Miles to go …

June 30, 2009

FISL 2009 Wrapup – 3 talks, 1 talk show, 14 blogs, 10 videos, 275 pics, 2 GlassFish production stories

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 4:00 am

FISL 2009 wrapped up over the weekend. Even though the conference officially ended on Saturday but the connections made there will certainly allow us to continue all the great momentum. The conference celebrates open source and it was certainly great to see Federal Government and Banks with their booths in the exhibitor halls. The visit by Brazilian President Lula certainly highlights the importance of this conference to the local community. There were booths from Debian, Firefox, Ubuntu and other major open source softwares. Some commercial vendors had a booth as well and of course Sun Microsystems had a big presence with GlassFish, Open Solaris, NetBeans, MySQL and other offerings.

I delivered 3 talks and participated in 1 talk show:

  • Java EE 6 (slides) & Enterprise Features of GlassFish (slides)
  • Creating powerful web applications using GlassFish, MySQL and NetBeans/Eclipse slides
  • Continuous Integration using Hudson (slides)
  • Simon Phipps Talk Show

This blog featured 14 blogs, 10 videos, 275 pictures and 2 GlassFish production stories over the past week. The collage is created from some of the pictures:

FISL 2009 Collage (click to see larger version)

Click on the collage to see a larger version. The complete photo album is available at:

A playlist of all the 10 videos is below:

And now all the 14 blog entries …

  • GlassFish Swimming to FISL, Brazil
  • Javali 2009 Trip Report
  • FISL 2009 Day 1 Report
  • Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me
  • Running inside Parque Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre
  • Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me
  • FISL Day 2 in Pictures & Videos
  • in Brazil picked GlassFish over JBoss – Find out why!
  • Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me
  • Digital TV-based Banking using GlassFish, NetBeans and MySQL – Ginga community in Brazil
  • FISL 2009 Day 3 in Pictures & Videos
  • Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me
  • FISL 2009 Day 4 in Pictures
  • Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me

Over all, thoroughly enjoyed the Brazilian spirit and looking forward to next visit!

Many thanks to the Sun Brazil team, especially Bruno Souza, Mauricio Leal, Eduardo Lima, Vitorio Sassi and other Campus Ambassadors!

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June 28, 2009

Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 7:00 am

The picture was taken at FISL 10, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Any guess who’s behind the camera ?

Similar blog entries are here.

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June 27, 2009

FISL 2009 Day 4 in Pictures

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 1:12 pm

Continuing from Day 1, 2 and 3 …

And the complete album:

Now looking forward to head back home!

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Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 6:00 am

The picture was taken at FISL 10, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Any guess who’s behind the camera ?

Similar blog entries are here.

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FISL 2009 Day 3 in Pictures & Videos

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 2:00 am

Continuing from Day 1 and 2 …

I participated in Simon Phipps Talk Show on GlassFish and that was fun :) The usual points:

  • ~50% of the projects currently target GlassFish and that the number jumps to 73% when only counting new projects (according to Ohloh reports)
  • Best price/performance, First to be Java EE 5 compliance and Most downloaded application server
  • The GlassFish download numbers are much higher than JBoss.
  • Brazilian community loves GlassFish over JBoss

Somebody in audience has been using GlassFish for past one year and very happy with it’s performance.

I also delivered the Hudson talk on behalf of Fabiane Nardon. Hudson is an open source Continuous Integration system that is highly extensible and has a very healthy ecosystem around it. The slides are available here and can also be viewed below:

Hudson at FISL 2009
View more presentations from Arun Gupta.

Now pics from the day …

The Brazilian President Lula visited the pavilion but I left early so never got to see him ;-)

The speaker’s dinner at 35CTG Churrascaria was nothing special but there were some real good live performances made the whole thing worthwhile. Enjoy it below:

And the evolving album:

See you in couple of hours at the last day of FISL and then finally head back to home :)

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June 26, 2009

Digital TV-based Banking using GlassFish, NetBeans and MySQL – Ginga community in Brazil

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 4:00 pm

Learn how GlassFish and NetBeans helped Ginga community to build a TV Banking application in Brazil. See a live demo of the product, it’s really exciting!

Why GlassFish ? – They love how NetBeans tooling completely hides the complexity of what’s happening underneath and the ease-of-use with GlassFish.

Thanks Hugo Lavalle for the interview and good luck with your product!

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Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 12:00 pm

The picture was taken at FISL 10, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Any guess who’s behind the camera ?

Similar blog entries are here.

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  • Slashdot in Brazil picked GlassFish – Find out why!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 8:00 am

Vinicius Senger, founder of Globalcode – a Java training/consulting company in Brazil, is running on GlassFish.

He is a Java EE architect, consultant, trainer, and do Java EE related research as well. He is a JSF 2 Expert Group member, find NetBeans and GlassFish integration amazing and feels its getting better all the time. He runs on GlassFish. The reasons to pick GlassFish:

  • Much easier to install
  • Easy to manage (data sources, EJBs, redeployments) using web-based administration console
  • Don’t use clustering today but know it’s another good feature

He is seeing lot of Brazilian companies and developers moving to GlassFish because it’s

  • Faster
  • More modular
  • Faster redeployment
  • Better integration with NetBeans/Eclipse

Hear the short interview recorded at FISL earlier this week:

A formal production story will be published soon as well. Thanks Vinicius for the interview!

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FISL Day 2 in Pictures & Videos

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:07 am

Continuing from FISL Day 1 …

Here is a video of the ever excited Brazilian community for soccer balls in the pavilion:

If you didn’t get a soccer ball, come by at the Sun booth tomorrow and make sure to practice like the folks below:

The day ended with a nice soccer match between Internacional and LDU Quito from Ecuador at Beira Rio stadium. Feel the enthusiasm in the video below:

We kept waiting for Internacional to score but guess it was not there day and they lost 1-0 :(

On to Day 3 in couple of hours ….

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June 25, 2009

Porto Alegre – I shoot you, you shoot me

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 9:00 am

The picture was taken at FISL 10, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Any guess who’s behind the camera ?

Similar blog entries are here.

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