Miles to go …

December 22, 2010

TOTD #152: GlassFish Installer – Typical and Custom installation

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 2:35 pm

I typically install GlassFish by downloading the latest promoted zip and unzipping and that works most of the times. Did you know that the GlassFish Open Source Edition also comes with a fancy installer built using Open Installer ?

Actually each GlassFish 3.1 promoted build comes with the following files:

  2. glassfish-3.1-bXX-windows.exe
  5. glassfish-3.1-web-bXX-windows.exe

where XX is the build number. * and *-windows.exe are the installers for Unix and Windows platform. *-web-* is the Web Profile bundles of GlassFish and then is the full Java EE 6 compliant server.

The installer can install GlassFish in Typical or Custom modes.

The "Typical" mode asks for a directory to unzip the bundle, allows you to install/enable Update Tool …

… provides a progress bar while the work is performed …

… even shows the entire command after the installation is complete …

… and then shows complete status of the install.

The "Custom" installation is what makes this installer interesting. It allows to only install, install + configure, or configure a previous installation.

"Install Only" is very simple as it just installs the GlassFish server. "Configure an existing installation" allows to create cluster and configure an existing installation and "Install and Configure" performs both the steps in one go.

If "Install and Configure" is chosen then it shows the options to create Domain Administration Server (DAS), stand-alone instance managed by DAS, or a clustered instance managed by DAS.

Taking the defaults create and starts the DAS and shows the following output …

Now click on "Configure Again" to create stand-alone or clustered instances. So if you select "Create a clustered server instance" and then click on "Next" then the following screen is shown …

"Create Cluster" checkbox is selected to create a new cluster and then the following output is shown …

More instances can be created, in same/different cluster, by clicking on "Configure again". Finally, your cluster shows up nicely in the web-based Admin Console.

Alternatively, screencast #34 also shows how to create a 2-instance cluster starting with the Admin Console or TOTD #138 shows how to do the same using CLI.

How do you install GlassFish ? :-)

Technorati: totd glassfish installer openinstaller

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1 Comment »

  1. Installing glassfish was a real debate for me:) One of my friends helped me, so now it’s ok..Thank you for the sahre though…

    Comment by Nikah şekeri — December 28, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

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