Docker 1.6 released – Docker Machine 0.2.0 (Tech Tip #84)

Docker 1.6 was released yesterday. The key highlights are:

  • Container and Image Labels allow to attach user-defined metadata to containers and images (blog post)
  • Docker Windows Client (blog post)
  • Logging Drivers allow you to send container logs to other systems such as Syslog or a third-party. This available as a new option to docker run,  --log-driver, which has three options: json-file (the default, and same as the old functionality), syslog, and none. (pull request)
  • Content Addressable Image Identifiers simplifies applying patches and updates (docs)
  • Custom cgroups using --cgroup-parent allow to define custom resources for those cgroups and put containers under a common parent group (pull request)
  • Configurable ulimit settings for all containers using --default-ulimit(pull request)
  • Apply Dockerfile instructions when committing or changing can be done using commit --change and import –change`. It allows to specify standard changes to be applied to the new image (docs)
  • Changelog

In addition, Registry 2.0, Machine 0.2, Swarm 0.2, and Compose 1.2 are also released.

This blog will show how to get started with Docker Machine 0.2.0. Subsequent blogs will show how to use Docker Swarm 0.2.0 and Compose 1.2.

Download Docker Client

Docker Machine takes you from zero-to-Docker on a host with a single command. This host could be your laptop, in the cloud, or in your data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them.

It works with different drivers such as Amazon, VMWare, and Rackspace. The easiest to start on a local laptop is to use VirtualBox driver. More details on configuring Docker Machine in the next section. But in order for Docker commands to work without having to use SSH into the VirtualBox image, we need to install Docker CLI.

Lets do that!

If you have installed Boot2Docker separately, then there is Docker CLI included in the VM. But this approach would allow you to directly call multiple hosts from your local machine.

Docker Machine 0.2.0

Learn more details about Docker Machine and how to getting started with version 0.1.0. Docker 1.6 released Docker Machine 0.2.0. This section will talk about how to use that and configure it on Mac OS X.

  1. Download Docker Machine 0.2.0:
  2. Verify the version:
  3. Download and install the latest VirtualBox.
  4. Create a Docker host using VirtualBox provider:
  5. Setup client by giving the following command in terminal:
  6. List the Docker Machine instances running:
  7. List Docker images and containers:
    Note, there are no existing images or container.
  8. Run a trivial Java EE 7 application on WildFly using arungupta/javaee7-hol image:
  9. Find IP address of the Docker host:
  10. Access the application at to see the output as:Docker Machine 0.2.0 Output
  11. List the images again:
    And the containers:


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5 thoughts on “Docker 1.6 released – Docker Machine 0.2.0 (Tech Tip #84)

  1. Pingback: Docker 1.6 released – Docker Machine 0.2.0 (Tech Tip #84) | Social Marketing by I88.CA
  2. Pingback: Clustering Using Docker Swarm 0.2.0 | Voxxed
  3. Pingback: Clustering Using Docker Swarm 0.2.0 -
  4. Pingback: Clustering Using Docker Swarm 0.2.0 | Dinesh Ram Kali.

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