Miles to go …

July 10, 2007

Taj Mahal – Indeed a Wonderful monument

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:02 am
The New 7 Wonders of the World went around the world visiting 21 different monuments and buildings (narrowed down from 77 candidates) and announced the new 7 wonders of the world. The results in no particular order are: The Great Wall, China; Petra, Jordan; Christ Redeemer, Brazil; Machu Pichu, Peru; Chichen Itza, Mexico; The Roman Colosseum, Italy; The Taj Mahal, India.

Interestingly, the team visited Taj Mahal on Dec 5th, 2006 and we happen to be there on Nov 11th. Enjoy a slideshow of some more pictures of this beautiful piece of architecture.

Technorati: tajmahal nc7w 7wonders

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