Miles to go …

January 27, 2009

GlassFish in CEUI and Campus Party

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:45 pm

As reported earlier, Alan Vargas, the Sun Campus Ambassador at CEUI (Centro Universitario de Ixltahuaca) presented on GlassFish. The message of “GlassFish v2 – Fast, Easy, and Reliable” and “GlassFish v3 – Modular, Embeddable, and Extensible” was clearly delivered in the talk.

Alan has published several useful blogs on GlassFish (in Spanish and English) recently:

  • Plática de Glassfish en CEUI (GlassFish chat in CEUI)
  • Historia de Glassfish (History of GlassFish)
  • Qué es Glassfish? (What is GlassFish ?)
  • Running Glassfish v2 UR2 on Windows 7
  • Corriendo Glassfish v2 UR2 en Windows 7

The slides from his talk are available here. Here are some pictures from the talk:

The complete album is available here. Thanks to Alan Vargas for delivering a GlassFish talk!

Ronaldo Pass talked about GlassFish at the recently concluded Campus Party Brazil 2009. This is claimed to be biggest party of the Internet world in Brazil :) An attendance of over 6655, sort of, vouch for that! More details on Campus Party in the wikipedia entry.

There is a Campus Party community at OSUM, join here. Enjoy the images posted by the community on Flickr and videos @ YouTube.

Thanks to Ronaldo Pass for spreading the GlassFish wealth!

Please drop a comment on this blog if you have talked about GlassFish in your school/university/training. If you’d like to talk about it then provides a comprehensive list of material (slides, demos, etc.) to get you started!

Technorati: glassfish students spotlight brazil mexico

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Related posts:
  1. GlassFish @ University of Essex and Frankfurt – Go Campus Ambassadors!
  2. GlassFish @ Manipal Institute of Technology, India – Go Campus Ambassadors!
  3. LOTD #18: Campus Ambassadors presenting on GlassFish – France & India
  4. GlassFish setup for 120 programmers in University of Copenhagen
  5. OSUM – Open Source University Meetup – awesome venue for students!

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