Miles to go …

March 4, 2009

FREE GlassFish Bootcamp – Mar 10, 2009, Santa Clara

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 5:00 am

Would you like to learn how to run your web apps on GlassFish – be they Java EE or Rails or Grails ?
How to manage/monitor them using the powerful web-based console and asadmin CLI ?
How to create SOAP-based or RESTful Web services and host them on GlassFish ?
How to setup GlassFish Clustering/High Availability and enable session-replication for your web apps ?
How to migrate your apps from other application servers to GlassFish ?

The GlassFish team is conducting a free bootcamp in Sun’s Santa Clara campus on Mar 10, 2009. This will be a mix of presentations and hands-on-lab where you’ll gather all the practical knowledge and tips and tricks for your applications. A tentative agenda is:

  • GlassFish Overview (Preso)
  • Management and Monitoring (Preso + Hands On)
  • Web Services: SOAP + REST (Preso + Hands On)
  • Lunch w/ GlassFish Enterpise Team (Preso)
  • Dynamic Langauges and Frameworks (Preso + Hands On)
  • High Availability/Clustering/Load Balancing (Preso + Hands On)
  • Migration to GlassFish (Preso)

The complete details including agenda, venue, and invite are available here.

You’ll also get a chance to engage with the GlassFish team as well.

So bring your laptops and get ready to learn!

And did I  mention free as in “free beer” ? And food and drinks will be served as well :)

Register here!

UPDATE: The camp is sold out. If you are interested in attending a future boot camp, please drop a comment on this blog.

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Related posts:
  1. JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish Bootcamp – San Francisco, May 19/20, 2009
  2. Pictures from GlassFish v3 Launch Party @ Santa Clara, California – Dec 16, 2009
  3. GlassFish Workshop at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee – Mar 20, 2009
  4. GlassFish 3.1 Clustering Deep Dive – FREE Webinar on Mar 15, 10am PT
  5. Disability Meet 2010 at Santa Clara Swim Center – Really Humbling Lesson


  1. Can you post or upload the presentations to Sun Learning Exchange once the bootcamp is done?

    Would be great to share the content with the world.


    Comment by Dave Pickens — March 5, 2009 @ 8:35 am

  2. Yes, we’ll share the slides. The hands-on lab sessions will be for the attendees only though.

    Comment by Arun Gupta — March 5, 2009 @ 11:18 am

  3. [Trackback] The GlassFish Boot Camp conducted in Sun’s Santa Clara Campus on Mar 10, 2009 was well appreciated by the attendees. There were 30 of them engaged with 14 speakers over 8 hours in 7 fast-paced sessions – overall a…

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — March 12, 2009 @ 5:48 am

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