Miles to go …

October 31, 2006

Another Web services stack comparison

Filed under: webservices — arungupta @ 11:49 am

Another Web services stack comparison at JBoss wiki and GlassFish is looking really good. Read more details about the feature support here.

Technorati: Web Services GlassFish WSIT JBoss J2EE

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Related posts:
  1. Web Services Stack Comparison
  2. Announcing Metro – Naming the Web Services stack in GlassFish
  3. Screencast #WS1: Web services development using NetBeans IDE and GlassFish
  4. GlassFish Metro Web Services Training Course
  5. Web services in IntelliJIDEA using the Web Services plugin

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  1. [Trackback] 603857

    Comment by 603857 Blog Verification — October 31, 2006 @ 1:25 pm

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