Miles to go …

December 17, 2009

IndicThreads Conference 2009 – Trip Report

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

I attended my first IndicThreads conference, fourth otherwise, in Pune last week.

This local conference fits very well with "Think Globally, Act Locally" theme. The topics were quite varied ranging from Scala, Lift, Google App Engine, Android, GWT, Distributed Scrum, and of course Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3. All the speakers were well versed with the content and the audience was pretty interactive. Keeping global warming into consideration, the conference adopted the theme of  Go Green. The conference setup provided a great opportunity for social networking.

Here are some of the reasons to attend / sponsor IndicThreads:

  • The conference is the oldest independent event in India focused on Java technology.
  • Pune contributed Rs 25,000 crore ($5.3 billion) in 2008-09 in IT exports with an impressive growth of 24%.
  • There are several major companies like Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant, Accenture, Sybase, Tech Mahindra, WebEx based in Pune.
  • October to March is the best time to visit Pune.
  • The city of Pune certainly offers a really fine cuisine, as evident in the images below.

I presented on:

  • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving path for the future
  • Dynamic Languages & Web Frameworks in GlassFish v3

and the slides are available. Unfortunately the graphics card of my MacBook failed the evening before the conference. So I had to rush to Apple Care center and retrieve my presentations from the hard disk. Fortunately that worked and the slides could be used. There are several blog pointers through out the presentation for the demos shown during the talk:

  • NetBeans and Eclipse tooling for Java EE 6 using GlassFish v3
  • GlassFish v3 Administration and REST interface
  • Ruby on Rails, Groovy and Grails, Python and Django deployment on GlassFish v3
  • Develop / Deploy / Debug Rails application using NetBeans and GlassFish v3
  • GlassFish Gem for Rails / Merb / Sinatra / Rack
Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving path for the future

Dynamic Languages Web Frameworks Indicthreads 2009

Get the complete set of presentations at the conference from this playlist:


Sun Microsystems raffled a Sunspot to the winner of "Java and Green" quiz. Here are the questions:

  1. When was the GlassFish community started ? Tick the right answer.

    1. 2004

    2. 2005

    3. 2006

    4. 2007

  2. Which framework is not supported natively by GlassFish ?

    1. Ruby on Rails

    2. Django

    3. Groovy and Grails

    4. Java EE

  3. Which specifications is not new or did not get a major update in Java EE 6.

    1. Context & Dependency Injection

    2. Managed Beans

    3. Servlet 3.0

    4. JAX-WS

  4. What 3 IDEs have support for Java EE 6 ?

  5.   pan>Name 4 HTTP methods that let you perform RESTful Web services.

  6. Sun Microsystems is now a division of Oracle.

    1. True

    2. False

  7. Name 3 “green” initiatives at IndicThreads Conference 09.

  8. When was created?

    1. 2004

    2. 2005

    3. 2006

    4. 2007

  9. The United Nations Climate Change Conference is happening in:

    1. Copenhagen

    2. Belgium

    3. Geneva

Lets see how many can you answer :-) Thanks Aaron Houston for sponsoring the Sunspot.

Watch Harshad Oak, first Java champion in India and founder of the conference, talks about how the conference, intended audience, message to sponsors, and other messages in this short video:

Here are some photographs from the conference:

And here is the complete set of pictures captured by me:

And here is the complete album captured by the conference:

Here are couple of additional reviews of the conference:

  • Post conference recap: The 4th conference on Java Technology
  • IndicThreads Java Conference – What a Experience

Looking forward to participate in this conference next year!

Technorati: conf indicthreads pune india glassfish javaee netbeans eclipse java

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