Category Archives: wildfly

Service Discovery with Java and Database application in Kubernetes

This blog will show how a simple Java application can talk to a database using service discovery in Kubernetes.

 Kubernetes Logo WildFly Logo

Service Discovery with Java and Database application in DC/OS explains why service discovery is an important aspect for a multi-container application. That blog also explained how this can be done for DC/OS.

Let’s see how this can be accomplished in Kubernetes with a single instance of application server and database server. This blog will use WildFly for application server and Couchbase for database.

This blog will use the following main steps:

  • Start Kubernetes one-node cluster
  • Kubernetes application definition
  • Deploy the application
  • Access the application

Start Kubernetes Cluster

Minikube is the easiest way to start a one-node Kubernetes cluster in a VM on your laptop. The binary needs to be downloaded first and then installed.

Complete installation instructions are available at

The latest release can be installed on OSX as as:

It also requires kubectl to be installed. Installing and Setting up kubectl provide detailed instructions on how to setup kubectl. On OSX, it can be installed as:

Now, start the cluster as:

The kubectl version command shows more details about the kubectl client and minikube server version:

More details about the cluster can be obtained using the kubectl cluster-info command:

Kubernetes Application Definition

Application definition is defined at It consists of:

  • A Couchbase service
  • Couchbase replica set with a single pod
  • A WildFly replica set with a single pod
The key part is where the value of the COUCHBASE_URI environment variable is name of the Couchbase service. This allows the application deployed in WildFly to dynamically discovery the service and communicate with the database.

arungupta/couchbase:travel Docker image is created using

arungupta/wildfly-couchbase-javaee:travel Docker image is created using

Java EE application waits for database initialization to be complete before it starts querying the database. This can be seen at

Deploy Application

This application can be deployed as:

The list of service and replica set can be shown using the command kubectl get svc,rs:

Logs for the single replica of Couchbase can be obtained using the command kubectl logs rs/couchbase-rs:

Logs for the WildFly replica set can be seen using the command kubectl logs rs/wildfly-rs:

Access Application

The kubectl proxy command starts a proxy to the Kubernetes API server. Let’s start a Kubernetes proxy to access our application:

Expose the WildFly replica set as a service using:

The list of services can be seen again using kubectl get svc command:

Now, the application is accessible at:

A formatted output looks like:

Now, new pods may be added as part of Couchbase service by scaling the replica set. Existing pods may be terminated or get rescheduled. But the Java EE application will continue to access the database service using the logical name.

This blog showed how a simple Java application can talk to a database using service discovery in Kubernetes.

For further information check out:

  • Kubernetes Docs
  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • Ask questions on Couchbase Forums or Stack Overflow
  • Download Couchbase

Microservice using Docker stack deploy – WildFly, Java EE and Couchbase

There is plenty of material on microservices, just google it! I gave a presentation on refactoring monolith to microservices at Devoxx Belgium a couple of years back and it has good reviews:

This blog will show how Docker simplifies creation and shutting down of a microservice.

All code used in this blog is at

Microservice Definition using Compose

Docker 1.13 introduced a v3 of Docker Compose. The changes in the syntax are minimal but the key difference is addition of deploy attribute. This attribute allows to specify replicas, rolling update and restart policy for the container.

Our microservice will start a WldFly application server with a Java EE application pre-deployed. This application will talk to a Couchbase database to CRUD application data.

Here is the Compose definition:

In this Compose file:

  1. Two services in this Compose are defined by the name db and web attributes
  2. Image name for each service defined using image attribute
  3. The arungupta/couchbase:travel image starts Couchbase server, configures it using Couchbase REST API, and loads travel-sample bucket with ~32k JSON documents.
  4. The arungupta/couchbase-javaee:travel image starts WildFly and deploys application WAR file built from Clone that project if you want to build your own image.
  5. envrionment attribute defines environment variables accessible by the application deployed in WildFly. COUCHBASE_URI refers to the database service. This is used in the application code as shown at
  6. Port forwarding is achieved using ports attribute
  7. depends_on attribute in Compose definition file ensures the container start up order. But application-level start up needs to be ensured by the applications running inside container. In our case, WildFly starts up rather quickly but takes a few seconds for the database to start up. This means the Java EE application deployed in WildFly is not able to communicate with the database. This outlines a best practice when building micro services applications: you must code defensively and ensure in your application initialization that the micro services you depend on have started, without assuming startup order. This is shown in the database initialization code at It performs the following checks:

    1. Bucket exists
    2. Query service of Couchbase is up and running
    3. Sample bucket is fully loaded

This application can be started using docker-compose up -d command on a single host. Or a cluster of Docker engines in swarm-mode using docker stack deploy command.

Setup Docker Swarm-mode

Initialize Swarm mode using the following command:

This starts a Swarm Manager. By default, manager node are also worker but can be configured to be manager-only.

Find some information about this one-node cluster using the command docker info command:

This cluster has 1 node, and that is manager.

Alternatively, a multi-host cluster can be easily setup using Docker for AWS.

Deploy Microservice

The microservice can be started as:

This shows the output:

WildFly and Couchbase services are started on this node. Each service has a single container. If the Swarm mode is enabled on multiple nodes then the containers will be distributed across multiple nodes.

A new overlay network is created. This allows multiple containers on different hosts to communicate with each other.

Verify that the WildFly and Couchbase services are running using docker service ls:

Logs for the service can be seen using docker service logs -f webapp_web:

Make sure to wait for the last log statement to show.

Access Microservice

Get 10 airlines from the microservice:

This shows the results as:

Docker for Java Developers workshop is a self-paced hands-on lab and allows you to get started with Docker easily.

Get a single resource:

Create a new resource:

Update a resource:

Delete a resource:

Detailed output from each of these commands is at

Delete Microservice

The microservice can be removed using  the command docker stack rm webapp:

Want to get started with Couchbase? Look at Couchbase Starter Kits.

Want to learn more about running Couchbase in containers?

  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Forums
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • @couchhasedev and @couchbase


Docker Services, Stack and Distributed Application Bundle


First Release Candidate of Docker 1.12 was announced over two weeks ago. Several new features are planned for this release.

This blog will show how to create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode. Many thanks to @friism to help me understand these concepts.

Let’s look at the features first:

  • Built-in orchestration: A typical application is defined using a Docker Compose file. This definition consists of multiple containers and deployed on multiple hosts. This avoids Single Point of Failure (SPOF) and keeps your application resilient. Multiple orchestration frameworks such as Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Mesos allow you to orchestrate these applications. However it is such an important characteristic of the application, Docker Engine now has built-in orchestration. More details on this topic in a later blog.
  • Service: A replicated, distributed and load balanced service can be easily created using docker service create command. A “desired state” of the application, such as run 3 containers of Couchbase, is provided and the self-healing Docker engine ensures that that many containers are running in the cluster. If a container goes down, another container is started. If a node goes down, containers on that node are started on a different node. More on this in a later blog.
  • Zero-configuration Security: Docker 1.12 comes with mutually authenticated TLS, providing authentication, authorization and encryption to the communications of every node participating in the swarm, out of the box. More on this in a later blog.
  • Docker Stack and Distributed Application Bundle: Distributed Application Bundle, or DAB, is a multi-services distributable image format. Read further for more details.

So far, you can take a Dockerfile and create an image from it using the docker build command. A container can be started using the docker run command. Multiple containers can be easily started by giving that command multiple times. Or you can also use Docker Compose file and scale up your containers using the docker-compose scale command.


Image is a portable format for a single container. Distributed Application Bundle, or DAB, is a new concept introduced in Docker 1.12, is a portable format for multiple containers. Each bundle can be then deployed as a Stack at runtime.


Learn more about DAB at

For simplicity, here is an analogy that can be drawn:

Dockerfile -> Image -> Container

Docker Compose -> Distributed Application Bundle -> Docker Stack

Let’s use a Docker Compose file, create a DAB from it, and deploy it as a Docker Stack.

Its important to note that this is an experimental feature in 1.12-RC2.

Create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose

Docker Compose CLI adds a new bundle command. More details can be found:

Now, let’s take a Docker Compose definition and create a DAB from it. Here is our Docker Compose definition:

This Compose file starts a WildFly and a Couchbase server. A Java EE application is pre-deployed in the WildFly server that connects to the Couchbase server and allows to perform CRUD operations using the REST API.

The source for this file is at:

Generate an application bundle with it:

depends_on only creates dependency between two services and makes them start in a specific order. This only ensures that the Docker container is started but the application within the container may take longer to start. So this attribute only partially solves the problem. container_name gives a specific name to the container. Relying upon a specific container name is tight coupling and does not allow to scale the container.  So both the warnings can be ignored, for now.

This command generates a file using the Compose project name, which is the directory name. So in our case, hellojavaee.dsb file is generated. This file extension has been renamed to .dab in RC3.

The generated application bundle looks like:

This file provides complete description of the services included in the application. I’m not entirely sure if Distributed Application Bundle is the most appropriate name, discuss this in #24250. It would be great if other container formats, such as Rkt, or even VMs can be supported here. But for now, Docker is the only supported format.

Initialize Swarm Mode in Docker

As mentioned above, “desired state” is now maintained by Docker Swarm. And this is now baked into Docker Engine already.

Docker Swarm concepts have evolved as well and can be read at Swarm mode key concepts. A more detailed blog on this will be coming later.

But for this blog, a new command docker swarm is now added:

Initialize a Swarm node (as a manager) in the Docker Engine:

More details about this node can be found using docker node inspect self command.

The detailed output is verbose but the relevant section is:

The output shows that the node is a manager. For a single-node cluster, this node will also act as a worker.


More details about the cluster can be obtained using the docker swarm inspect command.

AcceptancePolicy shows that other worker nodes can join this cluster, but a manager requires explicit approval.

Deploy a Docker Stack

Create a stack using docker deploy command:

The command usage can certainly be simplified as discussed in #24249.

See the list of services:

The output shows that two services, WildFly and Couchbase, are running. Services is also a new concept introduced in Docker 1.12. There is what gives you the “desired state” and Docker Engine works to give you that.

docker ps shows the list of containers running:

WildFly container starts up before the Couchbase container is up and running. This means the Java EE application tries to connect to the Couchbase server and fails. So the application never boots successfully.

Self-healing Docker Service

Docker Service maintains the “desired state” of an application. In our case, the desired state is to ensure that one, and only one, container for the service is running. If we remove the container, not the service, then the service will automatically start the container again.

Remove the container as:

Note, you’ve to give -f because the container is already running. Docker 1.12 self-healing mechanisms kick in and automatically restart the container. Now if you list the containers again:

This shows that a new container has been started.

Inspect the WildFly service:

Swarm assigns a random port to the service, or this can be manually updated using docker service update command. In our case, port 8080 of the container is mapped to 30004 port on the host.

Verify the Application

Check that the application is successfully deployed:

Add a new book to the application:

Verify the books again:

Learn more about this Java EE application at

This blog showed how to create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode.

Docker Service and Stack References

  • Docker Service Create
  • FREE book from O’Reilly: Docker for Java Developers
  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • Ask questions on @couchbasedev or Stackoverflow
Create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode.… Click To Tweet


Microservices using WildFly Swarm, Docker and Couchbase

Containers, Microsoervices, and NoSQL provide an awesome threesome for building your modern applications. These applications need to be agile, meet constantly evolving customer demands, be pervasive, and should work across mobile, web and IoT platforms.

This blog will explain a simple microservices stack using WildFly Swarm, Docker, and Couchbase. Complete code and instructions in this blog are documented at:

Let’s understand the key components of this stack first!


WildFly Swarm allows to package and run JavaEE applications by packaging them with just enough of the server runtime to java -jar your application. With built-in service discovery, single sign-on using Keycloak, monitoring using Hawkular, and many more features, WildFly Swarm provides all the necessary components to develop your microservice.


Docker for Mac provides native support for running Docker containers on Mac OSX. It relies upon Hypervisor.framework in OSX. Docker engine runs in an Alpine Linux distribution on top of an xhyve Virtual Machine, and even the VM is managed by Docker. There is no need for Docker Machine or VirtualBox, and it integrates with OSX security sandbox model. DockerCon 2016 removed the private beta restriction from Docker for Mac, and so its available for everybody now.

Couchbase Logo

NoSQL provides the agility and flexibility of schema-less databases. This allows the application to evolve independently and rapidly without going through cumbersome database migrations. Couchbase offers true horizontal scaling with homogenous architecture, as opposed to non-scalable master/slave architecture. It also offers auto-sharding, SQL-like query language for JSON (N1QL), mobile database and synchronization with the backend server, and much more.

The complete sample application in this blog is at:

WildFly Swarm Application

Let’s look at the Java EE REST endpoint:

It uses standard JAX-RS annotation to convert a POJO into a REST endpoint. Couchbase Java API provide a fluent API and used N1QL statement to query the documents and return the results. The N1QL statement returns the first 10 elements from the query result. Learn more about N1QL syntax in this interactive tutorial.

Database abstraction is defined as:

This is a singleton EJB that is eagerly initialized. It uses Couchbase Java SDK to connect to Couchbase. Database endpoint can be specified using the COUCHBASE_URI environment variable.

Next up is pom.xml for configuring the WildFly Swarm and Couchbase Java Client:

It uses WildFly Swarm “bill of materials” to pull in all the dependencies. Only the specific dependencies needed for the build are specified in <dependencies>. These are then packaged in the “fat jar”.

WildFly Swarm Maven plugin is used to package and run the application:

COUCHBASE_URI is used to read the host of where Couchbase database server is running.

Run Couchbase Server

Run the Couchbase server using Docker for Mac:

The arungupta/couchbase is built upon the standard Couchbase image and uses Couchbase REST API to configure the server.

Wait for a couple of minutes for the sample bucket to be populated with the JSON documents.

Invoke the Couchbase CLI tool cbq create a primary index on the sample bucket:

This will show the output as:

This output shows that result of creating index was successful.

One of the advantages of running Docker for Mac is that all the containers are accessible at localhost. This means Couchbase Web Console can be accessed at localhost:8091.


This screen ensures that Couchbase is configured  correctly.

Run WildFly Swarm Microservice


Package and run the self-contained microservice as:

If Couchbase is running on a different host, then the command will change to:

It shows the output as:

Now the application can be accessed as:

And a formatted output looks like:

So you built a simple microservice using WildFly Swarm accessing a Couchbase database running as a Docker container.

Now, ideally this WildFly Swarm service should be packaged as a Docker image and then that Docker image would serve as the service. A Maven profile with the name docker is already added to pom.xml but issue #3 is making that scenario fail.

Microservices References

  • WildFly Swarm
  • Getting Started with NoSQL
  • GitHub Repo:


Docker Machine, Swarm and Compose for multi-container and multi-host applications with Couchbase and WildFly

This blog will explain how to create multi-container application deployed on multiple hosts using Docker. This will be achieved using Docker Machine, Swarm and Compose.

Yes, all three tools together makes this blog that much more interesting!

Docker Swarm Machine Compose

The diagram explains the key components:

  • Docker Machine is used to provision multiple Docker hosts
  • Docker Swarm will be used to create a multi-host cluster
  • Each node in Docker Swarm cluster is registered/discovered using Consul
  • Multi-container application will be deployed using Docker Compose
  • WildFly and Couchbase are provisioned on different hosts
  • Docker multi-host networking is used for WildFly and Couchbase to communicate

In addition, Maven is used to configure Couchbase and deploy application to WildFly.

Latest instructions at Docker for Java Developers.

No story, just pure code, lets do it!

Create Discovery Service using Docker Machine

  1. Create a Machine that will host discovery service:
  2. Connect to this Machine:
  3. Run Consul service using the following Compose file:
    This Compose file is available at
    Started container can be verified as:

Create Docker Swarm Cluster using Docker Machine

Swarm is fully integrated with Machine, and so is the easiest way to get started.

  1. Create a Swarm Master and point to the Consul discovery service:
    Few options to look here:

    1. --swarm configures the Machine with Swarm
    2. --swarm-master configures the created Machine to be Swarm master
    3. --swarm-discovery defines address of the discovery service
    4. --cluster-advertise advertise the machine on the network
    5. --cluster-store designate a distributed k/v storage backend for the cluster
    6. --virtualbox-disk-size sets the disk size for the created Machine to 5GB. This is required so that WildFly and Couchbase image can be downloaded on any of the nodes.
  2. Find some information about this machine:
    Note that the disk size is 5GB.
  3. Connect to the master by using the command:
  4. Find some information about the cluster:
  5. Create a new Machine to join this cluster:
    Notice no --swarm-master is specified in this command. This ensure that the created Machines are worker nodes.
  6. Create a second Swarm node to join this cluster:
  7. List all the created Machines:
    The machines that are part of the cluster have cluster’s name in the SWARM column, blank otherwise. For example,consul-machine is a standalone machine where as all other machines are part of the swarm-master cluster. The Swarm master is also identified by (master) in the SWARM column.
  8. Connect to the Swarm cluster and find some information about it:

    Note, --swarm is specified to connect to the Swarm cluster. Otherwise the command will connect to swarm-masterMachine only.

    This shows the output as:

    There are 3 nodes – one Swarm master and 2 Swarm worker nodes. There is a total of 4 containers running in this cluster – one Swarm agent on master and each node, and there is an additional swarm-agent-master running on the master. This can be verified by connecting to the master and listing all the containers.

  9. List nodes in the cluster with the following command:

Start Application Environment using Docker Compose

Make sure you are connected to the cluster by giving the command eval "$(docker-machine env --swarm swarm-master)".

  1. List all the networks created by Docker so far:
    Docker create three networks for each host automatically:

    Network Name Purpose
    bridge Default network that containers connect to. This is docker0 network in all Docker installations.
    none Container-specific networking stack
    host Adds a container on hosts networking stack. Network configuration is identical to the host.

    This explains a total of nine networks, three for each node, as shown in this Swarm cluster.

  2. Use Compose file to start WildFly and Couchbase:

    In this Compose file:

    1. Couchbase service has a custom container name defined by container_name. This name is used when creating a new environment variable COUCHBASE_URI during WildFly startup.
    2. arungupta/wildfly-admin image is used as it binds WildFly’s management to all network interfaces, and in addition also exposes port 9990. This enables WildFly Maven Plugin to be used to deploy the application.Source for this file is at

    This application environment can be started as:

    --x-networking creates an overlay network for the Swarm cluster. This can be verified by listing networks again:

    Three new networks are created:

    1. Containers connected to the multi-host network are automatically connected to the docker_gwbridge network. This network allows the containers to have external connectivity outside of their cluster, and is created on each worker node.
    2. A new overlay network wildflycouchbasejavaee7 is created. Connect to different Swarm nodes and check that the overlay network exists on them.

      Lets begin with master:

      Next, with swarm-node-01: