Miles to go …

November 11, 2009

JFall 2009 Trip Report

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:30 pm

Attended and presented at my first NLJUG’s JFall conference earlier today.

NLJUG is the Java User Group of Netherlands. It’s a non-profit organization that try to get out the maximum out of content sharing with all of its members. An annual subscription to the JUG is 35.50 Euros and allows the members to attend its two annual conferences – JSpring and JFall and also provide a year long subscription to a local Java magazine.

The conference itself started with 200 attendees in 2004 and has grown up to 1250 attendees last year. This year they had to cap the limit at 1000 because of the cost control measures. NLJUG rely upon subscriptions from business partners for funding and in turn profile them within the Dutch community and offer them high-bandwidth networking opportunities at conferences like this. If you are interested in being their partner, send an email to .

This year, the selection committee had to review 100+ submissions to pick the top 32 sessions and 2 hands-on-labs sessions. The conference focus has certainly expanded from Java language to the Java platform and had a few talks even on Scala, Android, and HTML 5.

The slides from my "Java EE 6 and GlassFish v3: Paving the path for future" are available below:

Java EE 6 and GlassFish v3: Paving the path for future

Several demos shown (or not because of time shortage) during the talk are available at:

  • TOTD #91: Applying Servlet 3.0 "web-fragment.xml" to Apache Wicket
  • TOTD #101: Applying Servlet 3.0 "web-fragment.xml" to Lift
  • TOTD #95: EJB 3.1 Simplified packaging
  • TOTD #93: Getting started with GlassFish v3 and NetBeans 6.8: Simple Servlet 3.0 + JPA 2.0 app
  • TOTD #94: JSF 2.0 + JPA 2.0 application using GlassFish v3 and NetBeans 6.8
  • TOTD #81: Getting Started with Servlet 3.0 using NetBeans 6.x
  • TOTD #102: Java EE 6 wizards (Servlet 3.0 and EJB 3.1) in Eclipse
  • Session preservation & Deploy-on-save using NetBeans and Eclipse
  • Screencast #26: Deploy, Run, Debug Rails applications using NetBeans and GlassFish

Most of the English-speaking sessions are by Sun speakers so could not attend other sessions that I wanted to.

Here are some pictures from the event:

It was certainly a pleasure to meet Bert Ertman, Klaasjan Tukker, Bert Breeman and other folks involved behind NLJUG and JFall 2009. The complete photo album is available:

Now to Rome for delivering an all-day GlassFish workshop at a partner’s location. And then finally home … phew!

Technorati: conf nljug jfall amsterdam glassfish v3 javaee

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  1. The two entries above this one are spam. Please remove?

    Comment by Jan de Ruiter — November 15, 2009 @ 11:23 pm

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