WildFly 8 CR1 is now available!

First release candidate of WildFly 8 is now available!


Read more details in Jason’s blog announcing the release

Main highlights:

  • Java EE 7 TCK is now 100% passing … yay!
  • High-performance web server for maximum throughput and scalability (undertow.io)
  • All protocols multiplexed over two ports: 8080 for application and 9990 for management. CR1 still has three ports, will be two by final.
  • Management Role Based Access Control and Auditing
  • Simplified application of patches
  • New minimalistic “core” distribution (14MB) is ideal for framework authors to build their own application runtime over WildFly
  • Improved JDK8 compatibility
  • 387 issues resolved since Beta1
  • Lots of components updated
  • Integration with NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, JBoss Tools

Watch the following webinar to learn more about WildFly 8:

Download wildfly-8.0.0.CR1.zip or associated source code and build it yourself. Use Tech Tip #1 to get started!

Don’t forget to check out tons of Java EE 7 samples/tests and help us increase the coverage by contributing. The current test suite has 242 tests running in CI.

Here are some additional useful resources:

  • Release Notes
  • Documentation
  • Glossary
  • WildFly project page
  • WildFly issue tracker
  • WildFly user forum
  • WildFly wiki
  • WildFly source
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4 thoughts on “WildFly 8 CR1 is now available!

  1. Dear Mr. Arun Gupta,
    I saw your book Java EE 6(?) was most of the change of the version. Can you recommend a Java EE 7 book (for SE users but in EE beginner in pratice).
    Have nice holyday :)
    I’m sorry to break/steal your time,
    Gabor Gossmann
    PS:(Herbert Shildt: Java SE for Beginners was a great basic book something on it in Java EE 7)

  2. Dear Mr. Arun Gupta,
    after I looked the Contents:
    it’s great.
    But I have the “medusa” book and it was most of the changes for the new version.
    I don’t want to make from me, or from you a clow.
    But the big question is: Is it a great book? It great (you are in this, the best)!
    The question is:
    Is it about the old commands too (or only from the new)?

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