Miles to go …

March 11, 2010

DevNexus 2010 Trip Report

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 12:08 pm
As mentioned earlier, I presented on Java E 6 & GlassFish v3 at DevNexus earlier this week. This is an annual conference by Atlanta Java Users Group and had three parallel tracks.

The conference was a sold out and the attendees packed Cobb Galleria conference rooms on both the days.

Anyway, the slides from my session are available below:

Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3 @ DevNexus

The speaking slots were bigger than normal, 70 minutes as opposed to normally 45 or 50 minutes. So that allowed to spend more time on the demos and show all the simplicity and ease-of-use with Java EE 6.  Optional "web.xml" is particularly well appreciated :-) And the attendees were hopeful that other vendors will start supporting Java EE 6 soon. For the record – Caucho, Geronimo, JBoss, and WebLogic have announced plans to be Java EE 6 compliant.

If you are interested in learning about Java EE (and several other topics), then offers several of them all over the country. You can even avail a 10% on any class by registering at And if you are interested in specific learning paths on Java EE 6, then Oracle University has well designed courses.

Personally, I got to meet Dan Allen, Burr Sutter, James Ward, Venkat Subramaniam and many others. Burr is always an energetic personality and was live tweeting photographs of all the speakers. I loved his opening statement that DevNexus is about people who do what needs to be done, not who thinks what needs to be done. Basically he was joking on differences between "architects" and "developers" ;-) I also had some brief discussions with Dan on how Java EE adoption is important for the enterprise. His presentation on Contexts & Dependency Injection explained the concepts in simple manner. HIs slides should be soon available on Seam Wiki. Venkat’s keynote on Tuesday morning on "Facts and Fallacies of Software Development" was quite animated and simply superb. Here are some quotes from his talk:

  • A professional who doesn’t learn to fail, fails to learn
  • If a language is more typed, you type less (e.g. Scala). If a language is less typed, you type more (e.g. Java)
  • Standardization before innovation is a bad idea, that’s why EJB 1.0 suck so bad
  • It’s the lack of clear business objective, not lack of money & time that leads to failure
  • Passion, Competency, Responsibility – 3 things that can make your company succeed

I’m certainly looking forward to his keynote at Spark IT 2010 next week.

Finally some pictures from the conference:

And the complete album is available at:

Here is a brief number summary of the 2-week conference circuit starting next week:

  • 3 conferences
  • 8 sessions + 1 hands-on workshop
  • 2 cities
  • 6 days
  • 3 Hotels
  • 3 Airlines
  • Infinite meet/greet sessions

And then of course there is another one on Java EE 6 & GlassFish in Dallas on April 5, thank you GCA :-)

Technorati: conf glassfish v3 javaee atlanta devnexus ajug gca

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  1. Java EE 6 & GlassFish swimming to DevNexus/Atlanta – Mar 8/9 & Dallas – Apr 5
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  3. DevIgnition 2010 Trip Report
  4. Oredev 2010 Trip Report
  5. Spark IT 2010 Trip Report

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