Oracle Coherence Grid Edition 12.1.2 vs Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2

An earlier blog compared WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 with Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2. Here is another excellent video comparing Oracle Coherence Grid Edition 12.1.2 with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2:

As earlier, the video is short and the summary is shown in a snapshot captured from the video:


Oracle Coherence Grid Edition is 16.7x the cost of JBoss Data Grid. Is there really any additional feature in Oracle Coherence Grid Edition that justifies that cost ?

JBoss Data Grid Cost Calculator allows you to compare the ongoing subscription cost of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid with upfront license and ongoing support and maintenance cost of Oracle WebLogic Coherence and IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Download Red Hat JBoss Data Grid today!

Take the red pill!

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