:46:13 9 01:23:29 14 7 39.5 47 00:08:54 173
7/Jul 10th 3.5 4.5 00:44:27 7 7 00:59:27 4.5 7 01:01:04 3.5 7 7 00:55:57 15 02:19:03 16 41.5 40.5 00:08:53 171
13/Jul 17th 3.5 7 01:01:06 7 5 00:43:11 4.5 3.5 7 00:55:42 7 8 01:11:57 16 10 02:03:41 41.5 37 00:09:37 169
14/Jul 24th 3.5 7 4.5 3.5 7 16 41.5
15/Aug 7th 3.5 7 4.5 3.5 7 10 35.5
16/Aug 14th
COLOR="#A3B8CB" SDVAL="3.5" SDNUM="1033;">3.5
7 4.5 3.5 7 20 45.5
17/Aug 21st 7 4.5 3.5 7 16 38
18/Aug 28th 7 4.5 3.5 7 20 42
14/Sep 4th 7 4.5 3.5 7 7 10 39
15/Sep 11th 3.5 7 4.5 3.5 7
COLOR="#C69200" SDNUM="1033;0;HH:MM:SS">
7 10 42.5
16/Sep 18th 3.5 7 4.5 3.5 7 24 49.5
17/Sep 25th 7 4.5 3.5 7 7 14 43
18/Oct 2nd 7 4.5 3.5 7 26 48
19/Oct 9th 7 4.5 3.5 7 3.5 14 39.5
20/Oct 16th 3.5 5 4.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 10 34.5
21/Oct 23rd 4 5 4 2 2 3 27 47

Total 47 47.5 07:03:10 131 50.6 06:07:26 94 33.5 04:43:51 76 41.5 06:41:23 132 44 06:34:44 31 49.7 07:35:45 306.5 32 05:16:21 817.5 281.2 00:08:52
536.3 Miles to go
Rancho PG&E
Wunderlich Park

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Polar F11 status report

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 7:26 pm

I’m using recently bought Polar F11 for past 3 weeks and have no major complaints so far. Today I transferred daily files from previous days to Polar Personal Trainer using Polar Weblink (ver Sonic Link.

The instructions along with Polar Weblink are detailed. After starting the software and configuring the network settings, I tried connecting to the network kept getting the error "Connection failed … an unknown error happened during connection!". I finally disconnected my VPN and then could see the "Listen" button. A more meaningful error here definitely would have helped. But googling (yep, that’s one of the newest verb in dictionary) for solution gave me pointers to Australian Polar Forum.

The display of heart rate as absolute and %HRmax tells you about the training zone. I like the fact that I can change HR limits during the run to meet my requirements but have not tried this feature yet. Here is my wish list so far:

  1. Distance logging would make it a complete runner’s paradise.
  2. F11 does not give the feel of a sports watch. There are definitely brighter colors than Red Chili and Black.
  3. Why data is stored for 12 days ? I would’ve rather had it for 14 days so that data can be uploaded on a bi-weekly basis.
  4. There is no way to export the data from the website. This would allow me process the data and populate my training calendar at a click of button.

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July 14, 2006

RESOLVED: WSIT and WCF Jun CTP Interop Bug

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 5:44 pm

Taking on from previous post …

Even though the list of breaking changes from Feb CTP to Vista Beta 2 and Vista Beta 2 to Jun CTP are documented. The list is missing a "minor" detail of changing the WS-Addressing 1.0 WSDL Binding namespace from (same as SOAP Binding namespace) to (WSDL Binding CR namespace). As a result a user reported interop problems between Jun CTP and WSIT.

I updated the namespace for WS-Addressing WSDL Binding in WSIT this morning. After deploying one of the JAX-WSA unit tests and invoking svcutil.exe to generate proxy, got the following warning:

Warning: The optional WSDL extension element 'UsingAddressing' from namespace '' was not handled.
XPath: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='']/wsdl:binding[@name='wsaTestPortTypeBindingAddressingRequired']

Seems like this CTP completely ignores a standard W3C extension element to indicate WS-Addressing on a binding/port. It generated the proxy correctly but of course the client did not send expected WS-Addressing headers and thus the endpoint faulted appropriately. Anyway, I specified UsingAddressing within a policy assertion, regenerated the proxy and invoked the client. The server returned the response correctly and CTP client displayed the response in console.

WSIT is now again interoperating with Jun CTP.

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WSIT and WCF Jun CTP Interop Bug

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 5:24 pm

One of WSIT user reported an issue with WCF June CTP in WSIT user forums. And thus I tried installing the latest CTP from Microsoft. But as always, there are different runtime and SDKs floating on the website (dejavu). Lets see which one are required. 

The runtime components can be downloaded from here. There is a separate link for .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components Beta2 for Windows XP + SP2. But similar runtime components for Jun CTP are available for Windows XP only, no SP2. This is confusing but I took "Jun CTP" in the link name as the main indicator and hoped it was just a typo. Plug and Pray and yep, that was the correct runtime component.

The Windows SDK can be downloaded from here. If I click on 3rd bullet to download Windows SDK, then this is SDK for Beta2 of Vista and WinFX Runtime Components. This seemed incorrect but I still tried installing it and hoping it was a typo as in the previous case. But nope, not this time. Related Resources on the runtime website finally showed a link to the correct Windows SDK.

Why cant the runtime and SDK be published together in a consistent manner ? Once again, here is the correct runtime and SDK that gives you the functionality of Jun CTP.

Now I can get back to my work. 

BTW, The svcutil version is 3.0.4219.0.

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Free AJAX Codecamp

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 2:36 pm

Sang Shin is starting a FREE 10-week "AJAX Programming" online course from August 4th, 2006. This course is for anyone who wants to learn AJAX for the first time or increase their knowledge on AJAX.  In this 10-week course, students learn basic concept of AJAX as well as how to use various AJAX frameworks and toolkits such as Dojo toolkit, jMaki, Google Web Toolkit, and AJAX-fied JavaServer Faces (JSF) components.

More details are available here.

The only thing you have to do in order to register for the course is sending an blank email to .

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July 6, 2006

11.5 miles this morning

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 9:21 am

I’m trying to make best use of July break by running some extra long distances. 11.5 miles this morning was just superb. The run up Saratoga was definitely great but Quito Road had no shoulder for significant part so I don’t think I’m going to repeat this route again.

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