Miles to go …

July 9, 2007

Week 21 Mileage – 3 more weeks

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 9:38 am

Mon: 7 miles
Tue: Rest
Wed: 7 miles
Thu: Rest
Fri: Rest
Sat: 12 miles
Sun: Rest

Here are good reads of this time:

  • The Best Grocery List of All Time - From almonds to yogurt, here are 15 items that should be in every runner’s shopping cart – and why.
  • Fat Chat – Is fat good for you – or bad ? Answer: Both. And neither.
  • Should your sports drink contain protein ? – Carbs + protein = Great post-run meal. But what happens when you ingest some protein during exercise? Well, then the formula gets trickier. Amby Burfoot explains why.
  • The Famous Comrades Marathon – Fifty-five brutal miles. Five torturous climbs. A ruthless clock. The Comrades Marathon may be the world’s greatest race.

I’ll have my last long run next week and then taper down.

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Related posts:
  1. Week 20 Mileage – 4 more weeks
  2. Week 22 Mileage – 2 more weeks and taper down
  3. Week 18 Mileage – 6 more weeks
  4. Week 19 Mileage – 5 more weeks
  5. Week 1 Mileage – Low mileage last week


  1. Ran the Comrades back in 1990 – only 8000 runners then. Amazing race and am thinking about a second in 2008! Maybe we will see you there?

    Comment by Al — July 11, 2007 @ 7:01 am

  2. Al, glad to know somebody who actually ran comrades. See my picture on the top-right corner and I’ll be wearing a shirt with my name on it. Good luck and see you there!

    Comment by Arun — July 11, 2007 @ 9:27 am

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