WildFly 9: Features and Getting Started (Tech Tip #43)

WildFly 8.1 provides a Java EE 7 compliant application server, and is pretty awesome!

WildFly team has been actively working this summer on the next release. WildFly 9 features were announced a few weeks ago. Here is a quick summary and links to discussions on wildfly-dev:

  • Core/Servlet/Full Split
  • Graceful shutdown
  • Elytron (Security improvments)
  • Switching to the JDK ORB from JacORB
  • Undertow as a mod_cluster frontend
  • Subsystem Capabilities and Requirements
  • EAP 6.4 RFEs (TBA)

Links/details to rest of the features TBD.

So how do you get started with WildFly 9 ?

  • Building WildFly 9 requires at least have Maven 3.2.1, download the latest here.
  • Clone the workspace as:
  • Build the workspace as:

    Took 02:36 mins to build on my machine :)
  • Unzip dist/target/wildfly-9.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT.zip to a new directory
  • Run WildFly as:

Note that is still very early in the development stages and workspace is constantly evolving. So things may be broken but you know that Red Hat is working actively on your favorite application server :-)

Some useful references …

  • Feel free to subscribe to wildfly-dev alias and participate in the discussion
  • Ask your questions on WildFly forum
  • WildFly 9 docs (very early, mostly placeholder)
  • Follow us at @WildFlyAS
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