Miles to go …

April 21, 2008

JRuby and GlassFish v2 – Another successful deployment @ WorldxChange Communication NZ

Filed under: netbeans, web2.0 — arungupta @ 2:50 pm

From proof-of-concept to production in 8 weeks, WorldxChange Communication NZ’s online billing system is another succes story of JRuby and GlassFish v2. The portal is designed solely using NetBeans 6.1 IDE.

Here are some of the quotes from the completed questionnaire:

From my perspective, the main advantage was that I could deploy my JRuby project war file directly to Glassfish, allowing me to develop and test our online ViewBill portal using a production grade, scalable web server.

From a geek perspective, we love that Glassfish combined with JRuby and allowed us to integrate many different disparate systems to create a seamless interface for our customers to use.

started using the Glassfish v3 gem for final testing of new code releases and to check functionality prior to production deployment.

I do not believe that I could have developed this project any faster using different toolsets or technologies and have been massively impressed with the combination of Glassfish and JRuby.

Read more details here.

Rails powered by the GlassFish Application Server explains why to use GlassFish for powering your Rails applications.

You can find all all about JRuby and GlassFish efforts on the GlassFish wiki or JRuby wiki.

Technorati: glassfish netbeans rubyonrails jruby ruby stories

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  1. For Lineage 2 Cheats L2 Adena Dupes and Lineage 2 Exploits go to

    Comment by Lineage 2 — June 25, 2008 @ 11:03 am

  2. [...] So we deployed Redmine, Typo, and Substruct using JRuby/Rails on GlassFish without any additional packaging. There are several Rails applications deployed in production on GlassFish. [...]

    Pingback by Popular Ruby-on-Rails applications on GlassFish v3 – Redmine, Typo, Substruct « Miles to go … — September 17, 2009 @ 11:20 pm

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