Miles to go …

January 31, 2011

Java EE 6 & GlassFish @ JavaGruppen, JFokus, and Vaadin Meetup

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 9:53 am

Java EE 6 and GlassFish are floating to Denmark, Sweden, and Finland next week.

First stop is … Javagruppen! This annual conference is organized by Danish JUG and this year the theme is "Java – a cloudy affair".

  • Speakers
  • Schedule
  • Venue (Comwell Kellers Park)
  • Register now!
  • @javagruppen

I’ll be speaking on "Running your Java EE applications in the cloud".

Second stop is …. JFokus! This annual conference is organized by Javaforum, Swedish JUG, and will be celebrating 5th anniversary this year.

  • Speakers
  • Schedule
  • Venue (Stockholm Waterfront Congress)
  • Volunteer
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  • @jfokus
  • Speakers tweet-list

Here is the list of sessions presented by Oracle speakers …

  • Learning Nuts & Bolts of Java EE 6 in a Code Intensive Tutorial (Arun, Feb 14, 9am)
  • What a crazy year it has been (Herik, Feb 15, 9:15am)
  • The Java EE 6 Programming Model Explained (Alexis, Feb 15, 2pm)
  • Hitchhiker’s Guide to the NetBeans RCP (Geertjan, Feb 15, 2:35pm)
  • Java EE 6 Toolshow (Arun, Feb 15, 5pm)
  • It’s All About ME (Mobile and Embedded) (Roger, Feb 15, 5pm)
  • The Java EE BOF (Feb 15, 8pm)
  • Running your Java EE applications in the clouds (Arun, Feb 16, 10:10am)
  • JDK 7 Update (Tomas, Feb 16, 1pm)

One of my sessions at JFokus will have a special guest but still need to confirm the exact time slot. Based upon previous experience, this guest adds great humor to the otherwise extremely technical talk and so stay tuned on that :-)

Show your presence and track this conference at lanyrd.

And the third stop is … Vaddin Developer Meetup.

  • Speakers
  • Schedule
  • Venue (Cruise from Turku -> Stockholm)
  • Register now!
  • @vaadin

I’ll be speaking on "OSGi and Java EE Hybrid Applications using GlassFish" at an interesting time of 9:35pm :-)

This is my first time visit to each of these conferences and so certainly looking forward to meeting everybody!

Its going to be really cold, at least for a Californian, at all these places so Runners World tips on winter/snow running and winter gear will be helpful.

Technorati: conf jfokus vaadin meetup javagruppen javaee6 glassfish netbeans osgi

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Related posts:
  1. JFokus 2011 Day 1 + Vaadin Meetup 2011 Trip Report
  2. JFokus 2011 Day 3 Trip Report – JDuchess, Future Java Developer, Java EE/Cloud, Icebar
  3. Oracle at Jazoon 2010 – Java SE, Java FX, Java EE 6, GlassFish, JPA 2.0, JSF 2, Servlets 3.0, OSGi, Cloud, HTML 5, Open DS, …
  4. “Rails powered by GlassFish & jMaki” @ South Bay Ruby Meetup – Jan 29, 7pm
  5. Spark IT 2011: Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3 Talks + FREE Pass

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