Docker, Kubernetes, and Microservices Replay from Devoxx 2015

Devoxx 2015 BE Arun

Java gives us Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) because of the common abstraction provided by Java Virtual Machine. The binary byte code produced by Java is understood by the JVM running on multiple operating systems. This allows Java code to run on any operating system. But deploying such applications typically requires to tune the JVM, setup application server, install appropriate database drivers, other similar configuration. Docker nicely complements WORA by defining a way to package Java applications, and include all the configuration in a an easy to describe format. This can be called as Package Once Deploy Anywhere, or PODA.

Docker PODA

Do you want to learn more about how Docker helps with PODA?
How do you create multi-container applications using Docker Compose?
How do you deploy this multi-container application on multiple hosts running in a Docker Swarm cluster?
What new features Docker introduced in 1.9 release – particularly multi-host networking and persistent storage?
How do you deploy Docker containers using Kubernetes?
How does Kubernetes help with scaling applications?
How does Docker Swarm compare with Kubernetes?

I had the privilege of delivering a 3-hour university on Docker and Kubernetes followed by a 3-hour hands-on lab. The replay of the university session is now available:

Slides for the university are available at:

The contents from the hands-on lab are available at

In addition, I also gave a 3-hour university on Refactor your Java EE Applications using Microservices and Containers. This session explained:

  • Basic characteristics of Microservices
  • Showed a simple shopping cart monolithic application, and how it was refactored to multiple microservices (
  • Talked about transactions, event sourcing and CQRS
  • How KumuluzEE was used to create standalone JARs
  • Explained how such microservices can be deployed using Docker

Slides from this session are available at:

Replay is available at:

The response on twitter was quite positive:

And in case you are interested, watch a quick interview with Voxxed team:



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4 thoughts on “Docker, Kubernetes, and Microservices Replay from Devoxx 2015

  1. Thanks for your presentations at #Devoxx Arun, those were amongst my top 5 :)
    Lots of content, good insights and super well delivered ^^.

  2. Great work Arun. Unfortunately I missed your sessions (in the uni days). Keep it up!

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  4. Great visit of this very well design website where I also seen the video of the replay of the university session of the privilege of delivering a 3-hour university on Docker and Kubernetes.

    Essay Writer,

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