Miles to go …

February 28, 2007

Screencast #WS4: How to install WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:00 am

NetBeans 5.5.1 IDE Beta was released earlier this week. Along with it, the WSIT plug-in modules were released as part of Update Center. So now if you want to install WSIT plug-in in NetBeans, you no longer have to manually download the modules and then install them. This screencast shows you how to install the WSIT plug-in on NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 using Update Center.

Enjoy it here.

Technorati: Web services NetBeans GlassFish WSIT JAX-WS screencast

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jMaki, Phobos, Grizzly, and Toplink Essentials Aggregator

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 12:00 am

I built some more aggregators (mashing up feeds from Bloglines, Findory, Google Blog Search, Technorati, IceRocket) and here is the complete list:

Aggregator Search Term
Sun WSIT Bloggers All Sun WSIT Bloggers
GlassFish in Blogosphere glassfish
jMaki Aggregator jmaki
Phobos Aggregator phobos + scripting
Grizzly Aggregator grizzly + glassfish
Toplink Essentials Aggregator toplink + essentials

UPDATE: Found this great Yahoo! Pipes video tutorials.

Technorati: WSIT GlassFish YahooPipes Blogs jMaki Phobos Grizzly Toplink Essentials

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February 27, 2007

Which version of WSIT, GlassFish, NetBeans and Plug-in ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 11:27 am

WSIT bits are already integrated in GlassFish v2. So if you download GlassFish v2 then you have all the WSIT functionality available to you. If you are interested in a bleeding edge build, then you can download a nightly build (untested builds) and  install it on top of an existing GlassFish installation. If you are interested in a slightly  stable build, then you can download the  promoted build as we perform limited testing on these builds. And then there are milestone builds which are tested on multiple platforms with a full verification of WSIT plugin, tutorial, samples, and interop tests.

WSIT Milestone 3 was released last week. The table below provides a combination of tools, plug-in and builds that is known to work:

WSIT Build GlassFish v2 NetBeans NetBeans WSIT Plugin
Latest Latest 5.5.1 IDE Latest
Milestone 3 b33c 5.5.1 IDE Tools–>Update Center
Milestone 2 b15 5.5 IDE 1.13
Milestone 1 b08 5.5 IDE 1.41

Or to keep it really simple, you can download latest GlassFish v2 promoted build (WSIT already integrated) and NetBeans Enterprise Pack 5.5.1 (WSIT plug-ins already included, select NetBeans version and "Daily" build, click "Continue", and then select "Enterprise Pack" row at the top).

Happy WSITing!

Technorati: WSIT GlassFish NetBeans Configuration

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WSIT Blog Aggregator

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Following up from previous blog, I cloned the GlassFish Pipe to create a new pipe that aggregate feeds from Sun WSIT bloggers. Instead of searching different blog engines, as in GlassFish pipe, this is an aggregate of all the feeds produced by the WSIT team at Sun. You can subscribe to the RSS feed of this pipe to view all the entries from the WSIT engineering team.

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February 26, 2007

GlassFish in Blogosphere Pipe

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 3:42 pm

Ashutosh created a Yahoo Pipe for WSIT to track WSIT-related blogs. This is useful as I don’t need to search through multiple sites to find out the information. This is useful stuff so I created a new GlassFish Pipe to track GlassFish blog traffic by mashing up feeds from Bloglines, Technorati, Google Blogsearch, Findory, and IceRocket. If you want to create your own pipe, start here. An easier way to start is to clone the GlassFish pipe and change the parameters.

Yahoo Pipes is a free online interactive feed aggregator that allows to create data mashups.

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Sun-internal jMaki Day Review

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Last Friday jMaki team, at Sun Microsystems, arranged a jMaki Day for Sun-internal audience. The day was planned to introduce the technology and explains it’s nuts and bolts with hands-on experience. Even though nobody outside Sun could attend it, but all the presos and lab material is available here. 

The morning sessions gave an overview of jMaki and included: 

  • Sun, Web 2.0 and jMaki by Arun Gupta (me)
  • Introduction to jMaki by Carla Mott
  • Phobos and jMaki by Roberto Chinnici
  • jMaki Tooling: State of Union 2007 by Ludovic Champenois
  • jMaki State of Union 2007 by Greg Murray

The afternoon was BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) hands-on-labs and discussion with the team. It included:

  • jMaki Applications – Doris Chen
  • jMaki Recipe for building Web 2.0 Apps – Carla Mott
  • Mashing it up with jMaki – Greg Murray

The slides for the morning session and hands-on-labs are available. Here are some pictures:

Greg Murray



Carla Mott

Roberto Chinnici

Doris helping with mic

Ludovic Champenois

Greg Murray





You can get a flavor of these sessions and labs at Sun Tech Days. 

You can also view a collection of samples (run or download them) put together by Sun’s Web 2.0 team. You can also look for a collection of jMaki samples here. All of these samples can be run on GlassFish.

Here are some important jMaki links:

  • Value proposition
  • Overall framework architecture and features
  • Basic Application Structure
  • Creating jMaki widgets

Please send any feedback on slides and hands-on-labs to .

Technorati: jmaki ajax netbeans glassfish presos

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February 25, 2007

Week 2 Mileage

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 11:05 am

Mon: Rest
Tue: 3.5 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: Rain
Fri: 5 miles
Sat: 7 miles
Sun: Rain

The goal, for next 2 weeks, is to build up mileage gradually and then start hill runs. I’ll definitely need lots of hill runs this time and that’s why starting early. For that, Rancho is my friend. I found a great tool that calculates route distance and elevation for any possible route at Rancho so this is going to be handy.

And if you are planning to register for San Francisco Marathon, 3rd tier is sold out as well. The current registration rate is $100, as opposed to $75, $85 & $95 in the previous tiers, and expires on 4/7/7.

Technorati: running training fitness runninglog runningtool runsfm rancho

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February 24, 2007

Ask The Experts next Week for JAX WS

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 5:59 pm

If you are new to Web services and would like to know how to write a simple Web service; or if you are a veteran and would like to know performance tuning tips on JAX-WS. Please scratch your head and ask your mind for any questions on anything JAX-WS (2.0 or 2.1) because next week is an open invitation to ask Vivek, Kohsuke and Jitu, representation of Sun’s JAX-WS engineering team. JAX-WS team is waiting for your questions and will enjoy answering them.

Although the campaign is scheduled for Feb 26 – Mar 2 but I realize you can already submit questions here.

JAX-WS 2.1 bits are available as part of GlassFish v2.

Technorati: JAX-WS Web services GlassFish

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Thunderbird keyboard shortcuts

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:38 pm

If you use Thunderbird and is a keyboard-heavy user (like me), as opposed to mouse-heavy, then you’d like to know about Thunderbird keyboard shortcuts. I’ve been particularly interested in "Move to Search Bar" which takes you to the search box on top-right corner of Thunderbird. It can be accessed by "Ctrl + K". In Firefox, I’ve been using Ctrl+E for this functionality but that means "Edit as New" in Thunderbird. I immediately tried "Ctrl+K" in Firefox and that of course took me to the search bar as well.

Other than that, I already use the following shortcuts in Thunderbird:

New Message: Ctrl + M
Send Message Now: Ctrl + Enter
Reply to Message: Ctrl + R
Reply to All in Message: Ctrl + Shift + R
Increase/Decrease Font size: Ctrl +/-
Get New Message for Current Account: Ctrl+T
Save Message As File: Ctrl+S

Some more shortcuts I learned are:

Move to next mail Pane: F6
Toggle Message Pane: F8

Then there are other fairly intuitive shortcuts. The only other shortcut that I’m missing now is "Change the Search Criteria" in Search Bar. Does anybody know ? Even Firefox does not have this shortcut.

"Move to Search Bar" is my most favorite and heavily used feature in Thunderbird and Firefox. What is yours ?

Technorati: thunderbird keyboardshortcuts firefox

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Sun Microsystems Silver Jubilee

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:11 am

Sun Microsystems was incorporated on Feb 24th, 1982 – exactly 25 years ago today.

The company name was founded by Andy Bechtolsheim, Scott McNealy, Vinod Khosla, Bill Joy. It’s name is derived from the initials Stanford University Network as two (Scott McNealy & Vinod Khosla) of the original founders were fellow Stanford graduate students. Even the logo was designed by a professor Vaughan Pratt, also of Stanford University. Check out company history on how we have changed the world, for better, in last 25 years. Read "ONCE GIVEN UP FOR DEAD, SUN IS SEEING A NEW ERA DAWN OF PROFIT, GROWTH" that appeared on Mercury News yesterday.

I’m proud to be a Sun employee. Congratulations to each and every employee!

UPDATE: Found this compelling story through Linda

UPDATE2: Found some more interesting links:
  • Sun at 25: Where are the founders now?
  • Sun @ 25: What Comes Next? (Part 1 – Interview with John Gage, Part II – Sun Sticks to its Original Mission)
  • 25 Years of Innovation

Technorati: Sun 25years

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