Adding Java EE 7 Batch Addon to JBoss Forge ? – Part 5 (Tech Tip #38)

This is the fifth part (part 1part 2, part 3, part 4) of a multi-part video series where Lincoln Baxter (@lincolnthree) and I are interactively building a Forge addon to add Java EE 7 Batch functionality.

Part 1 showed how to get started with creating an addon, add relevant POM dependencies, build and install the addon using Forge shell, add a new command batch-new-jobxml, and add --reader--processor--writer parameters to the newly added command.

Part 2 showed how to identify classes for each CLI parameter that already honor the contract required by the Batch specification.

Part 3 showed how parameters can be made required, created templates for reader, processor, and writer, validated the specified parameters.

Part 4 added a new test for the command and showed how Forge can be used in debug mode.

This part shows:

  • Fix a bug reported by a community member
  • Started work another issue to make processor validation optional


As always, the evolving source code is available at The debugging will continue in the next episode.

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