Miles to go …

October 5, 2010

RedFX: JavaFX Widget Library for GlassFish

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:00 am

RedFX provides a JavaFX widget library that connects front-end JavaFX widgets with services running on GlassFish, without writing any boiler plate code.

Why they picked GlassFish ?

  • Its the Reference Implementation of Java EE 6 and contains all the latest specifications implemented.
  • First-class open source application server
  • Quality is very very good
  • Scalability is enormous
  • Code is very easy to understand

Hear Johan Vos share all the juicy details in this video captured at the recently concluded JavaOne:

A requirement for one of their application was to be "scalable as hell" and GlassFish very well handled few hundred thousand users/hour with about 40 requests/user. Read more about the library here.

The library can be downloaded here.

Coming soon on a GlassFish Update Center on your desktop …

Technorati: conf javaone javafx glassfish javaee6 widgets

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