Tag Archives: microserviecs

Microservices with JBoss EAP 6 Reference Architecture

Microservices follow the divide-and-conquer methodology for technology and teams to create a software that is easier to develop, understand and maintain. The overall quality of the software is much higher because of the CI/CD practices that are an imperative part of using such an architecture.

A new paper is released by the Red Hat Reference Architecture Team titled “Microservice Architecture: Building Microservices with JBoss EAP 6“.

The purpose of the reference architecture is explained in the summary section:

This reference architecture recites the basic tenets of a microservice architecture and analyzes some of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. This paper expressly discourages a one size fits all mentality, instead envisioning various levels of modularity for services and deployment units.

Microservice Reference Architecture

The reference architecture also provides a sample application that shows how to build a microservice application using JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss EAP 6:

The sample application provided with this reference architecture demonstrates Business Driven Microservices. The design and development of this system is reviewed at length and the steps to create the environment are documented.

Are you building and deploying microservices using JBoss EAP 6? Share your thoughts with us!

Previously published reference architecture documents are available at red.ht/1uFlHpw.

Provide feedback at refarch-feedback@redhat.com.