The CDI specification (JSR-299) defines "Qualifer" as a means to uniquely identify one of the multiple implementations of the bean type to be injected. The spec defines certain built-in qualifiers (@Default, @Any, @Named, @New) and new qualifiers can be easily defined as well. This Tip Of The Day (TOTD) discusses the in-built qualifiers and how they can be used.
The @Named qualifier makes a bean EL-injectable, that’s it!
The @Default qualifier, appropriately called as "default qualifier", exists on all beans without an explicit qualifer, except @Named. Consider the following bean type and implementation:
public interface Greeting {
public String greet(String name);
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
public String greet(String name) {
return "Hello " + name;
So SimpleGreeting defined above is equivalent to:
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
is equivalent to:
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
The default qualifier works for the type injection as well. So
@Inject Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Default Greeting greeting;
are equivalent. However it is not recommended to use @Named as injection point qualifier, except in the case of integration with legacy code that uses string-based names to identify beans.
@Any is another in-built qualifier on all beans, including the ones with implicit or explicit @Default qualifier, except @New qualified beans (more on this later). So the SimpleGreeting implementation is equivalent to:
@Default @Any
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
And can be injected as:
@Inject @Any Greeting greeting;
or even
@Inject @Any @Default Greeting greeting;
Now lets add a new implementation of the Greeting as:
public class FancyGreeting implements Greeting {
public String greet(String name) {
return "Nice to meet you, hello " + name;
Now all of the following injections fail:
@Inject Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Default Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Any Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Default @Any Greeting greeting;
with the "ambiguous dependencies" error because both the implementations now have @Default and @Any qualifiers.
This can be resolved by adding a new qualifier called @Fancy to the FancyGreeting implementation as:
public class FancyGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
which is also equivalent to:
@Fancy @Any
public class FancyGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
Now all the following inject statements:
@Inject Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Default Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Any @Default Greeting greeting;
will inject the SimpleGreeting implementation. However
@Inject @Any Greeting greeting;
will throw an "ambiguous dependency" error because now there are two implementations with that qualifier. The right implementation can be picked by specifying the additional qualifier such as:
@Inject @Any @Default Greeting greeting;
will inject the SimpleGreeting implementation and
@Inject @Any @Fancy Greeting greeting;
will inject the FancyGreeting implementation. The following injection will work anyway:
@Inject @Fancy Greeting greeting;
@Inject @Default @Fancy Greeting greeting;
will give an "unsatisfied dependency" error because any bean with an explicit qualifier, except @Named, does not have the @Default qualifier.
@Any may also be used to add qualifiers programmatically such as:
@Inject @Any Instance<Greeting> greeting; AnnotationLiteral<Fancy>(){}).get();
will return a Greeting implementation with @Fancy qualifier. Here the "javax.enterprise.inject.Instance" and "javax.enteprise.util.AnnotationLiteral" classes are defined by the CDI spec.
@Any may also be used to iterate over all Greeting implementations such as:
@Inject @Any Instance<Greeting> greeting;
for (Greeting g : greeting) {
// do something with g
The @New qualifier allows to obtain a depdendent object of a specified class, independent of the declared scope. So if SimpleGreeting is defined as:
public class SimpleGreeting implements Greeting {
. . .
and injected as:
@Inject Greeting greeting;
then a request-scoped Greeting implementation (SimpleGreeting in this case) is injected. However if it is injected as:
@Inject @New Greeting greeting;
then the injected SimpleGreeting is in the @Dependent scope and only has @New qualifier (neither @Default or @Any).
I tried all of this using GlassFish 3.1 and NetBeans 7.0 that provides complete development and fully-clustered deployment environment for your Java EE 6 applications. Where are you deploying your Java EE 6 apps ?
Technorati: totd cdi qualifier javaee6 glassfish
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- TOTD #145: CDI Events – a light-weight producer/consumer in Java EE 6
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- TOTD #134: Interceptors 1.1 in Java EE 6 – What and How ?
- TOTD #124: OSGi Declarative Services in GlassFish – Accessed from a Java EE client
Have you purposefully missed showing how to create a new Qualifier for @Fancy or is it not needed?
Comment by Sreekanth — April 25, 2011 @ 5:30 am
That is pretty straight forward and boiler-plate code so left it out. Moreover NetBeans let you generate it with a single click anyway
Comment by Arun Gupta — April 25, 2011 @ 6:07 am : strip and piss in the grass
Comment by PaydayIdiobia — March 30, 2012 @ 11:25 am