Miles to go …

July 20, 2009

Running Pet Peeves – Running San Francisco Marathon 2009 First 1/2

Filed under: running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:45 pm

I’ve been running for many many years now and got into long distance running 4 years ago. Just love outdoor running and use treadmill for speed workouts and hills. Treadmill is a very predictable environment and allows you to focus on particular aspects of training. Most of my workouts are in the neighborhood and I generally try to run on business trips. As much as I enjoy running, I have my share of pet peeves experienced over these past years.

  1. Leashed dog who are wandering multiple feet away from the owners and certainly all the unleashed dogs chasing/barking people in public areas.
  2. Abreast walkers on the trail not willing to give up way for the runners coming behind. They just look behind and continue walking at 2 miles/hour.
  3. All the more weird, walkers abreast on the trail not willing to give up way for runners coming from front.
  4. Group runners who run abreast, love to chat and don’t yield to other runners.
  5. Hikers who move to right when you say “right” coming from behind … ouch!
  6. Drivers yapping on their phone, not paying any attention to oncoming traffic and especially to pedestrian/walkers/runners.
  7. Another similar one, drivers unwilling to yield on unprotected right turn for walkers/runners with right of way.
  8. In races, runners (more like fast walkers) who sign up for Wave 1 and 2 where as they should really be Wave 6 or 7. They just cause extra traffic for faster runners.
  9. In races again, right before or after the start the runners who take a deviation start peeing off anywhere they like … yuck! Have seen it all the times in early morning races, especially San Francisco Marathon. I think one of the San Francisco Marathon photographers should shoot each runner’s photo who is spoiling the bay with their dump and then publish them.
  10. Walkers/runners who just stop to fix a shoe lace or itch or something else without bothering to check if there is somebody coming fast behind them.
  11. Runners who expect a return “hello/hi” from you when you are totally focused on getting that last stretch completed.

I’ve experienced each one of them multiple times. I think the world will be a better place for runners, and in general, if we try to avoid these.

Anyway, feel free to add yours!

I’m expressing these peeves in the last days before 2009 San Francisco Marathon and will see if the world is slightly better in the race. I’ll be running the first half over the Golden Gate Bridge and will see ya there. And as evident from the last point above, I don’t like talking when running so we’ll talk before/after the race :)

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Related posts:
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  2. Running San Francisco Marathon 2007
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  5. Sun Francisco Marathon – 2nd tier sold out


  1. The worst I have seen so far on the running trail was a woman rollerblading while pushing a jogging stroller and holding a dog on a leash. I can guarantee that someone was hurt at some point.

    Not sure if you are logging your training online, check out our <a href=""&gt;online training logs</a>. We can help you track your training, post your workouts to Facebook & Twitter and find other people with similar interests.

    Comment by Endurance Junkies — July 21, 2009 @ 6:05 pm

  2. Great list! :)

    How about the people that show up to the starting line wearing trash bags, who then just take them off & throw them to the side (where they blow into the bay at the SF Marathon…)

    Comment by Dave — July 30, 2009 @ 8:11 pm

  3. Yeah, that too!

    I saw quite a few of those this time unfortunately :(

    Comment by Arun Gupta — July 31, 2009 @ 9:58 am

  4. [...] Running Pet Peeves – Running San Francisco Marathon 2009 First 1/2 [...]

    Pingback by Running Inspirational Quotes from “Ultra Marathon Man: Confessions of an all-night runner” - Technology — September 11, 2009 @ 11:00 am

  5. One reason for all that random peeing near the start of the SF Marathon was the pathetic lack of porta-potties at the start line. I was only there as a supporter, but the facilities were completely inadequate. I’m a decent, clean person, but I was seriously consider seeking out a bush!

    Comment by Struggler — November 22, 2009 @ 10:25 am

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