Miles to go …

March 30, 2007

Search engine in Firefox and Favicon

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:36 am

Two minor updates to my blog today:

  • Following the instructions, I created a search plug-in for TheAquarium and my blog. So if you are viewing this blog in Firefox (and other browsers that support Open Search Description Format) and click on the search bar, then you’ll see an option to add both the search engines. Alternatively, you can also drop this file in searchplugins directory of Firefox and it will show up after restarting the browser. Use this file for adding my blog search engine. I still need to debug why correct images are not showing up when Firefox auto discover the engines and the page is bookmarked.
  • Following the instructions, created a Favicon for my blog. So now whenever you visit my blog in a browser (tested in Firefox), a small image appears at the front of the URL area. This same image is also visible as an icon in the tab title.

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March 29, 2007

Web Services Security Blogs

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 5:09 pm

Manveen works on XML Web Services and Security and is now blogging. Welcome to the blogosphere! She has already posted three entries this week:

  • XWSS on Maven
  • On configuring Glassfish keystores
  • Converting an existing webservice to one using the JSR109 deployment model

Here are some other entries published by Web Services Security team recently:

  • Disabling InclusivePrefixList in XWSS (Ashutosh, Mar 27)

  • Disabling InclusivePrefixList in WSIT (Venu, Mar 20)

  • Configuring Timestamp verification in WSIT through policy assertions (Ashutosh, Mar 13)

  • Develop WSTrust Application Using NetBeans (Shyam, Mar 13)

All these entries, along with rest of WSIT entries, can be viewed through the WSIT aggregated pipe.

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Screencast #SWDP1: How to download, install, and get started with Sun Web Developer Pack ?

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 9:43 am

Sun Web Developer Pack (SWDP) was released 2 weeks ago. This is a new toolkit from Sun that allows you to build your next generation Web applications using Ajax technologies with Project jMaki & Project Dynamic Faces, light-weight Web services with Atom / REST APIs / WADL and server side scripting with Project Phobos and deploy them on industry-grade containers like GlassFish. This screencast shows you the download options, how to install and get started (including NetBeans plug-in installation) with SWDP.

Enjoy it here!

Thanks to Ana for helping me script the screencast.

And feel free to leave a comment on the blog or ask questions on SWDP Forum.

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March 27, 2007

Week 6 Mileage

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Mon: 3.5 miles
Tue: 3.0 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: None
Sat: 5 miles
Sun: 8 miles

I could not run on Friday because The Venetian charges $35 for their fitness center usage. Happy running and reading the following links:

  • Be a smart eater – 20 simple swaps that will cut fat and calories from your diet, boost nutrition, and make you a better runner
  • 9 ways to loose flab
  • The Perfect Form – Running better, from head to toe.
  • Can hill running make you faster ?

I forgot my Polar F11 at The Venetian last week. Luckily they found it, after multiple reminders, and called me over the weekend to inform they have sent it to me. I’m waiting …

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March 26, 2007

Week 5 Mileage

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 8:45 pm

Mon: 3.5 miles
Tue: 3.5 miles
Wed: 7 miles
Thu: Rest
Fri: None
Sat: Traveling
Sun: Traveling

Low mileage and no hill runs yet!

Happy running and reading the following links:

  • The Runners Diet
  • Run Off 5 Pounds

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March 24, 2007

Day 3 @ The Server Side Java Symposium

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 9:49 pm

In the opening keynote of last day (Day 1 & Day 2) of TheServerSide Java Symposium, Joe asked the following questions, to an audience of approx 500 Java developers, receiving instant feedback.

How  satisfied are you with Sun ?

Very satisfied  20%
Somewhat satisfied  48%
Neutral  23%
Somewhat dissatisfied  6%
Very dissatisfied  3%

How important is that a tool or library be open source ?

Death to closed source!  9%
Definitely prefer open source  61%
I don’t care  16%
Being open help s a little  11%
Open source people are communities  3%

Which of the following best describes your company ?

We are an open source producer  4%
We use open source but don’t contribute to it  69%
We produce open source and proprietary software  19%
We don’t have anything to do with open source  11%

I attended 2 more talks on Writing Big Apps with Google Web Toolkit and Scripting API in Java SE 6 that day and left around right after lunch to catch my flight back home.

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March 23, 2007

Day 2 @ The Server Side Java Symposium

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 10:40 am

In the opening keynote of Day 2 (Day 1), Joe Ottinger, Editor-in-chief of TheServerSide, asked the following questions, to an audience of approx 500 Java developers, receiving instant feedback using little handy devices on each attendees table. As with any surveys, the data may be skewed because of multiple reasons (not all participating, voting twice, pressing the wrong key etc). But here are the questions and their answers:

Which languages do you use most often ?

I could not capture the exact percentage but the priority order is listed below. This being a Java conference, the percentage for Java developers is well expected.

Java  80%
Visual Basic  

Which version of JavaEE API do you use ?

1.2 1%
1.3  4%
1.4  45%
5 36%
None 13%
1.1 1%

How do you call Remote services ?

RMI 21%
SOAP 46%
Other 17%
None 10%

I gave a talk on JAX-WS and WSIT: Tangoing with .NET yesterday and it went well. The two demos in the talk are also available as screencast in #ws1 and #ws3. I always leave time for Q&A and this time the discussions were way after the session was over. And I like it that way :) The key message is WSIT, available in GlassFish v2, gives you first-class interoperability with Microsoft .NET 3.0 framework and comes with fully integrated development experience in NetBeans 5.5.1 IDE.

I enjoyed a panel discussion on "Open Source Business Panel" and there were representatives from Alfresco, JBoss, SpikeSource, LifeRay, Interface21. The monetization model for all the participating companies was by selling professional services, technical support and training. Sun Java System Application Server (product version of GlassFish v2) offer training, services and support. Read Ed Ort’s detailed summary of the session here.

I spent the afternoon with Joe Ottinger, Editor-in-chief of, deploying a trivial deployment-descriptor-free Web service on GlassFish v2. Basically we used the instructions as I described in an earlier entry. He was using GlassFish v2 b33 and was not able to get it working. On my laptop, with v2 b39, the service deployed easily. And even with b33 it worked. Anyway, Joe is going to install a fresh copy of b33 and try it. He also gave some good feedback in terms of how should be structured. We are already working on cleaning up the website and you’ll see the changes in the weeks to come.

I spent the evening walking on the strip and took bunch of pictures.


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Day 1 @ The Server Side Java Symposium

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 9:50 am

I’ve been in Las Vegas for past 2 days attending The Server Side Java Symposium. Sun is the only platinum sponsor.

The conference is at The Venetian, one of the nicest hotels on the strip, but found two irritating issues for working people:

  • Using fitness center facilities require you to pay $35/day charge. That is ridiculous to me. They anyway charge fortune for the room so why this extra fee ? I used the facility yesterday without knowing the charge but found out about the charge as there were folks lined up on the "reservation desk" for the fitness center. I’ve never seen that for a fitness center in a hotel.
  • There are no power connections on the office table. There is a personalized fax machine but I’d rather have a power connection to make it convenient.

TheServerSide sponsored the travel and lodging and check out the pictures of the suite, it’s pretty cool!


I missed the opening keynote by Karen Tegan Padir but heard it went well. Later that day, I attended a session by Ben Galbraith and Dion Alamer (co-founders of Ajaxian) on "State of Ajax".

The session started by asking "Does anyone here not know how to do Ajax ?". There were few hands raised and so the session started by creating a simple HTML form that takes a zip code and returns the corresponding city using XMLHttpRequest without any page refresh. Then the talk explained three main Ajaxian architectures:

  • Return data (JSON / XML) – Smart clients, parse XML and JSON and populate the front end.
  • Return HTML (responseText + innerHTML) – Slightly dumb client, just shows the results as is.
  • Return JavaScript (eval) – Really dumb client, invoke the script sent by server.

The talk identified Google Maps, Google Suggest, Housingmaps,  TaDaList as Ajax innovators. In my opinion, Google Suggest was really the first effort that showed Ajax-like interactions.

Ben and Dion divided JavaScript in two camps: "JavaScript is Good" and "JavaScript is Bad". jMaki was classified in the first camp, Google Web Toolkit in the second camp and Direct Web Remoting in partly both the camps. Project Phobos was also classified in "JavaScript is Good" camp as it enables server-side scripting. Ben will be uploading a new video on jMaki showing Craig’s list mashup so stay tuned for that.

Prototype, Scriptaculous and Dojo were rated as the most popular toolkits in a survey conducted last year on Ajaxian. The speakers classified Dojo as "Huge Elephant of JavaScript" with support for offline storage, presentation, remoting, charts and many other features.

IntelliJ IDEA 6.0 and NetBeans 5.5 for development and FireBug for debugging were the recommended tools. Then there were few slides on offline storage, especially the upcoming capabilities in Firefox 3 (off-line cache, off-line events, persistent cache), package and Adobe Apollo with offline flash. There was a brief mention of Project Tamarin that will provide approx 10 times faster JavaScript runtime and this will be integrated in a later version of Firefox. And the talk concluded by giving a future slide including topics such as off-line Ajax, fast JavaScript interpreters, HTML 5 and others.

A complete Day 1 report is available here. Ed Ort also posted notes.

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Day 2 @ Ajax World – Part 2

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 9:38 am

Following from previous entry, I spent rest of my day at Sun pod showing various demos and talking to users. The evening was fun with a 2-hour cruise trip.


The boat was shaking a lot so I could not get any good pictures of the New York City skyline or Statue of Liberty. But it was nice spending time with other friends.

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March 20, 2007

Day 2 at Ajax World

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 12:02 pm

After spending the evening at Times Square yesterday, I rolled early in the bed to attend the morning keynote at 7:30am. And I had to run before that :) So I attended three sessions before the Expo Floor opened.

Like yesterday, the opening keynote, scheduled for 7:30am, started at 7:45am. I’ve a 10am flight tomorrow morning so with this consistent delayed start, I might have to miss the keynote tomorrow although I’d very much like to attend it.

Jeremy said even though folks have been using Ajax-like technologies for years but without Google Maps and GMail, we wouldn’t be in this room, not so many and not so fired up. There were approximately 300 people for this 7:30am session. This is nothing compared to JavaOne keynote which typically has between 8000 to 12000 people in the keynote but the overall attendance of this conference itself is around 800. So in terms of percentage, it’s still decent.

The opening keynote was by Bret Taylor who founded and led Google Maps. He showed 5 lines of code to integrate Google Maps in a website and another 8 lines of code to integrate Google Search. The point was that it is really easy to work with Ajax, especially as compared with SOAP/WSDL stack. Then he explained some of the techniques used behind Google Maps and GMail to solve some of the common problems of Ajax.

Per him, the main reason that triggered the explosive growth of Ajax is that most of the major browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera) agreed to deal with DOM, XHR, hash/anchor encoding and such similar techniques that enable Ajax in a consistent manner. He then explained how technology/browsers are evolving, on a daily basis, to make it a more pleasant experience.

The second session was "Inside the U.S. Air Force: How AJAX Is Improving Communications and Quality of Life" – a joint talk by Tony Tran & Peggy Rackstraw. Tony Tran, Vice President of Roundarch who build the employee portal for Air Force explained how Air Force is adopting Ajax/RIA. Tony showed samples, using before and after comparison of clicks and page refreshes, of how adding RIA to the Air Force portal increased productivity of the employees by making the website easier to use. After a good success in their first phase, they worked with Laszlo systems to solve their distributed email system (higher TCO, multiple email servers/domains, basic editing capabilities) and IM within the team and friends & families. Then Peggy from Laszlo Systems demoed "Deployed Life" which had initial problems with Firefox but then worked with IE. IM was cool because it allowed a drag-and-drop of pictures/videos from your local machine.

The third session was "Enterprise Ajax Using Java" by Greg Murray. The talk was about newly launched Sun Web Developer Pack and how jMaki provides an extensible framework to develop your Ajax applications. The talk was full of demos making it more real. I talk about SWDP and jMaki on my blog anyway, so won’t dwell in details here. And now I’m sitting at Sun pod.

At Sun pod, we are showing jMaki Charting, Theming, Glue, Mashups along with other cool features, Grizzly Comet demo, Phobos CRUD generator, RESTful Web services API and lots of other stuff. All of these technologies are available in recently released Sun Web Developer Pack that can be run on top of GlassFish v2. Come by and talk to us.


Tonight is Ajax on Hudson and I’m looking forward to that.

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