Miles to go …

February 27, 2011

“Miles To Go” thanks GlassFish Community!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 5:19 pm

GlassFish 3.1 is just about a few hours away … the bow has been placed!

This release is the countless hours of work put by the developers, testers, project/people management, docs, partners, and last but not the least, and the most important the active community users who gave us constant feedback. I certainly feel privileged to be with the team when we delivered the very first version of "Reference Implementation" back in 1999. And also enjoy the floor with most of the GlassFish team and the ability to have hallway/whiteboard discussions with them other than participating in the daily jokes ;-) I’m merely a spokesperson of all these brilliant folks and just blow the horn all around the world. With GlassFish 3.1 out the door, this is going to get much more exciting!

On the eve of GlassFish 3.1 launch, I thought of sharing how this blog has traveled around the world promoting Java EE and GlassFish.

This blog has visited the following cities so far …

Amsterdam, Atlanta, Bengaluru, Beijing, Berlin, Brasilia, Budapest, Chennai, Chicago, Dallas, Delhi, Fortaleza, Hyderabad, Kansas City, Las Vegas, London, Malmo, Milan, Minneapolis, Montreal, Mountain View, New York City, Orlando, Portland, Porto Alegre, Pune, Reston, Rome, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Clara, Sao Paolo, Seattle, Singapore, Sofia, St Louis, Stockholm, Toronto, Turku, Salt Lake City, Vejle, Vitoria, Wisconsin, Zurich, …

View Cities Visited by “Miles To Go…” in a larger map

Spoken at the following Java User Groups …

  1. Berlin-Brandenburg JUG (Aug 2008)
  2. Brasilia DFJUG (Sep 2008)
  3. CEJUG, Fortaleza (2010)
  4. Dallas JUG (Nov 2008)
  5. ES JUG, Espirito Santo (Sep 2008)
  6. Javagruppen (2011)
  7. London Java Community (2010)
  8. Oakland Java SIG (Oct 2010)
  9. RS JUG, Brazil (2009)
  10. San Francisco JUG (Aug 2010, May 2009)
  11. Silicon Valley JUG (Aug 2008)
  12. SouJava, Brazil (2009)
  13. Taguatinga DFJUG (Sep 2008)
  14. Utah JUG (Jul 2008)

Spoken, Attended, Engaged with community at the following conferences

  1. acts_as_conference (Feb 2008)
  2. Ajax World (2008)
  3. Bay Area JUG Roundup (2010)
  4. Cloud Computing Expo (2010)
  5. DevIgnition (2010)
  6. DevNexus (2010)
  7. Eclipse Demo Camp (2009)
  8. EclipseCon (2009)
  9. FISL (2010, 2009)
  10. FOSS.IN (Dec 2007)
  11. Google Developer Day (May 2007)
  12. IndicThreads (2010, 2009)
  13. Java2Days (2010)
  14. Java EE / GlassFish Workshops
    1. 2 day in Budapest – Jan 2011
    2. 7 hrs at San Francsico JUG – Aug 2010
    3. 3 hrs at Dallas Tech Fest
    4. 8 hrs at Milwaukee – Mar 2009
    5. Day long at Santa Clara – Mar 2009
    6. 4 hrs at JavaMUG – Feb 2010
    7. 4 hrs at Delhi University – Dec 2007
    8. 3 hrs in Seattle/Toronto/Montreal – Nov 2007
    9. 4 hrs in Chicago – Oct 2007
    10. 4 hrs in Minneapols – Oct 2007
  15. Javagruppen (2011)
  16. Javali (2009)
  17. JavaOne (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005)
  18. JFall (2009)
  19. JavaOne Brazil (2010)
  20. JFokus (2011)
  21. Mashup Camp (Jul 2007)
  22. Oracle User
    Group Leaders Summit (2011)
  23. Microsoft Web Services Interoperathon (Nov 2005, Mar 2006)
  24. MySQL Users Conference (2009)
  25. Oracle Open World (2010, 2009)
  26. Oredev (2010)
  27. Rails Conf (2009, 2007)
  28. Rails Conf Europe (2008, 2007)
  29. Rich Web Experience (2010, 2007)
  30. RightScale User Meetup (2009)
  31. Ruby Conf India (2010)
  32. Silicon Valley Code Camp (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007)
  33. Sun Tech Days
    1. Hyderabad 2010
    2. Singapore 2009
    3. Sao Paolo 2008
    4. Hyderabad 2008
    5. Beijing 2007
    6. Rome 2007
    7. Milan 2007
    8. Atlanta Jan 2007
  34. UberConf (2010)
  35. Spark IT (2010)
  36. Jazoon (2010)
  37. Dallas Tech Fest (2010)
  38. JAX London (2010)
  39. OTN Developer Day (New York City 2010)
  40. Silicon Valley Rails Meetup (2009)
  41. Super Happy Dev House 30 (Feb 2009)
  42. The Server Side Java Symposium (2008, 2007)
  43. SD West (Mar 2008)
  44. South Bay Ruby Meetup (Jan 2008)
  45. Web 2.0 Conference & Expo (Jan 2008)
  46. Vaadin Meetup (2011)
  47. WS-I Plenary (Summer 2005)

And in order to stay healthy, did outdoor running in the following cities (while attending a conference) …

  1. Spree River, Berlin
  2. Singapore River, Singapore
  3. River Danube, Budapest
  4. Las Vegas, USA
  5. Bussum, Netherlands
  6. Rome, Italy
  7. Mercuripe beach, Fortaleza
  8. Ft Lauderdale Beach, USA
  9. Denver, USA
  10. Üetliberg, Zurich
  11. Stockholm, Sweden
  12. Porto Alegre, Brazil

And here are some statistics on page visits/views for this blog …

Over a 1,000,000 page visits by audience from 30,658 cities cities from 215 countries/territories …

Thank you GlassFish!

Thank you for reading the content on this blog and please keep those suggestions coming! I’m here to serve your needs :-)

There are still a tons of cities to visit…
Plenty of JUGs to spread the fever …
Loads of conferences to speak …
And miles to go before I sleep.

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  2. Happy New Year 2011!
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  4. JavaOne Latin America 2010 is a wrap – Oracle and Community!
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