JBoss Heroes – The Road to Awesome!

Juliet made one of the most famous quote in Romeo and Juliet play by William Shakespeare:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

Red Hat announced JBoss Champions a few weeks ago. These are a selected group of community members who are passionate advocate of JBoss technologies. It fosters the growth of individuals that promote adoption of JBoss Projects and/or JBoss Products and actively share their deep technical expertise about it in the community, within their company and their customers or partners. This could be done in forums, blogs, screencasts, tweets, conferences, social media, whitepapers, articles, books, and other means.

The essence, purpose, and intention of the program is still exactly the same. The name is now changed to JBoss Heroes.

JBoss Hero

For completeness, let me repeat the main information in this blog as well.

Founding JBoss Heroes

Proud and excited to announce the first set of JBoss Heroes:

  1. Adam Bien (@AdamBien)
  2. Alexis Hassler (@alexishassler)
  3. Antonin Stefanutti (@astefanut)
  4. Antonio Goncalves (@agoncal)
  5. Bartosz Majsak (@majson)
  6. Francesco Marchioni (@mastertheboss)
  7. Geert Schuring (@geertshuring)
  8. Guillaume Scheibel (@g_scheibel)
  9. Jaikiran Pai
  10. John Ament (@JohnAment)
  11. Mariano Nicolas De Maio (@marianbuenosayr)
  12. Paris Apostolopoulos (@javapapo)

Many congratulations to the first set of JBoss Heroes!

Make sure to wish them using email, tweet, blog, or any other means that is available on their jboss.org profile. Give them a hug when you meet them at a conference. Ask them a tough JBoss question, challenge them! Invite them to your local Java User Group to give a talk about JBoss technology.

Want to nominate a JBoss Hero?

Do you have it in you, and feel worthy of being a JBoss Hero?

Want to nominate yourself, or somebody else?

Send an email to heroes@jboss.org.

Here are some likely candidates:

  • Senior developers, architects, consultants, academia who are using and promoting JBoss technologies using different means
    • Blogs and webinars
    • Publish articles on jboss.org, InfoQ, DZone, etc.
    • Social media
    • Talks at conferences and local JUGs/JBUGs
  • Implemented real-world projects using JBoss technologies
  • Actively answering questions in JBoss forums/StackOverflow
  • Authored a book on JBoss topic
  • Lead a JBoss User Group
  • Mentoring other community members and grooming heroes

Make sure the nominee has a current jboss.org profile and has all the relevant details. Include any references that will highlight your value to the JBoss community. The complete list of criteria is clearly defined at jboss.org/heroes.

Subscribe to the twitter feed of existing @jbossdeveloper/lists/jboss-heroes.

Once again, many congratulations to the first set of JBoss Heroes, and looking forward to many others.

Submit your nomination today!

Are you wondering why the name change? Ask me about it when we meet in person 😉

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One thought on “JBoss Heroes – The Road to Awesome!

  1. Pingback: This week in JBoss (24th April 2015): Holding out for a Hero! | Social Marketing by I88.CA

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