Miles to go …

November 13, 2009

Running in the streets of Rome

Filed under: Running — arungupta @ 10:05 pm

During my overnight stay in Rome 2 days back, the hotel’s wifi network was down and the fitness center was closed for renovation. An old grumpy guy at the front desk, who was humming songs and had absolutely no concept of greeting / smile, checked me in. The "world class buffet" was pretty mediocre with limited selections and was advertised on the incorrect floor. Really ancient, not antique, just old & worn out, faucets in the shower made me wonder.

But anyway, the good thing was that the stairs to the 7th floor were outside the hotel so I got a good workout by climbing them 5 times.

And of course, I created my running course around the hotel. Please click on the interactive map below:

Running 15 of these loops gave me somewhat hill repeats because of the elevation involved.

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    Comment by rolex watches — November 17, 2009 @ 6:36 pm

  2. Why is that most of your blogs are complaining about something…? Either about people in trail or some hotel where u stayed some 2 days. You hadnt anything to tell better about Rome…? The world is more than what you see. Pls try to change ur prespective.

    Comment by sisora — November 30, 2009 @ 3:18 pm

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