Couchbase 4.5 Application Contest – Chance to win $500 Amazon gift card!

Couchbase 4.5 Beta was announced yesterday and it can make you $500 richer!


This blog announces a contest asking developers to build an application using Couchbase 4.5 Beta. Each qualified entry wins a #Couchbase swag worth $25. One lucky winner will be awarded a $500 amazon gift card.

This release has several features such as integrated full text search, sub-document API, integrated query workbench, query monitoring and much more. Do you care about performance in a NoSQL database, want to make it more secure, or like simplified/advanced data access? There is something in it for every body.

Here are some ideas for submission:

  • Pick a language SDK and create a CRUD application
  • Create a full-stack application using Couchbase as one of the components
  • Update Couchbase Maven Plugin to work with the latest release
  • Migrate your favorite NoSQL application to work with Couchbase
  • Eclipse or IntelliJ plugin for Couchbase

And of course, we love to see your creative ideas!

What are we looking for?

  • Creativity and originality of the application
  • How many Couchbase features are used in the application?
  • Are you running Couchbase as a Docker container? In Kubernetes? In Mesos + Marathon?
  • Have you used Couchbase NetBeans plugin for development?

Contest timeline: May 5th, 12:01 EDT – Jun 30, 2016, 11:59 PM EDT

Where to submit? Send your submissions to devadvocates at couchbase dot com.

Official contest rules provide more details on the rules.

Good luck!


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