Miles to go …

December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2010!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 6:26 pm

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

And here is my playlist of all time favorite songs that keeps me warm …

Take some time off, spend some quality time with your family, cause nothing beats that!

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December 22, 2010

TOTD #152: GlassFish Installer – Typical and Custom installation

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 2:35 pm

I typically install GlassFish by downloading the latest promoted zip and unzipping and that works most of the times. Did you know that the GlassFish Open Source Edition also comes with a fancy installer built using Open Installer ?

Actually each GlassFish 3.1 promoted build comes with the following files:

  2. glassfish-3.1-bXX-windows.exe
  5. glassfish-3.1-web-bXX-windows.exe

where XX is the build number. * and *-windows.exe are the installers for Unix and Windows platform. *-web-* is the Web Profile bundles of GlassFish and then is the full Java EE 6 compliant server.

The installer can install GlassFish in Typical or Custom modes.

The "Typical" mode asks for a directory to unzip the bundle, allows you to install/enable Update Tool …

… provides a progress bar while the work is performed …

… even shows the entire command after the installation is complete …

… and then shows complete status of the install.

The "Custom" installation is what makes this installer interesting. It allows to only install, install + configure, or configure a previous installation.

"Install Only" is very simple as it just installs the GlassFish server. "Configure an existing installation" allows to create cluster and configure an existing installation and "Install and Configure" performs both the steps in one go.

If "Install and Configure" is chosen then it shows the options to create Domain Administration Server (DAS), stand-alone instance managed by DAS, or a clustered instance managed by DAS.

Taking the defaults create and starts the DAS and shows the following output …

Now click on "Configure Again" to create stand-alone or clustered instances. So if you select "Create a clustered server instance" and then click on "Next" then the following screen is shown …

"Create Cluster" checkbox is selected to create a new cluster and then the following output is shown …

More instances can be created, in same/different cluster, by clicking on "Configure again". Finally, your cluster shows up nicely in the web-based Admin Console.

Alternatively, screencast #34 also shows how to create a 2-instance cluster starting with the Admin Console or TOTD #138 shows how to do the same using CLI.

How do you install GlassFish ? :-)

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December 17, 2010

Screencast #36: Web App Development using Java EE 6, GlassFish, and Eclipse – Webinar Recording

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 10:44 am

A recently concluded webinar on "Web Application Development with Java EE 6, GlassFish, and Eclipse" demonstrated:

  • Easy creation of web.xml-free and annotation-driven Servlets
  • HTTP session preservation across re-deploys to boost productivity
  • Creating JPA entities from an existing database table
  • Simplified packaging of EJB in a WAR file
  • Facelets as the templating language for JSF pages
  • Using EJB as backing bean for JSF pages
  • Publishing RESTful resources using JAX-RS
  • Injection in JAX-RS resources

And many other features!

The recording from the webinar is is now available:

The entire source code built during the webinar can be downloaded here.

How are you building your Java EE 6 applications ?

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December 16, 2010

GlassFish 3.1 >= GlassFish 2.x + GlassFish 3.0

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 3:30 pm

GlassFish v1 was about Java EE 5 compliance (single instance), v2 allowed such applications to be deployed in multi-instance cluster with seamless session failover and high availability, GlassFish 3 focused on Java EE 6 compliance, 3.1′s focus is deploying Java EE 6 in multi-intance cluster.

One way to show this using a simple equation is …

GlassFish 3.1 = GlassFish 2.x + GlassFish 3.0

However GlassFish 3.1 added a whole lot of new functionality which was not in any of the earlier versions and is listed below:

  1. Clustering and High Availability
    1. Shoal GMS over Grizzly implementation
    2. Consistent hash based session replication
    3. Preferred fail-over by load-balancer plugin
    4. Metro HA: Reliable messaging sequence failover, Secure conversation session failover
    5. Support for conventional clustering of MQ brokers in embedded mode
    6. Improved automatic delegated transaction recovery with shared file system
  2. Developer Productivity
    1. Improved embedded API support
    2. Updated NetBeans and Eclipse plugin
    3. GlassFish Hudson Plugin
  3. Management and Monitoring
    1. Application versioning support
    2. Application scoped resources
    3. Statement leak detection and reclaim
    4. Custom validation template for JDBC con. pool
    5. Support for PAM realm
    6. Certificate realm extension
    7. SSH based remote management and provisioning
    8. Console based on RESTful API
    9. WS-I compliance: BP 1.2/2.0, BSP, 1.1, RSP 1.0
  4. Updated Technology
    1. Grizzly WebSocket support
    2. Improved CDI, JSON, hypermedia support in Jersey
    3. Technology refresh – JSF 2.1, Servlet 3.0 MR, CDI, Grizzly, OSGi, JPA, Jersey, Bean Validation, Metro, UC, etc.
    4. Implementation of various Enterprise OSGi Specs

So that’s why GlassFish 3.1 >= GlassFish 2.x + GlassFish 3.0!

Download the latest GlassFish 3.1 promoted build and try some of the latest features as demonstrated in GlassFishVideos!

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December 15, 2010

Java EE 6 & GlassFish @ JavaOne Brazil 2010 – All Slides

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 2:01 am

JavaOne Brazil got over and GlassFish team delivered multiple sessions + hands-on labs there. All the related slides from different sessions (JPA 2, HK2 and WebLogic, JAX-RS 1.1, Java EE 6 programming model explained, Java EE 6 IDE Tools, JSF 2, Servlets 3, EJB 3.1, Technical keynote)  are now available in the playlist given below:

Check out pictures and blog commentary as well!

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December 12, 2010

JavaOne Latin America 2010 is a wrap – Oracle and Community!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

JavaOne Brazil 2010 is over … oh what a fulfilling experience!

Did you know that this was the first JavaOne in South America ?
Did you know that half of the talks were presented by local community ?
Did you know that several members from the community were involved in paper selection process ?

There is a unrelenting demand for Java technology in this market. Talk about the passion, most of the rooms were packed 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Some of the sessions had to be repeated because of their popularity. The message from several folks was loud and clear that a bigger venue is needed for the next year as the event is expected to only grow next year. This feedback has already been conveyed to the events tea

The overall logistics, production crew, events team, security staff, and every body else functioned like a great orchestra to deliver a great performance!

Here is a collage of pictures from the event:

The complete album is available at:

More detailed blog reports are available at:

  • JavaOne Brazil 2010 – Day 3 Slides + Pics + Special Guest ;-)
  • Java One 2010 Brazil Day 2 Trip Report – Pics & Slides
  • Oracle Open World / Java One 2010 Brazil Day 1 Trip Report
  • Oracle Open World / Java One 2010 Brazil Day 0 Pictures

I recorded a video talking to some of the key community members who were involved in the call for papers. They gave an extremely positive feedback on how Oracle involved the community for the entire process, watch it yourself:

Here are some of the comments from the video:

SOUJava is very proud that Oracle gave country and the community a chance to participate in JavaOne Brazil.

Despite all the suspicions, SOU Java is very glad that community participated in the talk selection process.

The community is feeling that Oracle is hugging the community.

Oracle is very receptive of suggestions from the community.

Oracle’s move is very right and wise one and the message is clear after call for papers, keynote, and content.

The community needs that kind of support [provided by Oracle] so we can do our best.

JavaOne is about whole ecosystem, not about one company and a few. Allowing local developers to show their projects makes JavaOne Brazil a real JavaOne.

We from the JUG community are very very happy that Oracle is listening to our requests.

I had a lot of fun, found several new GlassFish deployments, gave 3 presentations, 1 hands-on lab, 2 keynote demos, 1 impromptu discussion on Java-based Web Frameworks, 1 MySQL community event, and met/talked to a ton of passionate developers. Overall the presentations were well delivered and got supporting tweets/comments from attendees:

@felipecao: @arungupta great sessions at #javaone #brazil, really liked it, even made me wanna try #jsf2 (not a big fan of #jsf12)

@marcus_dev: Productive and entertaining lectures on #javaone. Congratulations @arungupta Bye bye #javaonebrasil see ya next year!

@dlameri: Me too RT : So – #javaonebrasil is over – I officially became a @arungupta fan – I has been great!

@BooVeMan: So – #javaonebrasil is over – I officially became a @arungupta fan – I has been great!

@edsonyanaga: It was a most excellent presentation of @#JavaOne arungupta in Brazil. This time on Servlets 3.0 Participation Special Juggie (JavaMan)

@loiane: @arungupta ‘s talks are so fun! #JavaOne #JavaOneBrazil

@anabrant: Very good and funny speach by @arungupta with Juggie at #JavaOneBrasil

@diogowinck: the lecture @arungupta was awesome.

@loiane: #javaOne with @arungupta is very hands on! Fantastic!

@loiane: Lecture on the @EJB arungupta now at JavaOne in room #1. The guy is The Man!

@loiane: to beginning to think that @arungupta is a light being sent to help in our evolution #JavaOne …

And many more …

Muito Orbigado, See ya next year!

In the mean while, catch us at JavaOne Beijing this week …

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December 10, 2010

JavaOne Brazil 2010 – Day 3 Slides + Pics + Special Guest ;-)

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 1:21 pm

JavaOne Latin America or JavaOne Brazil 2010 Day 3 (Day 2, 1, and 0) continued to build on the momentum from previous days. The attendees showed the same level of excitement and enthusiasm and the sessions continue to be packed.

I started my day by giving a presentation on “Hyperproductive JSF 2.0″ and explained the various key improvements in the Java Server Faces 2.0 such as:

  • Facelets as templating language
  • Ease-of-use to create composite components
  • Integrated Ajax support
  • Partial state saving
  • System Events
  • Resource handling
  • Optional “faces-config.xml”

and many others. The slides are available now:

Hyperproductive JSF 2.0

The second presentation of the day for me was on “Servlets 3.0 – Asynchronous, Extensibility, Ease-of-use” and explained the key improvements made in that area such as:

  • Optional “web.xml” in common cases by using corresponding annotations
  • Dynamic registration of Servlet
  • Pluggability of additional frameworks using web fragments
  • Asynchronous Servlets
  • Security enhancements

and many other improvements. The slides are available now:

Servlets 3.0 – Asynchronous, Extensibility, Ease-of-use

This particular session turned to be slightly comical as Juggy, the mascot of JUGs, showed keen interest in the technology. He got super excited any time code was shown on the screen and has a particular liking towards NetBeans. He kept the audience entertained by asking really useful questions and surprised me on how quickly was able to grasp the concepts. Another effect of having Juggy in the session was the bloated attendance of 350+ for this particular session, thank you Juggy for making the session very interesting! Here are some tweets from the session:

@_diogo: Show the puppets at JavaOne #during a talk on arungupta @Servlet 3.0 (via @dlameri) / / funny

@edsonyanaga: It was a most excellent presentation of @#JavaOne arungupta in Brazil. This time on Servlets 3.0 Participation Special Juggie (JavaMan)

@pelosmeusolhos: @arungupta and juggie on #javaone brasil #comic and very #funny #j1br

@loiane: @arungupta ‘s talks are so fun! #JavaOne #JavaOneBrazil

@anabrant: Very good and funny speach by @arungupta with Juggie at #JavaOneBrasil

@dlameri: Show the puppets at JavaOne #during a talk about Servlet 3.0 @arungupta

And many more …

The “Getting Started with Java EE 6″ hands-on lab started with hiccups as the software was not installed on the machines. But many thanks to Ludo, Jerome, Sharat, and Petr who packaged all the material on a USB drive and then quickly installed on different machines. A couple of attendees were even able to complete the lab based and majority were able to make good progress.

The last session of the day was by Bruno Souza and Fabiane Nardon on “The Future of Java Developer” (CEHCK). They had great pyrotechnics (SPELLING CHC) display and were planning to have some fun but I had to leave early to accommodate the ridiculously long traffic times in Sao Paulo city :-) And I’m glad I because it took us 2 hours to reach airport, another 45 minutes to check-in, and about an hour to clear the security clearance. Jerome & Ludo had a longer and more adventurous ride to the airport so make sure to ask them details :-)

And now day 3 pictures from JavaOne 2010 in Brazil …

And finally the completed photo album:

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December 8, 2010

Java One 2010 Brazil Day 2 Trip Report – Pics & Slides

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 6:36 pm

JavaOne Latin America 2010 (Day 1 and 0) started in an exciting way where I found a nice multi-instance cluster installation of GlassFish. More on that later but enjoyed meeting colleagues from different groups within Oracle.

I gave a presentation on “Whats New in Enterprise Java Beans 3.1″ and the slides are available:

S314168 – What’s New in Enterprise Java Bean Technology @ JavaOne Brazil 2010

The attendees seem to like simplified packaging (EJB-in-a-WAR and deployment descriptor-free), no-interface bean, cron-like syntax, and other features were well appreciated by the users. All other sessions were going pretty packed as well to the extent that some of the sessions are having a re-run today and some of today’s sessions have moved to a much bigger hall. Make sure to note the changes.

After that, Alexandra and I presented at a MySQL Community Event on how Java EE 6, GlassFish, NetBeans, and MySQL present an ideal open-source stack for building Web applications very easily, the slides are available:

GlassFish Preso @ MySQL Community Event – Brazil 2010

Vinicius Senger from GlobalCode arranged an impromptu discussion on Java-based Web Frameworks at end of the day. There were representations from Java EE 6, Wicket, GWT, VRaptor,  Spring MVC, ADF, and Demoiselles. It was a lively discussion where each framework was talking about the pros/cons of different frameworks and the community was asking questions. CDI got good appreciation from different folks and it indeed is one of the most powerful technologies introduced in the Java EE 6 platform.

Matt Raibles “Comparing JVM Web Frameworks” presentation was discussed as well. The consensus was that the chosen frameworks are not an apple-to-apple comparison. For example, while Rails and Grails are complete stack, JSF2, Wicket, and Vaadin are presentation layers only. I gave the same feedback to him at Rich Web Experience as well so hopefully the matrix will be updated appropriately.

Also found some great deployments of GlassFish in this part of the world. We are looking for partners (System Integrators, Independent Software Vendors/Developers, Consultants, Training Partners) who can help us spread the message of GlassFish in South America. Drop a comment on this blog if you are interested.

For tomorrow, there are couple of changes to the list of Java EE 6 & GlassFish sessions …

  • “S320003 – Servlet 3.0 Extensible, Asynchronous and Easy to Use” moved from its original slot of (4:15 – 5pm) to (4pm – 4:45pm) and the location changes from Auditorio 1 to the Keynote Hall (on the ground floor).
  • “S313189 – Complete Tools Coverage for the Java EE 6 Platform” moved from Auditorio 1 to Keynote Hall (on the ground floor).

Rest of the schedule stays as is.
And now day 2 pictures from Oracle Open World and JavaOne 2010 in Brazil …

And finally the evolving photo album so far:

On a personal front, somebody mentioned the landscape from Chili, food from Peru, and girls from Argentina (or Brazil depending upon who you ask) is the most fascinating threesome ;-) I’ve never been to Chili, Peru, and Argentina so will have to figure out how to experience that :-) Any Java conferences there ?

Also, its weird to experience Christmas in the hot weather of Sao Paulo. I wonder the white christmas here refers to white sand on the beach.  The malls certainly have huge christmas trees and even there is a Santa station but feels awkard without the cold weather. Tomorrow is the last day of JavaOne and I’m soooo looking forward to head back home and can only think of the following song …

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December 7, 2010

Oracle Open World / Java One 2010 Brazil Day 1 Trip Report

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 4:25 pm

Oracle Open World 2010 Latin America was kick started this morning by Oracle’s President Mark Hurd. Later Adam Messinger‘s (Vice President in Fusion Middleware group at Oracle) keynote started JavaOne Brazil and gave a status update on the Java platform. In his talk, Staffan showed a demo of JRockit Mission Control. TIM (a local Brazilian telecom company) showed how they are using Java to serve multi-million users in Brazil. Java FX super fast rendering capabilities were shown in a video. I showed how a multi-instance GlassFish 3.1 cluster can be easily created using web-based administration console. The steps to reproduce the demo are explained in the video below:

I accidentally left my tweetdeck open before the demo machines were locked and so tweets were popping all through out the demo. The attendees seem to had a good laugh at that :-)

The three Technical General Sessions by Danny Coward, Jerome Dochez, and Greg Bollela dig deeper into Java SE, Java EE, and Mobile/Embedded platforms. Jerome’s talk showed a typical 3-tier application that allows the user to monitor twitter trends for pre-defined hashtags. More details about the application and downloadable code are available here.

And now day 1 pictures from Oracle Open World, Oracle Develop, and JavaOne 2010 in Brazil …

Come by and meet us at the Java EE 6 booth in the JavaOne exhibitor floor. I reached little bit late to the OTN party but the place was totally rocking with the community.

This is Brazil so here is a sample of “booth models” at the exhibitor floor …

This is not meant to offend anybody but just to show culutral shift obvious due to the geography. And yes, I took permissions from each of the models before taking their picture :-)

Here is another fun activity performed on the exhibitor floor:

Looking forward to Java EE & GlassFish sessions tomorrow and day after. And don’t forget to attend the FREE MySQL Community Event tomorrow!

I enjoyed meeting Vinicius Senger, Yara Senger, Daniel deOliveira, Sven Reimers, Eduardo Lima, and several other Java community members.

And finally the evolving photo album so far:

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December 6, 2010

Oracle Open World / Java One 2010 Brazil Day 0 Pictures

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 8:00 pm

First set of pictures from Oracle Open World, Oracle Develop, and JavaOne 2010 in Brazil …

And a picture from dinner with local Java champions and JUG leaders of Brazil …

Looking forward to meet many others over the next 3 days.

And the evolving album so far:

JavaOne Brazil starts in a few more hours and here are some pointers for you:

  • Java EE & GlassFish sessions
  • MySQL Community Event (FREE)
  • OTN Reception

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