Miles to go …

November 2, 2010

Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 Results – Personal Record!

Filed under: marathons, running — arungupta @ 4:17 pm

I ran Dean Karnazes Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 over the weekend and here are the results:

This amounts to an average page of 8:35 min/mile.

A total of 2100 runners registered for the entire event, 652 were marathon finishers (464 males and 188 females) and rest were half-marathoners, 5k runners, and kids races. The marathon male winner completed the course in 2:35:25 and the female winner in 3:12:44. The complete results are available here.

A split of finish times for males and females is given below:

As evident, most of the marathoners finished within the 3:30 – 4:00 hour range. The average finish time was 4:17:03. A complete route of the map is available below (click on the map for an interactive version):

My last long run before the marathon was almost 7 weeks before the race. After that I ran a practice half marathon and all my other runs were single digits. I did log lots of miles but they were on airlines traveling internationally for different conferences so was focusing primarily on cross-training. It helped but lack of long runs showed up in poor performance during the last few miles as evident in the mile splits below:

Guess, I hit the wall at mile 23 :(

Even though this was a PR for me and I improved timings by over 15 minutes from the last full marathon but I did not like the performance during the last few miles. Stronger and faster running with several hill runs are certainly the key and I need to put more emphasis on them!

There were significant differences from other local and much bigger races like Rock-n-Roll and San Francisco Marathon such as one mass start instead of wave starts, relatively less number of spectators, and much smaller expo. But the huge advantage was that the start time was 7am and there is ample free parking in the San Jose downtown on weekends.

Anyway here is the cumulative result of all the marathons so far:

Marathon / Half Marathon Total Time Pace
Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 3:49:17 8:35
San Francisco 1/2 Marathon 2010 1:35:42 7:18
San Jose Rock-n-Roll 2009 1:30:59 6:57
San Francicsco 1/2 Marathon 2009 1:38:21 7:31
Kaiser Permanente San Francicsco 1/2 2009 1:41:30 7:45
Silicon Valley 1/2 2008 1:45:42 8:04
San Francisco 1/2 2008 1:52:44 8:25
San Francisco Full 2007 4:04:33 9:20
Silicon Valley Full 2006 4:06:57 9:25
San Francisco 1/2 2005 1:48:50 8:18

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July 28, 2010

San Francisco 1/2 Marathon – 2010 Results

Filed under: marathons — arungupta @ 11:55 pm

I ran San Francisco 1/2 marathon over the weekend and improved my timing from last year by 3 minutes. I guess dance at a pre-wedding ceremony and 4 hours of sleep the night before slowed me down otherwise could’ve pushed harder. Anyway the results are still encouraging and the bar is higher for the next time!

This makes me among top 1.2 % runners overall, top 2.5% for "Men", and top 2.3% in "M 30-39" category. Here is the overall leader board:

I’m about 20 minutes behind the winner (5:47 pace) and so need to push really hard to close the gap there. Who knows I may win one day, but for now the plan is to close the gap as much as possible. Seems really difficult, but not impossible!

And I almost made it to the women’s leader board ;-)

Michael Wardian, a popular American marathoner and ultramarathoner came second in the full marathon. It was a pleasure to see him cruising back on the Golden Gate birdge.

Here are the mile splits:

One thing clearly evident from the splits is that any amount of hill training is less. This is all the more evident by looking at speed / elevation chart:

Click on the image to replay the race.

And finally here is race route:

Here is the cumulative result of all the marathons so far:

Marathon / Half Marathon Total Time Pace
San Francisco 1/2 Marathon 2010 1:35:42 7:18
San Jose Rock-n-Roll 2009 1:30:59 6:57
San Francicsco 1/2 Marathon 2009 1:38:21 7:31
Kaiser Permanente San Francicsco 1/2 2009 1:41:30 7:45
Silicon Valley 1/2 2008 1:45:42 8:04
San Francisco 1/2 2008 1:52:44 8:25
San Francisco Full 2007 4:04:33 9:20
Silicon Valley Full 2006 4:06:57 9:25
San Francisco 1/2 2005 1:48:50 8:18

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October 5, 2009

Pictures from Rock’n'Roll San Jose Half Marathon 2009

Filed under: marathons, running — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

Here are some pictures (courtesy ASI Photo) from my recently concluded Rock-n-Roll San Jose Half Marathon:

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October 4, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 2009 Completed – 6:57 pace, personal best!

Filed under: marathons, running — arungupta @ 2:07 pm

I ran Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose 1/2 marathon this morning – oh what a joy!

The race was very well organized, ample parking space in the San Jose Downtown, very well marked course, 14 lively local rock bands playing through out the course, gun time at each mile marker, short queues at porta potties, nice big sized medal, and last but not the least cheerful crowd at each turn was very pumping.

And all that contributed to run my personal best so far, the results and time splits are:

These are my best timings for 5K, 10K, 10 mile and 1/2 marathon so far. Its exciting to shave off 34 secs from the pace from little over 2 months ago in San Francisco 1/2 Marathon. Read previous marathon results.

The winner was Meb Keflezighi who completed in 1:01:00 at 4:40 pace, congratulations! I’m happy with my results :)

I followed a 1:30 pacer for the first 10 miles but then constant coughing slowed me down little bit. But, I still enjoyed running the wide streets of downtown!

Check out couple of pictures after the finish line:

Some friends and family members ran along with me which made the marathon a special event as well. As you can see, kids also ran in their own spirit. Completing 400 miles of training from Jul-Sep 2009 was not possible without family’s support, many thanks to them!

Enjoy a small video clip of the start line and at 4.5 mile:

Some improvement suggestions …

  • The pacers showed up barely 10 minutes before the start of marathon. And their timing flags did not pop out until right before the race. I’ve seen pacers at other marathons ready typically 15-20 minutes before the start with their flags wide above the runners.
  • The water station volunteers were very cheerful and enthusiastic but were way too many. They were literally jamming the running route at some places. If a runner wants water, they’ll come get it so please keep them back and the running route empty.
  • Generally I don’t hydrate during 1/2 marathons at all. But felt the need to drink some Cytomax around 8 miler and so grabbed a glass. It had more ice (biiig cubes) than Cytomax which certainly made drinking a bit of challenge, especially if you are trying to keep the pace as well. The glass should contain liquid and only that to make it easy for the runners.

Over all, I thoroughly loved and will most likely run it again next year, hopefully with a better timing :)

UPDATED: More detailed results (compared to other runners) are now available:

Fully searchable results and leader board is also available:

Read more detailed story listing the records made etc. here.

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August 4, 2009

San Francisco Marathon 2009 Finishers Certificate & Pictures

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: , , — arungupta @ 3:00 am

Here is my official San Francisco Half Marathon finishers certificate:

And here are some pics (credits

$20 for a 8×10 photograph is expensive for me and I’m content with the smaller size pics :)

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July 27, 2009

San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 Completed – Personal Best so far!

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

I ran San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 yesterday and here are the results:

I’m excited about the results because improved my timing by almost 3 minutes. And running on Golden Gate Bridge is always a great experience. As always, the race was very well organized starting from expo to bib/tee-shirt distribution, well marked course, water and medical stations, local community support, buses from half marathon finish line to start line and every thing else. A few possible improvements are listed below.

I saw Dean Karnazes (50/50/50 marathon man) and met Bart Yasso (Yasso 800 man) in the Expo. There is certainly a wealth of knowledge to pick up from these elite runners.

The overall results are as shown:

Click on the image above for complete results.

Couple of sugested improvements to the San Francisco Marathon organizing committee for the next year …

  1. Really, really, really qualify runners in Wave 1. Ask them for a qualifying time from a previous race or something. Walkers and 10-minute milers are NOT Wave 1.
  2. Separate the course going on/off the Golden Gate Bridge, not just with orange cones, but with an additional rope. Otherwise slower runners spill over on the other side and almost bumping into the faster runners.
  3. The expo hall had a wonderful set of exhibitors but it became really crowded as the day progressed. Either an alternate location or back to Market/Embaracdero next year is a better option.

BTW I already registered for the Half Marathon 2010 and got a nice bib#: 1111. The online registration for 2010 San Francisco Marathon is open until Aug 7th. See you there next year!

Here are my two personal goals for the next few months:

  1. Run a half-marathon with 7ish pace
  2. Qualify for Boston – probably next year

11 major marathon mistakes says that “marathon pace will be about … 16 seconds more lethargic per mile than half-marathon clocking“. If that is accurate and will hold true for me, then both of my above goals are well meshed with each other :)

And many thanks to my family for bearing with my weekday early morning runs and long runs over the weekend!

I’ve run 95 hours and 26 minutes, a total 758.93 miles and 166 out of 208 days so far in 2009. Here is a quick chart that shows my running mileage so far:

This chart is generated using an application that I’ve built over the past few days. Tomorrow, I’ll share that entire application on this blog, stay tuned!

Miles to go …

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February 1, 2009

Completed Kaiser Permanente San Francisco 1/2 Marathon – PR

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:45 pm

I completed Kaiser Permanente 1/2 marathon earlier today and the statistics are:

Bib # 2597
Rank (in age group) 130 of 517
Rank (overall) 858 out of 5817
Chip time 1:41:30
Pace 7:45 mins

I’m a happy runner to beat my best time of 8:04 in Silicon Valley 2008.

The top-5 finishers are:

I thoroughly enjoyed the very well organized race. There were close to 9000 runners (the biggest so far in race’s history of 26 years) with over 6000 1/2 marathon runners (record number as well). The parking lots were packed and so it took a while to find an empty spot. But after that every thing was seamless – boarding the shuttles, pre-race warm up, mile markers, post-race celebration, flexibility screening, and every thing else. And the weather certainly cooperated a lot with beautiful sun shining early in the race. I was certainly over dressed so had to lug my jacket/gloves with me. Loved the fact that somebody was announcing the minutes past since guntime at each mile marker – very personal and useful in my opinion!

Here are couple of possible improvements:

  • Pace groups were very poorly planned. Even though there were markers for 5, 6 ad 7 min pace at start line but there certainly were some 10 minuters over there. It easily took a mile to filter through them. I like the way waves are planned in
  • No race medal :( I don’t mind getting charged a few extra dollars but give me a race medal, c’mon please!

I’d love to run this race again next year!

And finally here are some pictures:

And you can certainly watch tweets at for more pictures.

Here are my timings so far:

Marathon / Half Marathon Total Time Pace
Kaiser Permanente San Francicsco 1/2 2009 1:41:30 7:45
Silicon Valley 1/2 2008 1:45:42 8:04
San Francisco 1/2 2008 1:52:44 8:25
San Francisco Full 2007 4:04:33 9:20
Silicon Valley Full 2006 4:06:57 9:25
San Francisco 1/2 2005 1:48:50 8:18

It seems running 31 days (out of 32 so far) in 2009 is helping :)

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January 31, 2009

Running Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 8:14 am

I’ll be running Kaiser Permanente San Francisco 1/2 marathon tomorrow. This is my first time on this course:

Click on the above map to explore!

The course seems slightly confusing because it crosses itself couple of times. But hopefully it’s managed nicely to help the runners. The bib and the chip came in via postal mail which saves an additional trip to San Francisco for material pickup, that is nice!

The starting time of 8am, predicted low of 46o F, 30 days of running this month, and running right next to the ocean – will find out if it’s an exciting adventure tomorrow ;)

Anybody else running ?

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October 27, 2008

Silicon Valley Half Marathon 2008 Completed – best time so far

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 4:00 am

I completed Silicon Valley Half Marathon yesterday. Although I missed my target of 8 min/mile by 4 seconds but still improved my personal best by 3 min and 8 secs. Here are my official results:

A summary of half-marathoners:

And the top 5 finishers:

And then the complete results.

Even though the number of 1/2 marathoners were much smaller (957 instead of 6679) than my previous marathon but I still enjoyed the run. Going through familiar streets and neighborhood was the best part :)

Here is a short video at the start:

And another one at the finish line in Los Gatos High School:

No marathon can ever be completed without family support. All the practice takes a significant amount of time away from family. And it’s certainly exciting when they accompany you, early in the morning, for the actual race. Many thanks to my family for helping in my marathons all through out these years :) Here are couple of pictures:

The massage at the end of the race by National Holistic Institute was certainly relaxing!

And of course a small photo album:

Here are my timings so far:

Marathon / Half Marathon Total Time Pace
Silicon Valley 1/2 2008 1:45:42 8:04
San Francisco 1/2 2008 1:52:44 8:25
San Francisco Full 2007 4:04:33 9:20
Silicon Valley Full 2006 4:06:57 9:25
San Francisco 1/2 2005 1:48:50 8:18

As you can see, they have improved over past years :) It only becomes interesting going forward because of the higher bar.

Any suggestions on good San Francisco Bay Area marathons ?

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August 10, 2008

Pictures from San Franciso Marathon 2008

Filed under: marathons, running — Tags: — arungupta @ 11:45 pm

Some more pictures (taken by marathonfoto) from my recently concluded San Francisco 1/2 Marathon …

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