Miles to go …

October 31, 2006

Another Web services stack comparison

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 11:49 am

Another Web services stack comparison at JBoss wiki and GlassFish is looking really good. Read more details about the feature support here.

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Silicon Valley Marathon 2006 Training Calendar

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 7:22 am

I’m recovering well after the marathon. My complete training calendar is below. I’ll be happy to take any advise on altering my schedule to accommodate a faster pace for the next race.

Silicon Valley Marathon 2006 Running Schedule
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Time Exp Act Pace Weight
1/May 29th             4.5 4.5 00:39:17 4.5 4.5 00:39:12 4.5 4.5 00:39:11   4.5 00:38:46 4.5 4.5 00:37:49 18 22.5 00:08:38 179
2/Jun 5th   4.5 00:37:43 4.5 7 01:00:13 4.5 4.5 00:36:43 4.5   00:45:00 4.5 7 01:01:46   9 01:25:34 7     25 32 00:08:49
3/Jun 12th 4.5 7 01:02:09 4.5 7 01:00:56 4.5 3.5 00:29:16 4.5 4.5 00:39:09 4.5 7 01:00:55       10 10.5 01:32:32 32.5 39.5 00:08:44 177
4/Jun 19th 3.5 3.5 00:31:19 7 7 01:01:26 4.5     4.5 7 00:59:07 7 7 00:58:45       10     36.5 24.5 00:08:36 176
5/Jun 26th 3.5 12 01:49:13 7     4.5 7 00:57:42 3.5 7 00:59:15 7       12.2 01:48:53 12     37.5 38.2 00:08:46 175
6/Jul 3rd 3.5 9 01:17:13 7 17.6 01:22:13 4.5 7 00:59:49 3.5 11.5 01:43:58 7 3.5 00:46:13   9 01:23:29 14 7 01:02:19 39.5 47 00:08:5
7/Jul 10th 3.5 4.5 00:44:27 7 7 00:59:27 4.5 7 01:01:04 3.5     7 7 00:55:57   15 02:19:03 16     41.5 40.5 00:08:53 171
13/Jul 17th 3.5 7 01:01:06 7 5 00:43:11 4.5     3.5 7 00:55:42 7 8 01:11:57       16 10 02:03:41 41.5 37 00:09:37 169
14/Jul 24th 3.5 5 00:42:24 7 7 00:59:37 4.5 7 00:59:25 3.5   00:20:04 7 8 01:06:39       16 18.3 02:42:17 41.5 45.3 00:08:37 168
15/Jul 31st       7 7 00:54:03 4.5 7 00:55:11 3.5 7 00:54:31 7 7 00:55:06   9 01:13:32 10     32 37 00:07:56
="167" SDNUM="1033;">167
15/Aug 7th 3.5 7 00:54:47 7     4.5 7 00:54:43 3.5   00:25:05 7       19 02:39:48 10     35.5 33 00:08:10 167
16/Aug 14th 3.5     7 7 00:55:44 4.5 7 00:54:11 3.5 5 00:38:42 7       7 00:55:36 20     45.5 26 00:07:51  
17/Aug 21st   7 00:55:48 7     4.5     3.5     7           16     38 7 00:07:58  
18/Aug 28th       7     4.5     3.5     7 7 00:58:42   4 00:33:42 20     42 11 00:08:24  
14/Sep 4th   15 02:05:05 7     4.5 7 00:57:52 3.5     7     7     10     39 22 00:08:19  
15/Sep 11th 3.5 7 00:58:59 7     4.5 7 00:57:54 3.5     7 5 00:41:27 7     10 18.5 02:43:06 42.5 37.5 00:08:34  
16/Sep 18th 3.5     7 7 00:55:31 4.5     3.5 5 00:40:22 7       20 02:56:45 18     43.5 32 00:08:31  
17/Sep 25th       7 4 00:31:41 4.5 3.5 00:29:49 3.5 10 00:30:08 7     7 22 03:27:18 10     39 29.5 00:09:07  
18/Oct 2nd       7 7 00:56:07 4.5 3.5 00:28:22 3.5     7           26 21 03:06:01 48 31.5 00:08:35  
19/Oct 9th       7     4.5 5 00:39:56 3.5     7 7 00:56:15 3.5 13.5 01:57:26 14     39.5 25.5 00:08:23  
20/Oct 16th 3.5     5 5 00:40:33 4.5 3.5 00:30:59 3.5 3.5 00:27:03 4.5     3.5     10 9 01:22:29 34.5 21 00:08:57  
21/Oct 23rd 4     5 3.5 00:30:32 4     2 3.5 00:27:05 2     3     27 26.2 04:06:57 47 33.2 00:09:02 163
Total 47 88.5 12:40:13 138 98.1 12:31:14 98.5 91 12:32:13 79.5 75.5 11:04:23 139 78 11:12:53 31 144.2 21:19:52 306.5 125 19:17:11 839.5 672.7 00:09:01  
166.8   Miles to go                                          
    Rancho PG&E                                          
    Wunderlich Park                                          

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October 30, 2006

Marathon and GlassFish Community

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:35 pm
As I mentioned earlier, running a marathon is all about community. So I decided to show my support for GlassFish community by hand painting my running shirt on the day before marathon. My dad helped me trace it and then I painted it. Learn more about GlassFish and it’s community. Get Started, Get Involved and participate in the Roadmap discussion.

Read about community awards given for participation in GlassFish community. And you can read about some great testimonials, again from the community, here. Oracle, BEA, JBoss, SAP and Tmax Soft are partners fostering the community spirit. Also read about how GlassFish works with a host of application frameworks, applications, tools etc. available in the community.

Check the complete flickr slideshow of me wearing this tee-shirt.

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Completed my first marathon

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 12:33 pm

4 hours, 6 minutes, 57 seconds and a pace of 9:25/mile.

This is what it took me finish the Metro Silicon Valley marathon, my first one. Almost 7 minutes behind my targeted goal but a PR. A hamstring pull on mile 18 & 23 completely slowed me down.  The complete results are available here. I read somewhere "After running a marathon, the only thing that does not hurt is your pride" and I fully realized that yesterday. The fastest male was 2:42:40 and the female was 3:07:25.

This was not possible without all the wishes from family and friends. Especially Sanjay, Satish, Dhiru and kids Ankit, Shubhankar, Vaibhav, Varun and Prateek who all ran along the last mile with me and those who could not support me as front runners. And of course the faithful and constant support of my wife and son for the 5 months of practice. I’m here because of this support system and now it’s time to payback morning time to family (which I’ve not been able to do recently because of early morning runs),  for at least next few weeks until I begin my training again for the next marathon.

Watch a 23 second video clip of run with them here. The kids were really enthusiastic and enjoyed running along. Check out the flickr slideshow.

Although there were volunteers scattered through out the trail but the race manifested into normal trail running at several places. At quite a few places there were more bikers and dogs and no spectators making you feel lonely on the track. I was also disappointed that there was no coverage in print edition San Jose Mercury News this morning but here is an online version.

I learnt the following lessons from the race:

  • Practice more hill runs as the hillocks towards the end were hitting hard
  • More cross-training to develop over-all body strength
  • Not sure, but loose some more weight to keep chugging along towards the end

Over all, I’m happy with my performance and learned lessons to improve upon next time.

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October 28, 2006

Marathon and Community

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:18 pm

I got the first feel of fellow runners marathon this morning when I was at Stanford University School of Medicine Hospital helping Dr. Suzanne Miller in a study on "The Effect of Endurance Exercise on the Cardiac Function of Recreational versus Professional Athletes". Read more about the study here. In approx an hour at the hospital, the following tests were conducted:

  • Spoonful blood sample
  • Height/Weigth/BMI
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Heart rate variability
  • Heart Echocardiogram

The results of the study will be published in a medical journal and the results of personal heart tests (claimed to be worth thousand of dollars) will be made available.

"It’s all about Community" said the Director of marathon on the radio yesterday. 3500 registered runners from all over the country, 800 marathoners, The Health Trust, Hilton, NBC 11, ASHA, KLIV and a multitude of sponsors and charities shows community involvement. 

My next blog will be after the run and will talk more about community.

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October 27, 2006

Why WS-Addressing ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 3:03 pm

I’ve been asked this question multiple times and so finally decided to convert an internal presentation that into an external document.

Why WS-Addressing ? describes the different use cases served by WS-Addressing and explains the two commonly used versions.

JAX-WS 2.1 RI EA2 was recently released and supports W3C and Member Submission WS-Addressing. A more recent version of this RI is integrated in WSIT which is then integrated in GlassFish 2 days ago. Read about WS-Addressing support in JAX-WS 2.1 RI here.

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October 25, 2006

Running first marathon this weekend

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 4:49 pm
  • 21 weeks of training
  • Approx 640 miles of practice runs
  • Average pace of 8:35

After all this, I’m in the last week of taper down and now ready for my first marathon on the coming weekend (10/29 to be precise). Reading this article (Marathon Smarts on Runners World) has an all together different meaning now. This article gives race day tips from experienced marathoners. Most of the tips would seem natural but it’s definitely worth reading again during the last days of training.

For family and friends, and anybody else interested in running along last miles:

The race course and the viewing map is here. The map gives the complete route and lookout areas.

The race starts at 7am PT. This is also the day when daylight saving ends, so the clocks move back by an hour. Going by the experience of my long practice runs, and if I don’t hit a wall, I plan to cross mile 20 around 10am and hopefully the finish the marathon in less than 4 hours (9:10 pace). My longest practice run has been 22 miles with a 9:25 pace but I’ve done slightly shorter runs with better pace. So this seems like a stretch goal but I hope to meet this goal with your wishes.

If you plan to run last miles with me, as some of you have told, you are most welcome. I may offload my sweat shirt to you if I’m feeling hot or may ask for an additional sip of water, so be prepared :) The weekend weather looks reasonable and I hope it’s an overcast for the first few miles.

You can read about my marathon practice and running related blogs here.

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October 23, 2006

JAX-WS 2.1 EA2 and WS-Addressing

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:22 pm

JAX-WS 2.1 EA2, with new features and better quality, is out. Read Vivek’s message about the announcement and the list of features.

I’d like to highlight Users Guide that has been updated with an explanation for all the newly added features. I added a new section on WS-Addressing support in the RI. Rama published a blog on Support for WS-Addressing in JAX-WS 2.1 RI EA1 4 weeks ago. Based upon internal and external feedback, we’ve simplified the way WS-Addressing support is enabled starting from Java. This blog highlights those changes and provides a quick overview of the new WS-Addressing features.

1. Enabling WS-Addressing

The code to enable WS-Addressing in EA1 (given below):

public class MyWebService { ... }

is now replaced with the following code in EA2:

public class MyWebService { ... }

Similarly, specifying parameters to WS-Addressing feature is simplified. The code to enable WS-Addressing with required parameter true value in EA1 (given below):

                                            @FeatureParameter(name=AddressingFeature.IS_REQUIRED, value="true")
public class MyWebService { ... }

is now replaced with the following code in EA2:

@javax.jws.WebService, required=true)
public class MyWebService { ... }

2. Explicit enabling/disabling

WS-Addressing can be explicitly enabled or disabled on the client irrespective of what the service endpoint WSDL advertises. The use case is when the client does WS-Addressing processing in the Dispatch client or via handlers. Another use case is when the client need to perform non-anonymous ReplyTo/FaultTo processing.

3. Support for wsaw:Anonymous  

W3C WS-Addressing WSDL Binding defines wsaw:Anonymous element to define assertions regarding a requirement or a constraint in the use of anonymous URI in EPRs sent to the endpoint. The syntax and semantics defined by the spec are now supported from both the client- and server-side.


This JAX-WS 2.1 EA2 is tested with GlassFish v2 b22. A more recent build is already integrated in WSIT and will soon be integrated in GlassFish. 

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October 19, 2006

JAX-WS 2.1, WS-Addressing, WSIT and GlassFish

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 10:52 pm

JAX-WS 2.1 RI replaced JAX-WS 2.0.1 and JAX-WSA 1.0 EA2 in WSIT approximately 2 weeks ago. This is where I’ve been spending most of my time during the past few weeks. With this change, WSIT is now using WS-Addressing functionality natively provided in JAX-WS 2.1 RI is used instead of relying upon a pluggable JAX-WSA 1.0 EA2. This approach has several benefits as outlined earlier. A complete description of JAX-WS roadmap will help you understand the difference between the different version numbers.

Starting with GlassFish b22, this version of WSIT is also integrated in GlassFish. So, if you download GlassFish you get WSIT, JAX-WS 2.1 and all other great stuff. This is the very first integration of JAX-WS 2.1 RI in GlassFish and most of the functionality is working. I encourage you to download GlassFish b22 and give us feedback on how we can make it better for you.

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Interop Plugfest: Behind the curtains

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 2:29 pm

Read Jorgen‘s interview on The Server Side about how the Interop plugfests at Microsoft are arranged. There is full section talking about WSIT and WCF interoperability towards the end of the interview. As mentioned in my previous plugfest reports (1, 2, 3), we have incrementally achieved a very good level of interoperability with Microsoft. And this is also evident (Green and Yellow is good) in the slide used at Microsoft tracking WS-* adoption in the industry.

WSIT technologies are available in GlassFish.

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