Miles to go …

May 17, 2006

JavaOne 2006 – Project Tango Keynote Demo

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 12:20 am

We, at Sun Microsystems, have been working with Microsoft for past several months on achieving interoperability between Java EE and .NET technologies. Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT, a.k.a Project Tango) is Sun’s Web services interoperability portal and provides all information on that effort. Earlier yesterday, we gave a demonstration of our work so far in JavaOne 2006 keynote. The main points from the talk is that Project GlassFish community and Windows Communication Foundation make Interoperability a Reality TODAY.

A video clip of the keynote demo is available here. This clip starts with our keynote presentation where Nick Kassem explains the business scenario which shows how Web services technologies enables integration within and across business boundaries. Watch me explaining the development environment to Jeff Jackson from 3:46 to 4:48. All the tools and technologies used in the demo are available today. And then Kirill Gavrylyuk shows an interoperability demo between Infocard and Sun’s Secure Token Service. A picture is worth thousand words, here is a graphical representation of the scenario.

On the right, a Retail Quote Service (RQS), running in Sun-managed environment, uses Wholesale Quote Service (WQS) to serve car quotes to Java and WCF consumers shown on the bottom left. RQS also gets competitive bids from a WQS running in a Microsoft managed environment. The clients talk to the RQS secure MTOM, RQS talks to WQS using a Secure and Reliable Connection. Each managed environment has it’s own identity provider, also known as Secure Token Service or STS in short. A trust relationship between the two environments is enabled by a trust relationship between a priori trust relationship between STS.

We also plan to share the demo code in the near future and I’ll post another blog when it’s available.

A specific Call To Action for you is to:

Test Drive Web Services Interoperability Your main Web services interoperability portal.
Download! and Contribute! Your main source for downloading the source code, samples, documentation, etc.
Get the FREE Project GlassFish Open Source App Server All WSIT technologies can be installed on this FREE app server
Download Netbeans IDE Module: All WSIT technologies available today can be configured visuall using this Netbeans module.

Check out some of the pictures I took at JavaOne on Tuesday. This picture shows me, Nick and Kirill.

Technorati: wsit Interoperability JavaOne Web services Open source WCF Indigo presos

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Related posts:
  1. JavaOne 2006 Keynote WSIT Demo
  2. Screencast #WS5: Excel using WSIT! JavaOne 2007 Demo
  3. Project Tango @ Java One 2006 – Part 2
  4. Project Tango @ Java One 2006
  5. Tango at Microsoft JavaOne party

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