Miles to go …

June 30, 2007

23.3 miles this morning – 5th long run

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 4:37 pm

3hours, 41 min, 16 secs – Approx 9 minutes extra than my last run. I ran exactly the same route as last time, but I developed a shooting pain in right abdomen around mile 19 which slowed m down. I’m still not able to figure what caused the pain cause I was going with a steady pace, drinking fluids and ate a bar too. I had a good night sleep and yesterday’s dinner was nothing special. But 9 minutes is a BIG difference :(

This is the 5th long run (23.3, 18.8, 18.5, 17 so far) getting ready for the race. I’ll do Rancho next weekend and then my last big run in 2 weekends from today and then taper down.

Miles to go …

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June 29, 2007

Screencast #WS6: Eclipse Europa and GlassFish

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 3:14 pm

Eclipse 3.3 (codename Europa) was released earlier today. As mentioned earlier, we have an exciting news for GlassFish developers!

Starting today, Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers has the capability to register GlassFish V1, V2 and V3 containers from within the IDE. It supports web application directory deployment and has a fully integrated debugger.  Ludo published detail instructions on how to configure Eclipse 3.3 for GlassFish, deploy a Web project and debug a JSP. You can also watch the same steps in this screen cast with an additional detail on how to deploy a JAX-WS compliant Web service on GlassFish using Eclipse IDE.

Enjoy it here!

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Eclipse Europa is now live!

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 6:34 am

As reported earlier, Eclipse Europa was scheduled to launch at Jun 29th, 6am PT. I decided to get up early (I’m a morning person anyway) and watch the countdown.

And it was indeed a countdown on At 6:10am PT, Europa went live!

Congratulations to the Eclipse community for yet another timed release. Europa has a download targeted for Java EE developers

It seems like all the changes in website have not propagated yet because when I click on "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" then I get a 404:

I guess, it’s still some more wait! And then I’ll work on making this release useful for GlassFish developers!

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Video Footage of San Francisco Marathon

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 12:02 am

15,000 runners will be running the "Coolest Summer Marathon" – San Francisco Marathon – in exactly a month from today. After 4 more weeks, all my training will be put to use.

Watch the entire course of full marathon in the video footage that follows a group of runners, led by Dean Karnazes (the ultra marathon man).

Part 1

Part 2


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June 28, 2007

Eclipse Europa

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 10:22 pm

Eclipse Europa is launching tomorrow and we have an exciting news for you.

Stay tuned …

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WS-I and WSIT – What’s the difference ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 3:41 pm

Before I explain the differences between WS-I and WSIT, let me point out the similarities:

  • They both are working to achieve interoperability of Web services
  • The first three letters in their short name stand for the exact same words "Web Services Interoperability"

And that’s where the similarity ends, now the differences.

  WSIT (Web Services Interoperability Technology) WS-I
Goal An open source product-quality implementation of key enterprise Web services technologies, commonly known as WS-*, from Sun Microsystems and is targeted to achieve interoperability with Microsoft .NET 3.0 framework. An industry organization to promote Web services interoperability across platforms, operating systems and programming languages.
Focus Interoperability between Metro (where WSIT is a key component) and Microsoft .NET 3.0 framework Vendor-neutral and produce profiles that contains clarifications on existing specifications to promote interoperability
Specifications Provides an implementation of WS-Metadata Exchange, WS-Transfer, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-Reliable Messaging Policy WS-Atomic Transaction, WS-Coordination, WS-Security 1.0 and 1.1, WS-Security Policy, WS-Trust, WS-Secure Conversation, WS-Policy, WS-Policy Attachment interoperable with .NET 3.0 Only use recommendations approved by standards bodies such as W3C and OASIS. Currently available profiles from WS-I cover only WS-Security 1.0 from the different specifications implemented by WSIT. There is a WG charter to profile OASIS WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-Secure Conversation that is already running late.
Owner Sun Microsystems WS-I, A non-profit corporation registered in New York.
Audience Sun and Microsoft customers Web service stack providers and End user companies
Deliverable Implementation of key WS-* specifications integrated in GlassFish V2 Application Server Profiles, Sample Applications and Testing Tools
Membership Free and Open Source, Join and Participate today! Contributing Member must pay $2000 annually, Standards Development Organization may become Associate Member.

As is evident from the table even though both WS-I and WSIT working towards Web services interoperability, there are clear differences between them.

Sun is a current Board Member of WS-I and has actively participated in the production of Basic Profile 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2, Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0, Attachments Profile 1.0, Basic Security Profile 1.0, Sample Applications Use Cases, Architecture, Scenarios and Implementation 1.0, Attachment Profile Usage Scenario 1.0, SAML Token Profile 1.0, REL Token Profile 1.0, Kerberos Token Profile 1.0. As the specifications supported by WSIT are endorsed by standards bodies in future, WS-I may decide to profile them as well.

The WSIT bits are integrated in GlassFish V2 and comes with a seamless integration with NetBeans IDE. WSIT is built as an extension to JAX-WS RI that provides a Core web services implementation compliant with several of the profiles mentioned above.

WSIT and JAX-WS are the two key components of Metro – the Web services stack in GlassFish. That gives you the best of both world – a product-quality implementation of WS-* specifications and compliance with industry-standard profiles.

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June 27, 2007

Yet Another Microsoft Interop Plugfest

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 4:52 pm

Microsoft announced a 3-day Web services interoperability plugfest from Jul 10-12, 2007. At Sun Microsystems, we love to Tango with Windows Communication Foundation component of .NET 3.0 framework and so we’ll be participating using GlassFish V2. This may be the last plugfest before GlassFish V2 is released later this year.

As in earlier events, attendees implement a set of pre-defined scenarios based on WS-* specs using their Web services stack. They participate with implementation on their laptops and interoperate using their client and Microsoft endpoint and vice versa.

The set of scenarios are based on the following specifications:

  • Basic Messaging Scenarios using protocols: SOAP1.1, SOAP1.2, WS-Addressing 2004/08 and 2005/10, MTOM
  • Message Security Scenarios using WS-Security 1.0, WS-Security 1.1, WS Secure Conversation 2005/02, WS-Trust 2005/02, Username Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), X509 Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), SAML Token Profile (1.0, 1.1), Kerberos Token Profile 1.1.
  • STS – Security Token Service scenarios
  • Reliable Messaging using WS-ReliableMessaging v1.0 (2005/02)
  • Transactions using WS-AtomicTransaction v1.0 (2004/10) and WS-Coordination v1.0 (2004/10)
  • WS-Policy v1.2 (2004/09) and WS-Metadata Exchange (2004/09) are included in several scenarios
  • Windows CardSpace scenarios

Microsoft is also looking for interop testing with pre-release version of .NET Framework 3.5 (codename Orcas) with the following versions of specifications:

  • Message Security Scenarios using WS Secure Conversation v1.3 (2005/12), WS-Trust v1.3 (2005/12)
  • RX – Reliable Messaging using WS-Reliable Messaging v1.1 (2007/02)
  • Transactions using WS-Atomic Transaction v1.1 (2006/06) and WS-Coordination v1.1 (2006/06)
  • WS-Policy v1.5

We run the interop tests regularly with our builds. The results for Tango M5 milestone build shows details for each technology.

Microsoft still need to work out some kinks before the real work can begin:

  • The plugfest schedule still seem to be dated March
  • Not all the scenarios and endpoints as mentioned in the announcement are available
  • Invite logistics page is giving a 404
  • Not all the endpoints are up, atleast RM endpoints are down. Anyway, the endpoints have been down at multiple instances (here, here, here, here and probably other times too!).

But we are still going to participate :) Sun’s participation in the previous plugfests can be followed here.

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June 25, 2007

Why GlassFish over JBoss ?

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:02 am

A lively discussion happened on GlassFish Forums where a user asked for pros/cons for GlassFish vs JBoss. A community user explained his reasons to choose GlassFish over JBoss. Here are they key points:

  1. Admin GUI and CLI alone are true differentiators.
  2. Java EE5 with EJB3 is much better to work with and GlassFish is JavaEE5 compatible, of course it’s the Reference Implementation as well.
  3. Seamless integration with NetBeans.
  4. Solid and consolidated documentation.

Some other quotes are:

  • "overall GF is just plain easier to use and that’s my major pain point."
  • "The new clustering looks spectacular"
  • "GF is really a joy to work with and we haven’t had any major problem using it"
  • "you will be up to speed and productive more quickly on GF than JBoss, and just as important, you will stay that way"
  • "because of JEE 5, EJB3, and the JPA, and leveraging that technology, our applications run better, and are easier to maintain. GF is not the sole perveyor of such technology, but the combination and integration of the whole thing: GF, NB, EJB3, and the low learning curve and overall ease of use makes the entire package a "performance win" for our apps as is"
  • "The best part is the server is handling more and more of the stuff we need to do and we have to work around it less and less."

And if these are not enough for you to choose GlassFish, here is a more detailed list of Why Use GlassFish ?.

And we see GlassFish as "GlassFish is WebLogic Features and Performance at JBoss’s price" except we are shooting for better Features and Performance than WebLogic!

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June 24, 2007

Week 19 Mileage – 5 more weeks

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 3:06 pm

Mon: Rest
Tue: 7 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: Rest
Sat: Rest
Sun: 12 miles

Here are the good reads of this time:

  • Your ‘Fast-Twitch’ Switch – Learn about how Slow-twitch and IIa and IIb Fast-twitch fibers workouts in your training mix will make you stronger in everything from 5-K to the marathon.
  • Take Your Running on Vacation – Tips and Tricks to make sure you get your run during your next vacation.
  • Design Your Running Diet – Foods that leave one runner strong may leave another one depleted. Here’s how to find what works best for you.
  • Fast Food Fixes – Knowing what to eat – and when – can take your training to the next level. Here are common mistakes and easy solutions.

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June 23, 2007

Audio and Transcript for TS-4865

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Audio and transcript synchronized with the slides for JavaOne 2007 session TS-4865 (Takes two to Tango: Java Web Services and .NET Interoperability) is now available. Read a review of the session by an attendee.

WSIT is now part of Project Metro and is integrated in GlassFish V2.

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