Minecraft Modding with Forge

Would you like to learn Minecraft Modding in a family-friendly way?
Don’t have any previous programming experience?
Never programmed in Java?

This new O’Reilly book on Minecraft Modding with Forge is targeted at parents and kids who would like to learn how to create new Minecraft mods. It can be read by parents or kids independently, and is more fun when they read it together. No prior programming experience is required however some familiarity with software installation would be very helpful.

Minecraft Modding with Forge Book Cover

Release Date: April 2015
Language: English
Pages: 194
Print ISBN:978-1-4919-1889-0| ISBN 10:1-4919-1889-6
Ebook ISBN:978-1-4919-1883-8| ISBN 10:1-4919-1883-7

It uses Minecraft Forge and shows how to build 26 mods. Here is the complete Table of Content:

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Block Break Message
Chapter 3 Fun with Explosions
Chapter 4 Entities
Chapter 5 Movement
Chapter 6 New Commands
Chapter 7 New Block
Chapter 8 New Item
Chapter 9 Recipes and Textures
Chapter 10 Sharing Mods
Appendix A What is Minecraft?
Appendix B Eclipse Shortcuts and Correct Imports
Appendix C Downloading the Source Code from GitHub
Appendix D Devoxx4Kids

Each chapter also share several ideas on what readers can try.

Game of Minecraft is commonly associated with “addiction”. This book hopes to leverage the passionate kids and teach them how to do Minecraft Modding, and in the process teach them some fundamental Java concepts. They also pick up basic Eclipse skills as well.

It has been an extremely joyful and rewarding experience to co-author the book with my 12-year old son. Many thanks to O’Reilly for providing this opportunity of a lifetime experience to us.

The book can be purchased from shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920036562.do.
Scan the QR code to get the URL on your favorite device.


Happy modding and looking forward to your feedback!

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3 thoughts on “Minecraft Modding with Forge

  1. Dear Sir,

    About BlockBreakMessage , The event.getPlayer().addChatMessage was no work, where can found the mapping or update about those change?


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