Miles to go …

November 18, 2010

TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

  • #149: How to clean IntelliJ cache, preferences, etc on Mac OS X ?
  • #148: JPA2 Metamodel Classes in NetBeans 7.0 – Writing type-safe Criteria API
  • #147: Java Server Faces 2.0 Composite Components using NetBeans – DRY your code
  • #146: Understanding the EJB 3.1 Timer service in Java EE 6 – Programmatic, Deployment Descriptor, @Schedule
  • #145: CDI Events – a light-weight producer/consumer in Java EE 6
  • #144: CDI @Produces for container-managed @Resource
  • #143: Retrieve Twitter user timeline using using Jersey and OAuth
  • #142: GlassFish 3.1 – SSH Provisioning and Start/Stop instance/cluster on local/remote machines
  • #141: Running GlassFish 3.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 AMI on Amazon EC2
  • #140: Moving GlassFish Installation – Referenced file does not exist "osgi-main.jar"
  • #139: Asynchronous Request Processing using Servlets 3.0 and Java EE 6
  • #138: GlassFish 3.1 Milestone 1 – Clustering and Application Versioning Demos
  • #137: Asynchronous EJB, a light-weight JMS solution – Feature-rich Java EE 6
  • #136: Default Error Page using Servlets 3.0 – Improved productivity using Java EE 6
  • #135: JSF2 Composite Components using NetBeans IDE – lightweight Java EE 6
  • #134: Interceptors 1.1 in Java EE 6 – What and How ?
  • #133: JPA2 (JPQL & Criteria), JavaDB, and embedded GlassFish – perfect recipe for testing
  • #132: Servlets 3.0 in Embedded GlassFish Reloaded – lightweight Java EE 6
  • #131: Dynamic OSGi services in GlassFish – Using ServiceTracker
  • #130: Invoking a OSGi service from a JAX-WS Endpoint – OSGi and Enterprise Java
  • #129: Managed Beans 1.0 in Java EE 6 – What and How ?
  • #128: EJBContainer.createEJBContainer: Embedded EJB using GlassFish v3
  • #127: Embedding GlassFish in an existing OSGi runtime – Eclipse Equinox
  • #126: Creating an OSGi bundles using Eclipse and deploying in GlassFish
  • #125: Creating an OSGi bundles using NetBeans and deploying in GlassFish
  • #124: OSGi Declarative Services in GlassFish – Accessed from a Java EE client
  • #124: Using CDI + JPA with JAX-RS and JAX-WS
  • #123: f:ajax, Bean Validation for JSF, CDI for JSF and JPA 2.0 Criteria API – all in one Java EE 6 sample application
  • #122: Creating a JPA Persistence Unit using NetBeans 6.8
  • #121: JDBC resource for MySQL and Oracle sample database in GlassFish v3
  • #120: Deployment Descriptor-free Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0 + EJB 3.1 + Servlets 3.0
  • #119: Telnet to GlassFish v3 with NetBeans 6.8 – "Could not open connection to the host"
  • #118: Managing OSGi bundles in GlassFish v3 – asadmin, filesystem, telnet console, web browser, REST, osgish
  • #117: Invoke a JAX-WS Web service from a Rails app deployed in GlassFish
  • #116: GlassFish v3 Administration using JavaFX front-end – JNLP available
  • #115: GlassFish in Eclipse – Integrated Bundle, Install Stand-alone or Update Existing plugin
  • #114: How to enable Java Console in Mac OS X, Windows, … ?
  • #113: JavaFX front-end for GlassFish v3 Administration – Using REST interface
  • #112: Exposing Oracle database tables as RESTful entities using JAX-RS, GlassFish, and NetBeans
  • #111: Rails Scaffold for a pre-existing table using Oracle and GlassFish
  • #110: JRuby on Rails application using Oracle on GlassFish
  • #109: How to convert a JSF managed bean to JSR 299 bean (Web Beans) ?
  • #108: Java EE 6 web application (JSF 2.0 + JPA 2.0 + EJB 3.1) using Oracle, NetBeans, and GlassFish
  • #107: Connect to Oracle database using NetBeans
  • #106: How to install Oracle Database 10g on Mac OS X (Intel) ?
  • TOTD #105: GlassFish v3 Monitoring – How to monitor a Rails app using asadmin, JavaScript, jConsole, REST ?
  • #104: Popular Ruby-on-Rails applications on GlassFish v3 – Redmine, Typo, Substruct
  • #103: GlassFish v3 with different OSGi runtimes – Felix, Equinox, and Knoplerfish
  • #102: Java EE 6 (Servlet 3.0 and EJB 3.1) wizards in Eclipse
  • #101: Applying Servlet 3.0/Java EE 6 “web-fragment.xml” to Lift – Deploy on GlassFish v3
  • #100: Getting Started with Scala Lift on GlassFish v3
  • #99: Creating a Java EE 6 application using MySQL, JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 with GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
  • #98: Create a Metro JAX-WS Web service using GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
  • #97: GlassFish Plugin with Eclipse 3.5
  • #96: GlassFish v3 REST Interface to Monitoring and Management – JSON, XML, and HTML representations
  • #95: EJB 3.1 + Java Server Faces 2.0 + JPA 2.0 web application – Getting Started with Java EE 6 using NetBeans 6.8 M1 & GlassFish v3
  • #94: A simple Java Server Faces 2.0 + JPA 2.0 application – Getting Started with Java EE 6 using NetBeans 6.8 M1 & GlassFish v3
  • #93: Getting Started with Java EE 6 using NetBeans 6.8 M1 & GlassFish v3 – A simple Servlet 3.0 + JPA 2.0 app
  • #92: Session Failover for Rails applications running on GlassFish
  • #91: Applying Java EE 6 "web-fragment.xml" to Apache Wicket – Deploy on GlassFish v3
  • #90: Migrating from Wicket 1.3.x to 1.4 – "Couldn’t load DiskPageStore index from file" error
  • #89: How to add pagination to an Apache Wicket application
  • #88: How add pagination to Rails – will_paginate
  • #87: How to fix the error undefined method `new’ for "Rack::Lock":String caused by Warbler/JRuby-Rack ?
  • #86: Getting Started with Apache Wicket on GlassFish
  • #85: Getting Started with Django Applications on GlassFish v3
  • #84: Using Apache + mod_proxy_balancer to load balance Ruby-on-Rails running on GlassFish
  • #83: Eclipse Tools Bundle for GlassFish 1.0 – Now Available!
  • #82: Getting Started with Servlet 3.0 and EJB 3.1 in Java EE 6 using NetBeans 6.7
  • #81: How to use nginx to load balance a cluster of GlassFish Gem ?
  • #80: Sinatra CRUD application using Haml templates with JRuby and GlassFish Gem
  • #79: Getting Started with Sinatra applications on JRuby and GlassFish Gem
  • #78: GlassFish, EclipseLink, and MySQL efficient pagination using LIMIT
  • #77: Running Seam examples with GlassFish
  • #76: JRuby 1.2, Rails 2.3, GlassFish Gem 0.9.3, ActiveRecord JDBC Adapter 0.9.1 – can they work together ?
  • #75: Getting Started with Grails using GlassFish v3 Embedded
  • #74: JRuby and GlassFish Integration Test #5: JRuby 1.2.0 RC2 + Rails 2.x.x + GlassFish + Redmine
  • #73: JRuby and GlassFish Integration Test #4: JRuby 1.2.0 RC2 + Rails 2.2.x + GlassFish v2 + Warbler
  • #72: JRuby and GlassFish Integration Test #3: JRuby 1.2.0 RC2 + Rails 2.2.x + GlassFish v3
  • #71: JRuby and GlassFish Integration Test #2: JRuby 1.2.0 RC1 + Rails 2.2.x + GlassFish v3 Prelude
  • #70: JRuby and GlassFish Integration Test# 1: JRuby 1.2.0 RC1 + Rails 2.2.x + GlassFish Gem
  • #69: GlassFish High Availability/Clustering using Sun Web Server + Load Balancer Plugin on Windows Vista
  • #68: Installing Zones in Open Solaris 2008/11 on Virtual Box
  • #67: How to front-end a GlassFish Cluster with Apache + mod_jk on Mac OSX Leopard ?
  • #66: GlassFish Eclipse Plugin 1.0.16 – Install v3 Prelude from the IDE
  • #65: Windows 7 Beta 1 Build 7000 on Virtual Box: NetBeans + Rails + GlassFish + MySQL
  • #64: OpenSolaris 2008/11 using Virtual Box
  • #63: jmx4r gem – How to manage/monitor your Rails/Merb applications on JRuby/GlassFish ?
  • #62: How to remotely manage/monitor your Rails/Merb applications on JRuby/GlassFish using JMX API ?
  • #61: How to locally manage/monitor your Rails/Merb applications on JRuby/GlassFish using JMX ?
  • #60: Configure MySQL 6.0.x-alpha to NetBeans 6.5
  • #59: How to add Twitter feeds to ? + Other Twitter Tools
  • #58: Jersey and GlassFish – how to process POST requests ?
  • #57: Jersey Client API – simple and easy to use
  • #56: Simple RESTful Web service using Jersey and Embeddable GlassFish – Text and JSON output
  • #55: How to build GlassFish v3 Gem ?
  • #54: Java Server Faces with Eclipse IDE
  • #53: Scaffold in Merb using JRuby/GlassFish
  • #52: Getting Started with Merb using GlassFish Gem
  • #51: Embedding Google Maps in Java Server Faces using GMaps4JSF
  • #50: Mojarra 2.0 EDR2 is now available – Try them with GlassFish v3 and NetBeans 6.5
  • #49: Converting a JSF 1.2 application to JSF 2.0 – @ManagedBean
  • #48: Converting a JSF 1.2 application to JSF 2.0 – Facelets and Ajax
  • #47: Getting Started with Mojarra 2.0 nightly on GlassFish v2
  • #46: Facelets with Java Server Faces 1.2
  • #45: Ajaxifying Java Server Faces using JSF Extensions
  • #44: JDBC Connection Pooling for Rails on GlassFish v3
  • #43: GlassFish v3 Build Flavors
  • #42: Hello JavaServer Faces World with NetBeans and GlassFish
  • #41: How I created transparent logo of GlassFish using Gimp ?
  • #40: jQuery Autcomplete widget with MySQL, GlassFish, NetBeans
  • #39: Prototype/ Autcomplete widget with MySQL, GlassFish, NetBeans
  • #38: Creating a MySQL Persistence Unit using NetBeans IDE
  • #37: SQLite3 with Ruby-on-Rails on GlassFish Gem
  • #36: Writing First Test for a Rails Application
  • #35: Rails Database Connection on Solaris
  • #34: Using Felix Shell with GlassFish
  • #33: Building GlassFish v3 Workspace
  • #32: Rails Deployment on GlassFish v3 from NetBeans IDE
  • #31: CRUD Application using Grails – Hosted on GlassFish and MySQL
  • #30: CRUD Application using Grails – Hosted on Jetty and HSQLDB
  • #29: Enabling "Available Plugins" tab in NetBeans IDE
  • #28: Getting Started with Rails 2.0 Scaffold
  • #27: Configurable Multiple Ruby Platforms in NetBeans 6.1 M1
  • #26: Overriding Database Defaults in Rails 2.0.2
  • #25: Rails application with PostgreSQL database using NetBeans
  • #24: Getting Started with Rails 2.0.x in JRuby 1.0.3 and JRuby 1.1RC1
  • #23: JavaFX Client invoking a Metro endpoint
  • #22: Java SE client for a Metro endpoint
  • #21: Metro 1.1 with GlassFish v2 UR1 and NetBeans 6
  • #20: How to create a new jMaki widget ?
  • #19: How to Add Metro Quality-of-Service to Contract-First Endpoint ?
  • #18: How to Build The GlassFish v3 Gem for JRuby ?
  • #17: Backing Up your Blog Posts on Roller
  • #16: Optimizing Metro Stubs by locally packaging the WSDL
  • #15: Delete/Update Row from Database using jMaki Data Table
  • #14: How to generate JRuby-on-Rails Controller on Windows (#9893)
  • #13: Setup Mongrel for JRuby-on-Rails applications on Windows
  • #12: Invoking a Java EE 5 Web service endpoint from JRuby
  • #11: Setup Mongrel cluster for JRuby-on-Rails applications on Unix
  • #10: Consuming JSON and XML representations generated by a Jersey endpoint in a jMaki Table widget
  • #9: Using JDBC connection pool/JNDI name from GlassFish in Rails Application
  • #8: Generating JSON using JAXB annotations in Jersey
  • #7: Switch between JRuby and CRuby interpreter in NetBeans 6
  • #6: Difference between Ruby Gem and Rails Plugin
  • #5: Loading data from beans in jMaki widgets
  • #4: How to convert a Session EJB to a Web service ?
  • #3: Using JavaDB with JRuby on Rails
  • #2: Change the endpoint address on a pre-generated Web services Stub
  • #1: SOAP Messaging Logging in Metro

Just for fun, here is another tag cloud:

You can access all the tips here. And keep those suggestions coming!

Technorati: totd glassfish netbeans jpa jsf jaxws jersey mysql rails osgi eclipse

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April 12, 2010

TOTD #127: Embedding GlassFish in an existing OSGi runtime – Eclipse Equinox

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, totd — arungupta @ 12:04 pm

GlassFish has a modular architecture based upon OSGi and bundles Apache Felix as the OSGi runtime. TOTD #103 explains how to run GlassFish with two other OSGi runtimes (Equinox and Knopflerfish). However you may already have an OSGi runtime in your environment and like to run GlassFish within it. Sahoo blogged about how to embed GlassFish in Equinox.

This Tip Of The Day (TOTD) provides complete set of steps with Equinox and the different download options.

  1. There are two download options for Equinox – SDK or Framework. The framework is an easier option to start with as its just a single JAR. So create a top-level directory as "equinox-3.5.2" and download the latest framework JAR from here. Complete details about the starting and configuring the framework are described here.
  2. Start the framework and check its status as:

    ~/tools/equinox-3.5.2 >java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126.jar -console
    osgi> ss
    Framework is launched.
    id State Bundle
    0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126

    Notice only one bundle, i.e. Equinox main bundle, is currently active.

  3. Download and unzip the latest GlassFish 3.1 nightly build.
  4. Shutdown the framework by typing "exit" on the console or Ctrl+C. Copy "glassfish/osgi/equinox/configuration/config.ini" to "equinox-3.5.2/configuration" directory. This is required because the version number of some packages exported by JRE is not uniform across frameworks. This will hopefully be fixed in future versions of the frameworks.
  5. Sahoo’s blog describes an OSGi bundle that controls the lifecycle of GlassFish. Download and unzip the OSGi bundle’s Maven project.
  6. Edit "src/main/java/sahoo/embeddedgf/" file and change the value of "installRoot" and "instanceRoot" on line 73 and 74 to match the location of your GlassFish install. Build the bundle as:

    mvn package

    which generates "target/embeddedgf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar". The bundle performs three tasks:

    1. Install all the bundles from "glassfish/modules" directory.
    2. Creates a configuration with "com.sun.aas.installRoot" and "com.sun.aas.instanceRoot" properties.
    3. Starts the main GlassFish bundle.
  7. Start the framework again, install the bundle, and check its status as:

    osgi> install file:///Users/arungupta/samples/v3/osgi/embeddedgf/target/embeddedgf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    Bundle id is 1
    osgi> ss
    Framework is launched.
    id      State       Bundle
    0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126
    1       INSTALLED   sahoo.embeddedgf_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT

    Now GlassFish bundle is installed but not started. Optionally, the framework may be started with "-clean" switch that clears out the cache and starts with a clean slate.

  8. Start the newly installed bundle and see the log messages as:

    osgi> start 1
    osgi> [#|2010-04-10T10:46:04.616-0700|INFO|glassfishv3.0|com.sun.grizzly.config.GrizzlyServiceListener|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=Configuration Updater;|Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'|#]
    [#|2010-04-10T10:46:04.700-0700|INFO|glassfishv3.0|null|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-13;|Grizzly Framework 1.9.19-beta1 started in: 26ms listening on port 4848|#]
    [#|2010-04-10T10:46:04.700-0700|INFO|glassfishv3.0|null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-9;|Grizzly Framework 1.9.19-beta1 started in: 50ms listening on port 8181|#]
    [#|2010-04-10T10:46:04.709-0700|INFO|glassfishv3.0|null|_ThreadID=13;_ThreadName=Thread-8;|Grizzly Framework 1.9.19-beta1 started in: 135ms listening on port 8080|#]
    . . .
    [#|2010-04-10T10:46:11.625-0700|INFO|glassfishv3.0|null|_ThreadID=21;_ThreadName={felix.fileinstall.poll=5000,,, felix.fileinstall.dir=/Users/arungupta/tools/glassfish/3.1/apr9/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/bundles/, felix.fileinstall.filename=org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg, service.factorypid=org.apache.felix.fileinstall, felix.fileinstall.debug=1};|{felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /Users/arungupta/tools/glassfish/3.1/apr9/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /var/folders/+E/+E6YtSvGGEKNwOA77I-9Fk+++TI/-Tmp-/fileinstall--1798045578591636699, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}|#]
  9. Check the status of installed bundle as:

    osgi> ss
    Framework is launched.
    id      State       Bundle
    0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126
                        Fragments=89, 106, 109
    1       ACTIVE      sahoo.embeddedgf_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
    2       RESOLVED    org.glassfish.appclient.acc-config_3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
    3       RESOLVED    org.glassfish.admin.cli_3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
    4       RESOLVED    org.glassfish.admin.core_3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
    5       RESOLVED    org.glassfish.admin.util_3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
    . . .
    220     ACTIVE      org.glassfish.web.weld-integration_3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
    221     RESOLVED    org.jboss.weld.osgi-bundle_1.0.1.SP1
    222     RESOLVED    com.ctc.wstx_0.0.0
    223     RESOLVED

    So now all the GlassFish modules are installed and the required ones are started. "http://localhost:8080" shows the default web page and "asadmin" can be used to issue the standard commands.

If you downloaded Eclipsed SDK, then the framework needs to be started as:

java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.2.R35x_v20100126.jar -console

and the configuration file needs to be copied to "plugins/configuration" directory.

A future blog will show how to run GlassFish inside Eclipse as an RCP, however this requires issue #11782 to be fixed.

There are several other OSGi entries on this blog or on Sahoo’s blog.

How are you using GlassFish’s OSGi capabilities ?

Technorati: totd glassfish osgi embedded eclipse equinox

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April 8, 2010

Java EE 6, GlassFish, NetBeans, Eclipse, OSGi at Über Conf: Jun 14-17, Denver

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — arungupta @ 10:54 am
Über Conf is a conference by No Fluff Just Stuff gang and plans to blow the minds of attendees with over 100 in-depth sessions (90 minutes each) from over 40 world class speakers on the Java platform and pragmatic Agile practices targeted at developers, architects, and technical managers.

Get your hands dirty and learn from the industry leaders in an intimate setting where the attendance is capped at 500 and in the beautiful city of Denver.

I’ll be speaking on:

  • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving the path for the future
  • Getting the best of both worlds: OSGi & Java together

The talks will start with an introduction of key concepts and then provide a detailed overview of the technology. The talks will be interspersed with multiple demos to leave you feel empowered. There will be NetBeans and Eclipse (hopefully IDEA too) showing the simplicity, ease-of-use, and increased productivity with Java EE 6. There will be multiple demos showing OSGi application development and how OSGi + Java EE leverage the best of both worlds.

Keeping with the spirit of "No Fluff Just Stuff", the material presented will be purely technical :-)

Hear Jay Zimmerman (Über Conf Director) talk about the event. My first engagement with NFJS was Rich Web Experience 2007 and that was a great experience, truly "rich". This is my first speaking engagement with NFJS and looking forward to a long term relationship :-)

On a personal front, I never ran in Denver so looking forward to some nice runs in the mile high city! Any recommendations ?

Technorati: conf nofluffjuststuff uberconf denver glassfish javaee netbeans eclipse intellij osgi

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March 25, 2010

Day 2 – Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

Follow up from Day 1.

The opening of Day 2 started with "awesome", "fantastic", and "extraordinary" as the feedback when Simon asked about the Day 1. The attendees charged into the Hyderabad International Convention Center, the venue of Tech Days, on Day 2 as evident in the video below:

Georges Saab, Vice President, Fusion Middleware, Oracle talked about Oracle Application Grid and its various components such as WebLogic, Tuxedo, JRockit, Coherence, JDeveloper, ADF, and EclipseLink. Nandini Ramani showcased how Java platform has evolved over past few years and modularity is one of the key themes going forward. Her talk was loaded with several demos including mine on JSF, CDI, Bean Validation, and JAX-RS using NetBeans.

The "strange and unusual talent show", a usual activity on Day 2, had 9 participants and its probably the largest group I’ve ever seen. The attendees are encouraged to show their talent and it ranged from a poem, martial arts, dancing, singing, and many others. Watch all the fun in the video below:

My session on "Using the latest Java Persistence API 2 Features" was well received in a packed hall (with a capacity of 1500) and the slides are now available:

Using the latest Java Persistence API 2 Features – Tech Days 2010 India

Always good to see instant feedback via #techdays:

  • @javachap: In @arungupta session, Java Persistence API. It’s houseful! #techdays
  • @mohdabdurraafay: @arungupta your session was awesome. :) was very much in depth. Thanks. #techdays #techdays2010
  • @neilghosh: @arungupta excellent jpa session bt t-shirt din’t reach me :( #techdays #glassfish
  • @neilghosh: #techdays Day2 was more fun ..Liked the Tag Line "Code is king" by @arungupta it was fun interacting with geniuses from Sun Micro -Oracle ;)
  • @manishagarwal_: @arungupta Hey Arun.. I attended your sessions todays.. they were awesome..very interactive and useful.. am now :) downloading NetBeans 6.8
  • @bjgindia: @arungupta And really a great feeling meeting you! Got inspired towards #JavaEE6 and #glassfish v3 :)

And then the last technical session of this trip showing Java EE 6 tools (mostly NetBeans and Eclipse) concluded Tech Days. This slide-free session showed TOTD #123, TOTD #122, TOTD #120, TOTD #115, TOTD #102, and many others.

The evening finally concluded with a visit to 10 Downing Street and some R&R :-)

Here are pictures from Day 2:

And the complete album (including photos from Spark IT and Ruby Conf):

Here are the sessions presented in this trip:

  • Spark IT 2010

    • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving the path for the future
    • Improving Engineering Process Using Hudson
    • Getting Started with Rails on GlassFish Hands-on Lab
    • Powering the Next Generation Services with the Java Platform
    • Java EE 6 Toolshow
  • Ruby Conf India 2010

    • GlassFish can support multiple Ruby frameworks … really ?
  • Tech Days 2010, India

    • Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3: Paving the path for the future
    • OSGi & Java EE in GlassFish
    • Using the Latest Java Persistence API 2 Features
    • Java EE 6 Toolshow

And finally, this trip is coming to an end. Now, I’m certainly looking forward to head back home and have some quality time with family :-)

Technorati: conf techdays hyderbad india glassfish v3 javaee  netbeans

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March 11, 2010

DevNexus 2010 Trip Report

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — arungupta @ 9:20 pm
As mentioned earlier, I presented on Java E 6 & GlassFish v3 at DevNexus earlier this week. This is an annual conference by Atlanta Java Users Group and had three parallel tracks.

The conference was a sold out and the attendees packed Cobb Galleria conference rooms on both the days.

Anyway, the slides from my session are available below:

Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3 @ DevNexus

The speaking slots were bigger than normal, 70 minutes as opposed to normally 45 or 50 minutes. So that allowed to spend more time on the demos and show all the simplicity and ease-of-use with Java EE 6.  Optional "web.xml" is particularly well appreciated :-) And the attendees were hopeful that other vendors will start supporting Java EE 6 soon. For the record – Caucho, Geronimo, JBoss, and WebLogic have announced plans to be Java EE 6 compliant.

If you are interested in learning about Java EE (and several other topics), then offers several of them all over the country. You can even avail a 10% on any class by registering at And if you are interested in specific learning paths on Java EE 6, then Oracle University has well designed courses.

Personally, I got to meet Dan Allen, Burr Sutter, James Ward, Venkat Subramaniam and many others. Burr is always an energetic personality and was live tweeting photographs of all the speakers. I loved his opening statement that DevNexus is about people who do what needs to be done, not who thinks what needs to be done. Basically he was joking on differences between "architects" and "developers" ;-) I also had some brief discussions with Dan on how Java EE adoption is important for the enterprise. His presentation on Contexts & Dependency Injection explained the concepts in simple manner. HIs slides should be soon available on Seam Wiki. Venkat’s keynote on Tuesday morning on "Facts and Fallacies of Software Development" was quite animated and simply superb. Here are some quotes from his talk:

  • A professional who doesn’t learn to fail, fails to learn
  • If a language is more typed, you type less (e.g. Scala). If a language is less typed, you type more (e.g. Java)
  • Standardization before innovation is a bad idea, that’s why EJB 1.0 suck so bad
  • It’s the lack of clear business objective, not lack of money & time that leads to failure
  • Passion, Competency, Responsibility – 3 things that can make your company succeed

I’m certainly looking forward to his keynote at Spark IT 2010 next week.

Finally some pictures from the conference:

And the complete album is available at:

Here is a brief number summary of the 2-week conference circuit starting next week:

  • 3 conferences
  • 8 sessions + 1 hands-on workshop
  • 2 cities
  • 6 days
  • 3 Hotels
  • 3 Airlines
  • Infinite meet/greet sessions

And then of course there is another one on Java EE 6 & GlassFish in Dallas on April 5, thank you GCA :-)

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March 3, 2010

Java EE 6 & GlassFish – Spark IT 2010, Ruby Conf India 2010, Tech Days 2010

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — arungupta @ 10:19 am

Java EE 6 & GlassFish are swimming across the globe to participate in three different conferences in March 2010.

Spark IT 2010 is an inaugural conference and a joint initiative of CIOL, India’s largest IT portal and PCQuest, India’s leading magazine for IT professionals. You’ll hear about:

  • Java EE 6 & GlassFish (12:05 – 12:50pm, Mar 18)
  • Improving engineering process through Hudson (3:30 – 4:15pm, Mar 18)
  • GlassFish Toolapalooza (2:40 – 3:25pm, Mar 19)
  • Rails on GlassFish workshop (Mar 19)

Check Spark IT 2010 website for the latest updates. See the Agenda, Speakers, Venue Layout, follow the updates on @sparkit2010 and register now!

Ruby Conf India 2010 is India’s first RubyConf and is presented by Ruby community in India (which seems to be growing) and supported by RubyCentral. There are lots of great speakers Matz, Chad, Obie, Nick, and Ola. And of course, you’ll hear about:

  • GlassFish supports multiple Ruby frameworks … really ? (2:00 – 2:45pm, Mar 21)

Check Ruby Conf 2010 website for the latest updates. See the Agenda, Venue (Royal Orchid Hotel), follow the updates on @rubyconfindia and register now!

Don’t miss out on Sambar/Dosa and Mavalli Tiffin Room while in Bangalore :-)

Tech Days 2010 at Hyderabad is biggest of all the Tech Days events. Other than Dum Biryani, Minarets, and Pearls, you’ll hear about Java EE 6 platform and toolshow, OSGi, and Java Persistence API 2. The Agenda (to be updated) has all the details and James Gosling is going to be there as well!

Check Tech Days 2010 website for the latest updates. The venue (Hyderabad International Convention Center) is indeed very impressive so don’t miss out and register now!

Check out reports from Tech Days 2009 (1, 2) and Tech Days 2008 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Here is the current speaking schedule:

  • Mar 7-8: DevNexus, Atlanta
  • Mar 18-19: Spark IT 2010, Bangalore
  • Mar 20-21: Ruby Conf India 2010, Bangalore
  • Mar 24-25: Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad
  • Apr 5: Java EE 6 & GlassFish workshop, Dallas

And as always, feel free to join me for a run :-)

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February 27, 2010

Oracle at EclipseCon 2010 – Java EE 6, OSGi, GlassFish, EclipseLink, JPA 2.0/Dali, …

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, running — arungupta @ 6:34 am
EclipseCon 2010 Oracle is a strategic developer & board member of the Eclipse Foundation and is a gold sponsor of Eclipse Con 2010. See the complete list of Eclipse projects at Oracle.

When ? Mar 22nd – 25th, 2010
Where ? Santa Clara, California
How to register ? Register Now – Use the coupon code ORACLE10 (before Mar 2) for 10% off registration.
What ? Program Schedule

Oracle certainly has a lot to talk about Java EE 6, OSGi/GlassFish, JPA 2.0 and Dali, Future of App Servers, Future of Enterprise Java, Eclipse RT and WTP Reloaded tutorials and many other sessions. See the complete details about Oracle’s participation here.

Also don’t miss the keynote by Steve Harris and Jeet Kaul on Community and Adaptation. Hear these two industry leaders and prolific speakers talk about how Java has empowered community, engendered new forms of adaptation and will continue to blaze the trails.

And then there is Members and Committers reception on Monday evening sponsored by Oracle. Visit us at booth #8 to speak with technical experts, see demos and get information about Oracle’s Eclipse technology and Project participation.

OSGi DevCon 2010 is happening on the same dates/venue and is covered with Eclipse Con registration.

And last, but not the least, let that runner in you have some fun and run with fellow attendees. Yep, there are even prizes!

Keep checking for the latest updates.

Unfortunately, I’ll be speaking elsewhere in a different part of the world during exact same dates and so will miss all the fun. More on that later but here are some key members of the Eclipse Foundation:

Feel free to greet and thank them for running the show :-)

Read about 2009 participation here.

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January 30, 2010

Developer Tools Strategy by Oracle+Sun: NetBeans & Hudson to stay!

Filed under: eclipse, netbeans — arungupta @ 6:26 am

Hear Ted Farrell, Chief Architect and Senior Vice President talk about Oracle and Sun Java Developer Tools Strategy.

Here is a summary for those who want a quick juice:

  • Productivity With Choice

    • Choose the right tool set for your needs
    • Shared infrastructure across tools with Hudson, Oracle TPC, Subversion. Bugzilla, Maven, etc.
    • NetBeans continues with strong Java focus
    • Combine and integrate the best features across tools
  • More resources for Developers

    • More courses/training on Java technologies
    • More conferences around the world
    • Better products from expanded R&D and partner ecosystem
    • Larger combined developer community

Here is a lovely snapshot from the webcast …

Some more detailed points captured from the webcast …

  • If you are a NetBeans user today, you’ll continue to be a NetBeans user after acquisition.
  • Increase the investment in Hudson, lots of synergy with Team Productivity Center.
  • Discontinue the public interface for for now, fits very well with some internal projects. Read more about the future of
  • Want to make the best Java IDE for the Java platform. NetBeans platform is very important to lot of customers.
  • For NetBeans, turn to community for external non-Java like Dynamic Languages. Invest more in the infrastructure and community.
  • unchanged
  • Community participation is key for:

    • NetBeans plug-ins
    • Building apps on NetBeans Platform
    • Emerging, Dynamic Languages
    • Dialog, interaction, lists, docs, events, JUGS, etc
  • No licensing changes

    • Versions of NetBeans <= 6.7 follow Sun policy
    • Versions of NetBeans >= 6.8 follow the Oracle policy (complete details)

The webcast also talks about JavaOne being co-located with Oracle Open World (Se 19-23, 2010) and also expanding to Brazil, Russia, India, and China. for more details. The complete list of webcasts + slides from yesterday’s event are now available.

There are several other articles (in no particular order):

  • Oracle reveals strategy forGlassFish, MySQL, OpenOffice, and Solaris
  • Oracle’s roadmap for Sun Technologies
  • The Sun has not set: Oracle makes Sun shine
  • Sun + Oracle, NetBeans, Glassfish, JavaOne and the Death of Kenai

Also check out the FAQ for Developer Community.

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December 4, 2009

TOTD #115: GlassFish in Eclipse – Integrated Bundle, Install Stand-alone or Update Existing plugin

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee — arungupta @ 10:00 am

There are three options for Eclipse users interested in exploring GlassFish. They can either use an integrated bundle, install the GlassFish plug-in in an existing Eclipse version, or update their older GlassFish plugin to the latest version. These options are explained below.

GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.1 is an integrated bundle based on Eclipse 3.4.2 and includes GlassFish v2 and v3 pre-registered and configured and optionally JDK 1.6 U12. The work towards version 1.2 can be tracked by following the 1.1.x releases (1.1.7 is the latest). This new version is based on Eclipse 3.5.1, includes GlassFish v3 build 74 pre-registered and configured, several plugins (JSF Facelets, JAX-WS, Maven m2) and several Java EE 6 wizards to provide a seamless development and deployment experience with Java EE 6 & GlassFish v3. There are several other niceties in the newer release like pre-registered MySQL JDBC driver, Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 javadoc and code completion.

However what to do if you are already using an Eclipse version in your environment ?

The basic requirement is Eclipse 3.4+. A GlassFish plugin can be easily installed in any Eclipse 3.4+ and provides all the GlassFish-related functionality. The screencast #28 shows how to get started with Eclipse 3.4.2 and configure GlassFish as a standard server adapter.

If you are using Eclipse 3.5.0, then the standard technique described in the above screencast will not work because of the issue #280365. Fortunately, the bug report also has a workaround. Instead of using the "Download additional server adapter", install using the "Help", "Install New Software …" and explicitly adding the GlassFish plugins update site. A screen snapshot looks like:

If you are using Eclipse 3.5.1, then the standard technique of "Download additional server adapter" works as described in the screencast #28. A screen snapshot looks like:

If you already have an existing version of GlassFish plugin installed, then it can be updated as described in TOTD #66. The process is much more simplified now and menu items have changed little bit in Eclipse 3.5.x – "Check for Updates" instead of "Software Updates …". The screen snapshot looks like:

Now you can start developing your applications using Eclipse. Several blog entries have already been published:

  • TOTD #102 explains how to use Servlet 3.0 and EJB 3.1 wizards in Eclipse.
  • TOTD #99 explains how to create a JPA 2.0 compliant application.
  • TOTD #98 explains how to create a Metro JAX-WS Web service.
  • TOTD #54 shows how to create a JavaServer Faces application with Eclipse.

Future blogs will provide more details on the new features added recently. Until then, the GlassFish Plugin Release Notes provide a summary.

On a slightly different note, you can even run GlassFish with Eclipse Equinox OSGi runtime as explained in TOTD #103.

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October 12, 2009

Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 2 Report

Filed under: eclipse, glassfish, javaee, netbeans — Tags: , — arungupta @ 11:01 pm

Following from Day 1, the Day 2 started with Charles Phillips and Safra Catz keynote. The keynotes at Open World are significantly different from JavaOne or any other developer conference I’ve attended so far. Of course they are expected to be because Open World is not primarily a developer’s conference. Oracle Develop (OD) certainly closely mimic any of the conferences I’ve typically attended. My "exhibitor" badge restricted me from attending any of the sessions at OD though :-(

Here are some interesting statistics about the conference:

5 content streams (Database, Applications, Industries, Management & Infrastructure, & Middleware)
314 demo kisosk
401 partners & customer exchibiting
1966 educational sessions (10% more than last year)
4500 Oracle developers/experts for you
81,266 hotel room nights
170,000 cups of coffee
182,000 online participation

Here are some interesting sightings from the Open World exhibitor pavilion:

  • Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, HCL, Wipro, Mahindra Satyam, Birlasoft, Cognizant and a host of other companies based in India are exhibiting in the pavilion. This is a pleasant surprise from JavaOne which typically does not see these many companies out of India.
  • Poker, Ducati, Glider, Beatles Guitar, Sumo wrestler, Callaway Golf, Mini Cooper and other similar sightings were spotted. Check out complete set of images here.
  • Lot more attendees are wearing a suit, quite unlike JavaOne or RailsConf which is typically denim/t-shirt rich.

On a personal front, everything that possibly could went wrong as part of the demo installation yesterday and rehearsal for my talks earlier today. NetBeans was not able to connect to the Oracle database (couple of machine restarts solved that), GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse was timing out attempting to start GlassFish (removing workspace solved that problem), NetBeans’s RESTful tooling not recognizing JPA entities, and also found a blocking bug (issue #10166) in deploying Rails app to latest GlassFish promoted build. These demos have worked seamlessly for me all the time time and fortunately worked well during the talk.

My talk at the Unconference on Creating Quick and Powerful Web applications with Oracle, GlassFish and NetBeans/Eclipse went well. It was truly an unconference event with no projector or mic in the presentation room. But the small attendance allowed us to huddle around the table and luckily all the demos worked seamlessly. The slides are available at:

Several demos shown in the talk are available at:

The slides have pointers to several other demos as well. Also showed the simplicity of Java EE 6 development using Eclipse in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition: The Foundation and Future of Your Enterpise.

The day concluded with OTN Night in Howard St tent. Check out a brief video from the event:

Here are some pictures from earlier today:

And the evolving album at:

If you are not able to attend in person, then you can follow OOW Blogs, Open World Live, @OpenWorld (twitter), Community tweets with #oow.

Back tomorrow on Day 3 with more pictures :-)

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