Miles to go …

October 20, 2009

Comparing GlassFish and JBoss: Helping you decide!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 10:29 am
The majority of developers building Java applications will find that the GlassFish application server offers distinct advantages compared with JBoss. This paper summarizes the features and capabilities that make GlassFish a superior choice for building, deploying, and managing enterprise-class Java applications and Web services.

Here are some other recently published GlassFish white papers:

  • The GlassFish Advantage for Small Businesses
  • A Guide to Cost Savings with the Sun GlassFish Portfolio
  • Getting Started in the Cloud with the Sun GlassFish Portfolio
  • Strategies for Leveraging Leading Application Server Technologies Alongside Open Source
  • Deploying Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 For High Availability and Scalability
  • Developing Software Collaboratively with Hudson
  • Java EE 6 Overview
  • Turbo Charge your AMP Deployments with GlassFish Web Stack
  • First Steps to Develop and Deploy Ruby on Rails Applications with GlassFish

A list of white papers & webinars published earlier this year is available here. An updated list is always available in the Resources section of GlassFish Portfolio.

Technorati: glassfish jboss whitepaper

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Related posts:
  1. Why GlassFish over JBoss ?
  2. Which Java EE 6 App Server ? – JBoss 6.0 or GlassFish 3.x
  3. GlassFish Whitepapers and Webcasts
  4. JAX-WS on JBoss
  5. TOTD # 77: Running Seam examples with GlassFish

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