Miles to go …

September 1, 2010

2-day Java EE 6 & GlassFish workshops in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary – Register now!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 9:46 am
  • Are you interested in learning the nuts and bolts of the Java EE 6 platform ?
  • Do you want to learn on how Servlet 3.0, Java Server Faces 2.0, Context & Dependency Injection 1.0, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, Bean Validation 1.0, Java Persistence API 2, RESTful Web services and other new technologies in Java EE 6 provide a complete stack for building your Web & Enterprise applications ?
  • GlassFish 3.1 adds clustering, high availability, application versioning and other interesting featuresm, above light-weight, OSGi-based modularity, and embeddability, making it the richest open source application server.
  • Did you know that NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ provide comprehensive tooling around Java EE 6 and would like to learn it ?

If you are interested in learning any of these details then I’ll be delivering 2-day workshops in 3 countries across Europe. The complete details about the venue and cost are available in the links below:

  • Oct 4/5: Munich, Germany (Getting rescheduled)
  • Nov 22/23: Czech Republic
  • Nov 25/26: Hungary

This is going to be a complete deep dive for 2 days and extensive hands-on experience.

Be ready to drink from the fire hose and learn how you can leverage Java EE 6 in your next project to boost the productivity and simplify the development and deployment of your applications.

Register now!

Technorati: conf javaee6 glassfish workshop germany czech hungary

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Related posts:
  1. 2 day Java EE 6 Workshop in Budapest, Hungary – Jan 20/21, 2011
  2. Java EE 6 & GlassFish at Cloud Computing Expo, OTN Developer Days, Oredev, Java EE 6 Workshops, JavaOne Brasil in next 2 months!
  3. Java EE 6 Training & Certifications – Register Early!
  4. GlassFish Whitepapers and Webcasts
  5. Java EE 6 & GlassFish workshop delivered at San Francisco JUG – Slides & Demos available


  1. the link above doesnot work!

    Comment by shobhit — September 1, 2010 @ 10:42 am

  2. Sorry about that, the blog editor messed up the URLs somehow, now fixed!

    Comment by Arun Gupta — September 1, 2010 @ 10:54 am

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