Miles to go …

August 14, 2010

Java EE 6 & GlassFish workshop delivered at San Francisco JUG – Slides & Demos available

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:35 am

Roberto and I delivered a 2-part Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3 workshop to a packed San Francisco JUG meetup last week. There were about 80 attendees on Day 1 and about 40 on Day 2. Over approximately 7 hours, we gave a preview of Java EE 6, explained the key technologies introduced in the platform, and did lot of coding using NetBeans IDE.

Roberto’s slides are given below:

Overview of Java EE 6 by Roberto Chinnici at SFJUG

And my slides are next:

JavaEE 6 and GlassFish v3 at SFJUG

The completed project from the workshop is now available here. This bundle contains the entire code sample built through out the workshop. The coding sessions are also available in screencast #30, also shown below:

Here is some feedback from the attendees:

The best JUG meeting I’ve ever attended. It was very informative, helpful and relevant. I particularly liked Arun’s follow-along coding demonstrations. I would suggest that the speakers be encouraged to use a mic. If I had not been sitting two rows from the front, then I would have had a hard time hearing Roberto.

It was interesting to hear from the source which parts of EE6 they thought were most valuable, and where new things overlapped with old, and what advantages there were in using standards-based solutions over frameworks like Spring, even when they tend to be behind in usability and power. Also liked the taste of NetBeans, being an Eclipse user.

Very fruitful evening. Thanks so much to the speakers and organizers.

I really enjoyed both nights. There were several JEE 6 (now I now the correct way to say it) technologies that I had heard of but quite didn’t understand … especially in regards to how they integrate. Now I do.…

Thanks aleksandar for organizing this JavaEE6 learning series. It was very helpful and head start on the cool features of EE6. Thanks to arun and Roberto for there well written presentations and hands on workshop. Will look forward for part 2 of this series.

Really enjoyed. Roberto gave a good high level overview of JavaEE (and he was funny) and Arun’s talk was educational and easy to follow along with. Very impressed with how easy it was to get the examples working with NetBeans. Looking forward to Thursday.

Really enjoyed both presentations. The fact that it was hands on added an extra dimension to the learning experience. Looking forward to the next session. Thanks to Roberto and Arun!

This was a fantastic intro to Java EE 6. I really liked Roberto’s down-to-earth overview of Java EE and its role in the enterprise Java world. In his workshop, Arun did an amazing job making Java EE 6 on GlassFish with NetBeans feel really approachable – if not too easy. Great participation from the audience.

The hands-on component worked great for me.

And the ratings are encouraging too …

As always, there is room for improvement and lessons to learn. However I enjoyed the fact that most of the attendees were able to follow the instructions and able to reproduce the code samples. One of the attendees even told me "I’ve no reason to not try Java EE 6 & NetBeans now that there is a complete environment on my laptop". And that indeed was the intention ;-)

Check out some pictures:

Thank you Sasa for giving us an opportunity to talk about Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3 at San Francisco JUG! We had a great time and it seems like the attendees enjoyed too :-)

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Related posts:
  1. 2-day Java EE 6 workshop in Budapest – Delivered, More coming!
  2. 2 day Java EE 6 Workshop at Bratislava, Slovakia Delivered
  3. GlassFish and Servlet 3.0 Slides from San Francisco JUG
  4. 2 day Java EE 6 Workshop in Budapest, Hungary – Jan 20/21, 2011
  5. Slides & Demos for Rails/GlassFish/jMaki session at TSS JS


  1. Thank you for sharing the slides I found it really useful for myself as newbie for Java EE 6

    Comment by Java — August 20, 2010 @ 3:28 am

  2. Here are some pix that I snapped at this event:

    Day 1 (August 10th, 2010):

    Day 2 (August 12th, 2010):


    Comment by Aleksandar (Sasa) Gargenta — September 19, 2010 @ 10:14 pm

  3. Lovely pics, thanks Sasa!

    Comment by Arun Gupta — September 21, 2010 @ 8:53 am

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