Miles to go …

May 31, 2006

Project Tango @ SDN Channel

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 9:12 am

View Sun and Microsoft on Project Tango at Sun Developer Network Channel (SDN). SDN caught me and Kirill at the Microsoft pod in the JavaOne 2006 pavilion and talked to us about Project Tango and how developers can have access to this content. If interested in the content, you can view the video cast from 28:35 through 31:09.

Technorati: Javaone WSIT Tango Microsoft Web Services Interoperability

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Related posts:
  1. Project Tango @ Java One 2006 – Part 2
  2. Project Tango: An Overview – New Article
  3. JavaOne 2006 – Project Tango Keynote Demo
  4. Ask the WSIT/Project Tango Experts
  5. Project Tango @ Java One 2006

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