Docker 1.9 – Virtual networks, persistent storage, production-ready Swarm

Docker 1.9 Logo

Docker 1.9 is released, read Announcing Docker 1.9 for complete details. This release contains:

  • Docker 1.9.0 Client Binary
  • Docker Machine 0.5.0
  • Docker Compose 0.5.0
  • Docker Toolbox 1.9.0
  • Docker Swarm 1.0.0

Some of the key features are:

  • Create virtual networks that span multiple hosts and backed by multiple plugins such as Calico, Weave, Cisco, and others (full details)
  • Persistent storage support using new volume management system and backed Flocker or Ceph (full details)
  • Docker Swarm is 1.0.0 and ready for production, tested with 1000 nodes and 30,000 containers (complete list, Announcing Swarm 1.0)
  • Docker Machine code is split into core Docker Machine client and multiple binaries, one each for the driver (complete list)
  • Docker Compose now runs on Windows, environment variables are supported in docker-compose.yml file (complete list)

Getting Started with Docker

If you’ve never installed Docker on your machine, then Docker Toolbox 1.9.0 installs everything you need to get started with Docker on Mac OS X and Windows. It even includes Virtual Box 5.0.8.

Docker 1.9 Toolbox

Download Docker Toolbox 1.9.0 for Mac or Windows.

Of course, you can apt-get install docker-engine on Ubuntu or yum install docker-engineon CentOS.

If you like to update binaries independently or learn how to use them to get started, read ahead!

Install Docker 1.9.0 CLI Binary

Download the latest Docker CLI binary:

Install Docker Machine 0.5.0

Docker Machine allows you to create Docker Engines on your laptop, on cloud, or inside your data center.

Docker Machine Logo

Download the latest Docker Machine binary:

Docker Machine has been split into multiple binaries – one for the core Docker Machine client and a binary for each driver. So the installation is different from the previous releases.

And create a new machine as:

A new machine created using this could not be queried by Docker CLI (#2147). Upgrading the machine explicitly using docker-machine upgrade lab helped resolve the issue.

Hopefully this is just a timing issue and will not occur going forward.

Docker Compose 0.5.0

Docker Compose allows to easily run multi-container applications.

A simple way to verify is to run three node Couchbase Cluster.

And the list of running containers:

A later blog will show how to use persistent storage volumes to store the data.

Currently, Docker Compose requires docker-compose.yml from the local filesystem. It would be useful for docker-compose to use these files from a URI (#2313).

Docker Swarm 1.0.0

Docker Swarm provides native clustering for Docker. It converts a pool of Docker Engines into a single virtual engine. The tools, such as Docker CLI, that work with a single engine continues to work Swarm. So your applications that would run on a single Docker Engine can now easily run on multiple Docker Engines.

Docker Swarm Logo

Read more in Clustering using Docker Swarm for more details on how to setup cluster.

Download or upgrade your binaries to Docker 1.9, and use the latest features!

Docker Hands-on Workshop and Slides

Docker hands-on workshop will be updated to use Docker 1.9 in the coming days, stay tuned!

Latest slides to introduce Docker are available at

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