Miles to go …

December 8, 2009

TOTD #116: GlassFish v3 Administration using JavaFX front-end – JNLP available

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 4:00 am

As mentioned in TOTD #113, this Tip Of The Day (TOTD) provides a working version of the JavaFX front-end for GlassFish v3 administration.

Please click here to launch the JNLP or click here to a page that provides some introduction along with the link to JNLP. You may like to enable Java Console as explained in TOTD #114 for any log messages.

See a video of the tool in action:

Many thanks to Rajeshwar for providing feedback and helping me understand the RESTful interface better. TOTD #96 explains how the REST interface can be used.

Here is a TODO list in no particular order:

  • Show a splash screen after the startup to indicate server status
  • Allow the administration host/port to be changed
  • Tie the "server stats" with the server uptime instead of fetching once and then binding it locally
  • Provide dynamic updates of the monitoring data, currently its a snapshot
  • Convert the monitoring levels text boxes to radio buttons
  • Provide complete hints on setting monitoring level based upon the engines
  • Enable/Disable the buttons based upon the status of server running (or not)
  • Introduce charts to track dynamic shrink/expand of threads/pools/etc.
  • Probably something else that I’m forgetting :-)

How are you using JavaFX with GlassFish ?

How will you use GlassFish v3 REST interface in your tools ?

Technorati: totd javafx glassfish v3 rest web jruby rubyonrails rest administration monitoring management

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Related posts:
  1. TOTD #113: JavaFX front-end for GlassFish v3 Administration – Using REST interface
  2. TOTD #67: How to front-end a GlassFish Cluster with Apache + mod_jk on Mac OSX Leopard ?
  3. TOTD #23: JavaFX Client invoking a Metro endpoint
  4. LOTD #17: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Administration and Deployment Course – SAS 4455
  5. TOTD #157: GlassFish 3.1 Blogs & Screencasts


  1. Nice work ! Was thinking of something similar back in the ‘asadmin get/set’ days, the REST API makes all this much much simpler.

    may have to do something similar with Processing…

    Comment by Dick Davies — December 8, 2009 @ 8:35 am

  2. Oops, meant to ask:

    is the code available anywhere?

    And do you have a link to the REST documentation?

    Thanks again!

    Comment by Dick Davies — December 8, 2009 @ 8:35 am

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