Miles to go …

December 1, 2009

Java EE 6 specifications approved by JCP – GlassFish v3 & TCK coming soon!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 5:00 pm

The Java EE 6 and all other related specifications are now approved by the Java Community Process. Here are the votes cast by different JCP Executive Committee members.

And here is the complete list of specifications in the platform:

  • Java EE 6 (JSR 316)
    • Platform
    • Java EE 6 Web Profile
    • Managed Beans 1.0
  • New Specifications
    • Context and Dependency Injection for Java EE (JSR 299)
    • Bean Validation (JSR 303)
    • Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR 311)
    • Dependency Injection for Java (JSR 330)
  • Major Updates
    • Java Server Faces 2.0 (JSR 314)
    • Java Servlets 3.0 (JSR 315)
    • Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317)
    • Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 & Interceptors 1.1 (JSR 318)
    • Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 (JSR 322)
  • Minor Updates
    • Java API for XML-based Web Services 2.2 (JSR 224)
    • Java API for XML Binding 2.2 (JSR 222)
    • Web Services Metadata MR3 (JSR 181)
    • JSP 2.2/EL 2.2 (JSR 245)
    • Web Services for Java EE 1.3 (JSR 109)
    • Common Annotations 1.1 (JSR 250)
    • Java Authorization Contract for Containers 1.3 (JSR 115)
    • Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers 1.0 (JSR 196)
  • As is
    • JDBC 3.0 API
    • Java Naming and Directory Interface 1.2
    • Java Message Service 1.1
    • Java Transaction API 1.1
    • Java Transaction Service 1.0
    • JavaMail API Specification 1.4
    • JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1
    • Java API for XML Processing 1.3
    • Java API for XML-based RPC 1.1
    • SOAP with Attachments API for Java 1.3
    • Java API for XML Registries 1.0
    • Java EE Management Specification 1.1 (JSR 77)
    • Java EE Deployment Specification 1.2 (JSR 88)
    • Java Management Extensions 1.2
    • Java Authentication and Authorization Service 1.0
    • Debugging Support for Other Languages (JSR 45)
    • Standard Tag Library for JSP 1.2 (JSR 52)
    • Streaming API for XML 1.0 (JSR 173)

The complete list is also available in the Appendix section of the platform specification.

Here is the list of specifications in Web Profile 1.0:

  • Java Servlets 3.0
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2
  • Expression Language (EL) 2.2
  • Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0
  • Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages 1.2
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0
  • Common Annotations for Java Platform 1.1
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 Lite
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1
  • Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0
  • Bean Validation 1.0
  • Managed Beans 1.0
  • Interceptors 1.1
  • Context & Dependency Injection for Java EE 1.0
  • Dependency Injection for Java 1.0

Java EE 6 is an extreme makeover of the platform making it much more powerful, takes the ease-of-use momentum created by Java EE 5 to the next step, and also adds flexibility and extensibility to the platform. See other javaee related posts.

The compliant stack in GlassFish v3 & TCK will be released soon!

Technorati: javaee glassfish v3 jcp

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Related posts:
  1. QA#2: Java EE 6: Integrated specifications, simple and annotation driven, next level of industry standard – by Markus Eisele
  2. JavaOne India 2011, May 10/11, Hyderabad – Java EE and GlassFish sessions
  3. JavaOne India 2011, May 10/11, Hyderabad – Java EE and GlassFish sessions
  4. TOTD #129: Managed Beans 1.0 in Java EE 6 – What and How ?
  5. 2-day Java EE 6 & GlassFish workshops in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary – Register now!


  1. [Trackback] #Java EE 6 is now a JCP standard – #GlassFish v3 coming soon!

    Comment by jstansel — December 2, 2009 @ 6:05 am

  2. [Trackback] EJB 3.1과 Servlet 3.0, javax.inject 등이 포함된 Java EE 6가 곧 세상 밖으로~

    Comment by rath's me2DAY — December 3, 2009 @ 7:13 pm

  3. As with GlassFish v2.1, this release played two roles: it was a public, no-fee, release, and it was also a commercial patch for earlier versions in the GlassFish v2 family. GlassFish v2.1.1 is, thus, also GFv2.1 p6 and SJS AS 9.1U2 p12. GFv2.1.1 addresses 121 new defects since the previous patch.

    Comment by grüner tee — December 6, 2009 @ 1:35 am

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