Miles to go …

April 27, 2011

JavaOne San Francisco 2011, Oct 2-6, The Zone

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 6:36 pm

When ? Oct 2-6, 2011

Where ? "The Zone" at San Francisco (On O’Farrell between Taylor and Mason, in the hotels Hilton San Francisco The Union Square, Hotel Nikko, and Parc 55)

View The Zone – JavaOne Conference Location in a larger map

What has improved since last time ?

  • Same week as Oracle Open World but run as a separate and stand-alone conference
  • All JavaOne related talks/events in "The Zone"
  • Larger session rooms and increased exhibitor space
  • More technical sessions, BoFs, hands-on labs
  • Additional networking area and meeting space
  • More maps, signage, and onsite staff to answer questions
  • Direct involvement from community for planning/steering the event
  • Popular sessions will be repeated through out the week

Here are some key links for you:

  • Tracks
  • Registration
  • @javaoneconf

And in the meanwhile, I’ll see you at JavaOne India next month. Or you can also enjoy pictures from the JavaOne 2010!

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  3. JavaOne and Oracle Develop India 2011 – May 10/11, Hyderabad
  4. Oracle at Eclipse Con 2011: OSGi-enabled Java EE Applications using GlassFish Tutorial and Other Sessions
  5. JavaOne Brazil Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Promo Images, Websites, etc.

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