Miles to go …

October 26, 2010

LOTD #23: Oracle Cloud API

Filed under: General — arungupta @ 11:14 am

Oracle Cloud Resource Model API is available here.

William blogged about it a few months back and you can find more details and references on his blog. The Elemental Resource Model of this API has already been submitted to DMTF and forms the foundation for the core of the IaaS layer. This API adopted a significant part of the original Sun Cloud API and is geared towards interoperability, private clouds, and compatibility with existing application infrastructure.

Jack Yu, Engineering Manager @ Oracle was joined by 250+ viewers on OTN Techcast Live. An archive of the video will be available soon, stay tuned!

Here are some other relevant pointers:

  • Cloud Computing on OTN
  • Cloud Computing on
  • OTN Techcast Live

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