Miles to go …

April 30, 2008

OSX #8: Java SE 6 U5 on Mac OS X Leopard

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:00 pm

Yesterday, Apple released Java SE version 1.6.0_05 for 64-bit Intel-based Mac OS X 10.5.2 or later. Download it here!

It’s restricted to 64-bit machines and Charles is unhappy about it. Hopefully, they’ll release a 32-bit version as well.

Type “sw_vers” in a terminal to check the Mac OS X version as shown below:

~ >sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.5.2
BuildVersion:   9C31

Alternatively, “About This Mac” in the Apple menu shows you the version as well as shown below:

Anyway, after verifying the system requirements, download 57MB bundle and install it following the standard instructions.

And now successfully installed:

It gets installed in “/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0″ and shows the version number as:

/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin >./java -version
java version “1.6.0_05″
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_05-b13-120)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_05-b13-52, mixed mode)

The default Java version can be changed by using “Java Preferences” as shown below:

/Applications/Utilities/Java >./”Java Preferences”

The following window shows up:

Pick the version of your choice and that should get you going!

These are the days before JavaOne and all my demos on this machine have been tested using the default J2SE 5. But I’ll play with the new release after JavaOne anyway :)

Do you know sign up for GlassFish Day is FREE and gives you access to JavaOne pavilion as well ? Do it now!

A complete archive of all Mac OS X tips on this blog are available here.

Technorati: osxtips mac leopard javase6 javase jdk

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April 29, 2008

JavaOne Adrenaline – 6:40 min / mile

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 4:00 pm

It must be JavaOne adrenaline – This morning I ran 2 0.75 miles with 7:03 min pace and 2 0.5 miles with 6:40 min pace.

My typical speed is 8:30 min/mile and I’ve never exceeded 7:30 min pace ever. So this is really cool and exciting!

Follow Sun Bloggers on JavaOne 2008, Twitter Feeds and Facebook Group.

Community One is next Monday (5/5), register now!

Full speed ahead …

Technorati: conf javaone javaone2008 running

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April 28, 2008

TOTD #32: Rails Deployment on GlassFish v3 from NetBeans IDE

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 6:02 am

Rails powered by the GlassFish Application Server explains all the benefits of using GlassFish for developing and deploying your Rails applications. If you are using NetBeans 6.1 builds then you can deploy your Rails application directly on GlassFish v3 from within NetBeans IDE. No longer you need to have different development and deployment options.

This blog explains how to install a bleeding-edge GlassFish v3 plugin and use it to deploy your Rails app natively on GlassFish (no WAR or anything :) . Let’s get started! Note, this plugin is bleeding edge and will soon be released on the Beta Update Center.

  1. Install “GlassFish v3 TP2″ plugin in NetBeans 6.1
    1. In NetBeans 6.1 IDE, go to “Tools”, “Plugins” and click on “Settings”. The following window is shown:

    2. Click on “Add” and specify the URL of Bleeding Edge Update Center values as shown (copy from “”):

      Click on “OK”. The updated “Plugins” window looks like:

      Notice “Available Plugins” has changed from 58 to 140 as many more bleeding edge plugins are now available.

    3. Click on “Available Plugins” and search for “GlassFish” in the top-right corner text box as shown below:

    4. Select “GlassFish V3 JRuby Integration” and “GlassFish V3 JavaEE Integration” plugin and click on “Install” as shown below:

      Follow the instructions to install the plugin. The IDE needs to restart for successful plugin installation.

    5. In the restarted IDE,  go to “Services” tab, right-click on “Servers” and select “Add Server…”. Select “GlassFish v3 TP2″ as shown below:

    6. Select “Next >”, accept the license agreement and click on “Download V3 Now…”

      Click on “Download V3 Now…”. This downloads the latest GlassFish v3 TP2 build and installs in “/Users/arungupta/GlassFish_V3_TP2″ directory. This is only an interim build, final TP2 build will be available soon! The following screen is shown once GlassFish v3 is installed:

      Click on “Finish”. In 58 seconds, you downloaded and installed the entire GlassFish v3 app server, cool isn’t it!

  2. Create a Rails app and deploy on GlassFish V3
    1. In NetBeans IDE, in the “Projects” tab, right-click and select “New Project…”. Select “Ruby” in “Categories” and “Ruby on Rails Applications” in “Projects” as shown:

      Click on “Next”.

    2. Now comes the cool part. Enter the application name and select the recently installed GlassFish v3 as shown:

      This is a brand new feature in the “GlassFish v3 TP2″ plugin available only on “Bleeding Edge” Update Center. It’ll soon replace the default GlassFish v3 plugin from the Beta Update Center.

      Click on “Finish” to take all other defaults.

    3. On the newly created project, right-click and select “Run” as shown:

    4. The default browser page “http://localhost:8080/” shows up. Change the URL to “http://localhost:8080/HelloRails” and the following page shows up:

Now, NetBeans IDE and GlassFish v3 serves your need for a complete development and deployment platform for Ruby-on-Rails applications.

If any part of the tooling is not working or you have suggestions and improvement then please file bugs on IssueZilla (“serverplugins” component) and use “glassfish_v3″ subcomponent. If any part of the runtime is not working, then please file bugs on Issue Tracker (“V3″ component) and use “jruby” subcomponent.

Please leave suggestions on other TOTD (Tip Of The Day) that you’d like to see. A complete archive is available here.

Technorati: totd glassfish v3 netbeans rubyonrails

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April 27, 2008

GlassFish events @ JavaOne 2008

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 9:02 pm

Start counting in days now before the JavaOne frenzy begins! In the mean while, here is a quick summary of GlassFish related events:

Sunday (5/4) GlassFish Unconference (free registration)
Monday (5/5) GlassFish Day (free registration – also gives you free access to JavaOne Pavilion and General Sessions on Tuesday), Party @ Thirsy Bear in the evening (just show up)
Tuesday – Thursday
(5/6 – 5/8)
Talk to us @ Booth
Tuesday  (5/6), 7:30pm GlassFish Application Server: Open Source, Fast, Easy and Reliable (BOF-7900)
Tuesday – Friday
(5/6 – 5/9)
Attend sessions – A simple query shows 26 records and I’m sure there are some missing :)
Sunday – Friday
(5/4 – 5/9)
Mingle with GlassFish community all days

Latest updates always available at GlassFish wiki.

If you are a student, then you can attend the entire JavaOne completely free. So if you are a student and local to bay area, there is nothing to loose – only gain. Register now!

Also check out the following JavaOne and Community One and GlassFish Facebook groups.

Technorati: javaone conf glassfish glassfishday unconference community thirstybear javaone2008

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April 25, 2008

Welcome JWBlogs to Blogosphere!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:14 am

Over the past 10 years is a great source for Java developers focusing on four areas – Java SE, Java EE, Java ME and Developer Tools. The 10 most recently published articles and tutorials can be easily subscribed.

As of yesterday they started a new blog platform – JWBlogs! The formal announcement in their newsletter said:

The goal of the JavaWorld blogs is to provide a daily mix of valuable reading from around the Java world. Some of the blogs we’re starting out with are syndicated, while others are exclusive to JavaWorld.

I am delighted to be “picked” for the first iteration.

This means you’ll hear a lot about GlassFish, NetBeans, JRuby, Metro, Groovy, jMaki and many other technologies in GlassFish ecosystem – now at JavaWorld as well. Of course, you can continue to read all the latest & greatest about GlassFish @ TheAquarium, Adoption Stories, GlassFish for Business and about NetBeans @ Planet NetBeans.

Subscribe to their aggregated feed and send feedback to .

Technorati: javaworld blogosphere jwblogs glassfish netbeans community

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April 24, 2008

Roses from Frontyard – Digital Pictures

Filed under: photography — arungupta @ 12:30 am

A rose, not only by any name, but in any shape or color will smell as sweet and also look as beautiful :)

Here are some pictures of roses from my front yard. The pictures were taken around 7pm yesterday and purposely shown in 640 x 480 size in order to provide visual pleasure! I’ve higher resolution pictures available as well, in case you are interested.

All the pictures below keep the flower in center of the frame. I’ll try another set next week with Rule of Thirds.

Technorati: photography digital d80 flowers roses

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April 23, 2008

TOTD #31: CRUD Application using Grails – Hosted on GlassFish and MySQL

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 6:00 am

TOTD #30 explained how to create CRUD application using Grails and hosted using in-built Jetty servlet engine and in-memory HSQLDB database. Jetty and HSQLDB are built into Grails and allows to start easily. You can also use GlassFish and MySQL for deploying your applications in production environment.

This blog entry walks you through the steps of deploying a Grails application on GlassFish and MySQL.

  1. If MySQL is already installed, then download GlassFish v2 UR1. Otherwise you can also Download GlassFish v2 UR1 and MySQL co-bundle from usual Download Page (instructions).
  2. Configure MySQL database
    1. Download MySQL Connector/J 5.1.6 from here.
    2. Extract the bundle and copy “mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar” to the “lib” directory of Grails application.
    3. Start MySQL database as:
      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe –user root –console
      Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
    4. Create database by giving the following command:
      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin create crudProd –user root
  3. Configure the Application
    1. Edit “grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy” to specify MySQL configuration. The updated file looks like (changes highlighted in bold):

      dataSource {
              pooled = false
              driverClassName = “com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
              username = “root
              password = “”
              dialect = “org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect”
      hibernate {
      // environment specific settings
      environments {
              development {
                      dataSource {
                              dbCreate = “create-drop” // one of ‘create’, ‘create-drop’,'update’
                              url = “jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB”
              test {
                      dataSource {
                              dbCreate = “update”
                              url = “jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb”
              production {
                      dataSource {
                              dbCreate = “update”
                              url = “jdbc:mysql://localhost/crudProd

      Being in production, it’s recommended to use InnoDB tables instead of MyISAM tables. This can be easily specified by using the dialect as explained here. More details about the contents of “DataSource.groovy” can be found here.

    2. Create a WAR by giving the following command:

      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >grails war

      Welcome to Grails 1.0.2 –
      Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
      Grails home is set to: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2

      Base Directory: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
      Note: No plugin scripts found
      Running script /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/scripts/War.groovy
      Environment set to production
         [delete] Deleting: /Users/arungupta/.grails/1.0.2/projects/crud/resources/web.xml
         [delete] Deleting directory /Users/arungupta/.grails/1.0.2/projects/crud/classes
      . . .
      [propertyfile] Updating property file: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/staging/WEB-INF/classes/
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/staging/WEB-INF/plugins
           [copy] Warning: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/plugins not found.
            [jar] Building jar: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/crud-0.1.war
         [delete] Deleting directory /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/staging
      Done creating WAR /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/crud-0.1.war

  4. Deploy the WAR file as:

    g="2" cellspacing="2">
    ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >~/testbed/glassfish/v3/p2b9/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy crud-0.1.war
    crud-0.1 deployed successfully
    Command deploy executed successfully.

    The application is now accessible at “http://localhost:8080/crud-0.1″ and looks like:

  5. READ – Click on “StateController” and the following page is shown:

  6. CREATE – Click on “New State” and enter the values as shown below:

    and click on “Create” to see the following page:

  7. UPDATE & DELETE – You can click on “Edit” or “Delete” to perform U or D of CRUD or click on “State List” to view the updated list.

Please leave suggestions on other TOTD that you’d like to see. A complete archive is available here.

Technorati: groovy grails glassfish mysql scripting netbeans

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April 22, 2008

TOTD #30: CRUD Application using Grails – Hosted on Jetty and HSQLDB

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 12:02 am

After a simple Grails application, let’s create a CRUD application. Such an application allows to perform basic database operations to read table rows from the database, create new rows, and edit and delete existing rows. This blog shows how such an application can be created using Grails, hosted on built-in Jetty servlet engine and use in-memory HSQLDB database for persistence.

A follow-up entry will show how this application can be deployed in production mode on GlassFish and using MySQL database.

  1. Create a Grails application
    1. After Grails download and configuration, create a new application “crud” as:

      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples >grails create-app crud

      Welcome to Grails 1.0.2 –
      Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
      Grails home is set to: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2

      Base Directory: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples
      Note: No plugin scripts found
      Running script /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/scripts/CreateApp.groovy
      Environment set to development
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/src
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/src/java
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/src/groovy
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/controllers
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/services
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/domain
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/taglib
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/utils
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/views
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/views/layouts
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/i18n
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/conf
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/test
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/test/unit
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/test/integration
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/scripts
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/js
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/css
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/images
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/META-INF
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/lib
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/conf/spring
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/conf/hibernate
      [propertyfile] Creating new property file: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/
           [copy] Copying 2 files to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
           [copy] Copying 2 files to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/WEB-INF
           [copy] Copying 5 files to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/WEB-INF/tld
           [copy] Copying 87 files to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app
           [copy] Copying 17 files to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
      [propertyfile] Updating property file: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/
      Created Grails Application at /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud

    2. In your project directory, create a domain class as:
      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >grails create-domain-class state

      Welcome to Grails 1.0.2 –
      Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
      Grails home is set to: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2

      Base Directory: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
      Note: No plugin scripts found
      Running script /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/scripts/CreateDomainClass.groovy
      Environment set to development
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/domain
      Created  for State
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/test/integration
      Created Tests for State

      This creates “State.groovy” class in “grails-app/domain” directory and looks like:

      class State {


      Add two fields to store state name and the corresponding abbreviation as shown below:

      class State {
              String name
              String abbrev
    3. Change “grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy” class to initialize the domain with sample data as shown below:
      class BootStrap {

           def init = { servletContext
                new State(name:”California”, abbrev:”CA”).save()
                new State(name:”New York”, abbrev:”NY”).save()
                new State(name:”Texas”, abbrev:”TX”).save()
                new State(name:”Wisconsin”, abbrev:”WI”).save()
           def destroy = {

    4. Create a new controller as:
      ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >grails create-controller state

      Welcome to Grails 1.0.2 –
      Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
      Grails home is set to: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2

      Base Directory: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
      Note: No plugin scripts found
      Running script /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/scripts/CreateController.groovy
      Environment set to development
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/controllers
      Created Controller for State
          [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/grails-app/views/state
           [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/test/integration
      Created ControllerTests for State

      This generates ”grails-app/controllers/StateController.groovy” with the following content:

      class StateController {

          def index = { }

      Replace it with to define a scaffold:

      class StateController {

          def scaffold = State

  2. Start the application using built-in Jetty Servlet engine and in-memory HSQLDB database as shown below:
    ~/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud >grails run-app

    Welcome to Grails 1.0.2 –
    Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
    Grails home is set to: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2

    Base Directory: /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud
    Note: No plugin scripts found
    Running script /Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/scripts/RunApp.groovy
    Environment set to development
    Running Grails application..
    2008-04-18 17:26:29.962::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
    2008-04-18 17:26:29.075::INFO:  jetty-6.1.4
    2008-04-18 17:26:29.155::INFO:  No Transaction manager found – if your webapp requires one, please configure one.
    2008-04-18 17:26:30.886:/crud:INFO:  Set web app root system property: ‘crud’ = [/Users/arungupta/testbed/grails-1.0.2/samples/crud/web-app/]
    2008-04-18 17:26:30.886:/crud:INFO:  Initializing Log4J from [file:/Users/arungupta/.grails/1.0.2/projects/crud/resources/]
    2008-04-18 17:26:30.945:/crud:INFO:  Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
    [0] spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext Refreshing org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext@848dfb: display name [org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext@848dfb]; startup date [Fri Apr 18 17:26:32 PDT 2008]; parent:
    [1] spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext Bean factory for application context [org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext@848dfb]:
    2008-04-18 17:26:34.655:/crud:INFO:  Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet ‘grails’
    2008-04-18 17:26:35.716::INFO:  Started [email protected]:8080
    Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/crud

    The application is now accessible at “http://localhost:8080/crud” and looks like:

  3. READ – Click on “StateController” and the following page is shown:

  4. CREATE – Click on “New State” and enter the values as shown below:

    and click on “Create” to see the following page:

  5. UPDATE & DELETE – You can click on “Edit” or “Delete” to perform U or D of CRUD or click on “State List” to view the updated list as shown below:

Please leave suggestions on other TOTD that you’d like to see. A complete archive is available here.

Technorati: groovy grails glassfish jetty hsqldb scripting crud

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April 21, 2008

JRuby and GlassFish v2 – Another successful deployment @ WorldxChange Communication NZ

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 2:50 pm

From proof-of-concept to production in 8 weeks, WorldxChange Communication NZ‘s online billing system is another succes story of JRuby and GlassFish v2. The portal is designed solely using NetBeans 6.1 IDE.

Here are some of the quotes from the completed questionnaire:

From my perspective, the main advantage was that I could deploy my JRuby project war file directly to Glassfish, allowing me to develop and test our online ViewBill portal using a production grade, scalable web server.

From a geek perspective, we love that Glassfish combined with JRuby and allowed us to integrate many different disparate systems to create a seamless interface for our customers to use.

started using the Glassfish v3 gem for final testing of new code releases and to check functionality prior to production deployment.

I do not believe that I could have developed this project any faster using different toolsets or technologies and have been massively impressed with the combination of Glassfish and JRuby.

Read more details here.

Rails powered by the GlassFish Application Server explains why to use GlassFish for powering your Rails applications.

You can find all all about JRuby and GlassFish efforts on the GlassFish wiki or JRuby wiki.

Technorati: glassfish netbeans rubyonrails jruby ruby stories

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JavaOne 2008 – 2 weeks away!

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:02 am

JavaOne 2008 is 2 weeks away, gosh!

Everything around is oriented accordingly starting from slides, messaging, demos, rehearsals, booth duties, shwags, parties, after dark events, customer meetings (some old friends too ;-) and lots of other stuff. It’s full gear already and now full speed ahead!

Here are some links for you to get started:

  • JavaOne main website 
    • Activities
    • Schedule – at-a-glance and detailed
      • Searchable Catalog
      • General Session
      • Hands-on-Lab
      • Exhibitor Hall
      • Java University
    • Conference guide
    • FREE admission to students (register here)
  • Community One
    • Searchable Catalog
    • Complete Session Schedule
  • GlassFish @ Community One lists the complete list of GlassFish related activities. The key highlights:
    • GlassFish Unconference on May 4 (Sunday)
    • GlassFish Day on May 5 (Monday)
      • FREE registration but limited space, so do it right now! This also gives you access to JavaOne pavilion and General Session on May 6 (Tuesday)
      • Sessions list

In my 9th consecutive JavaOne, am involved in several activities on different days. I’ll post my schedule soon and also post my pick of sessions soon.

In the meanwhile, make sure you register for GlassFish Day!

Technorati: conf javaone glassfish glassfishday c1 communityone javaone2008

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